K.C.P.E Past Papers 2021 Social Studies and Religious Education Study the map of Soti Area provided and answer questions 1-7.
1. The direction of the cattle dip from the bore hole
A. North East
B. North West
C. South East
D. South West.
2. The town has developed mainly because of
A. fanning
B. fishing
C. trading
D. transport.
3. The highest point in Soti Area is likely to be around
A. Town
B. Kome
C. Buta
D. Bima.
4. The approximate area of Lake Bao is
A. 9km2
B. 7km2
C. 6km2
D. 4km2
5. The climate of Buta is likely to be
A. hot and dry
B. hot and wet
C. cool and wet
D. cool and dry.
6. The main type of vegetation found in the northern part of Soti Area is
A. forest
B. scrub
C. scattered trees
D. papyrus reeds.
7. Soti area is administered by
A. Assistant County Commissioner
B. Deputy County Commissioner
C. Chief
D. Police.
8. The following are ways in which communities interacted in the past. Which one is not?
A. Education.
B. Migration.
C. Trade.
D. Wars
9. Which one of the following group consists of cash crops grown in Kenya?
A. Millet Sorghum Cassava
B. Tea Flowers Cotton
C. Beans Cow peas Sweet potatoes
D. Arrow roots Yams Pumpkins
10. Which one of the following statements correctly describes rotation of the earth?
A. It causes different seasons.
B. It affects the position of overhead sun.
C. It causes day and night.
D. It affects the length of day and night.
11. Which one of the following groups of mountains were formed as a result of volcanic activity?
A. Longonot and Elgon.
B. Atlas and Cape Ranges.
C. Usambara and Ruwenzori.
D. Pare and Danakil Alps.
12. The time at Greenwich 0° is 10.00 a.m.
What will be the time at town X 30° E?
A. 8.00 a.m.
B. 12.00 noon.
C. 11.00 a.m.
D. 9.00 a.m.
13. Three of the following are function of schools in Kenya. Which one is not·
A. Impart desired knowledge.
B. Provide jobs to the learners.
c. Promote national unity.
D. Impart moral values.
14. Many people in Kenya keep free range chicken mainly because they
A. have better meat
B. are free from disease
C. are cheaper to keep
D. fetch more money.
15. A Will can be described as a
A. letter of administration issued according to the order of living dependents.
B. letter of administration applied for by members of the family after the death of a person.
C. statement given by a member of the family on how property will be inherited.
D. statement given by a person on how property shall be shared after death.
16. Which one of the following political parties in Zimbabwe led the country into independence?
A. National Democratic Party (NDP).
B. Zimbabwe African People’s Party (ZAPU).
C. Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU).
D. Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA).
17. Which one of the following statements is true about tourist attractions in Kenya and Switzerland? Both have
A. major historical sites
B. hot springs and geysers
C. warm climate
D. snow capped mountains.
18. The Maasai keep large herds of animals mainly because
A. animals are used to pay dowry
B. they have large areas for grazing
C. their regions receive low rainfall
D. they consider animals as a sign of wealth.
19. Which one of the following type of industry is correctly matched with its product?
A. Processing – Television.
B. Service – Insurance.
C. Manufacturing- Maize flour.
D. Assembly- Cement.
20. The following statements describe a mountain in Africa.
(i) Volcanic in nature.
(ii) Found near the border of two countries.
(iii) It is snow-capped.
The mountain described above is
A. Elgon
B. Drankensberg
C. Kilimanjaro
D. Ruwenzori.
21. Which one of the following group of communities consists only of cushitic speakers?
A.Turkana Njemps Samburu.
B.Rendile Borana Somali.
C.Pokomo Taita Mijikenda.
D.Abaluhya Abagusii Abakuria.
22. The Bantu community that migrated from Southern Africa and settled in Southern Tanzania is the
A. Hebe
B. Ngoni
C. Sukuma
D. Nyamwezi.
23.Which of the following national parks is not correctly matched with the country
where It is found?
A. Kidepo Valley – Ethiopia
B. Sibiloi – Kenya.
C. Serengeti – Tanzania.
D. Bwindi – Uganda
24. Below are some means of communication.
(i) Newspapers.
(ii) Telephone.
(iii) Magazine.
(iv) Television,
(v) Journal.
Which of the following combination consists of print media?
A. (i) (ii) (iii).
B. (iii) (iv) (v).
C. (ii) (iv) (v).
D. (i) (iii) (v).
25. Which one of the following group of countries consist of members of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)?
A. Tanzania Chad South Africa.
B. Ghana Cameroon Central Africa Republic
C. Niger Togo Senegal
D. Zimbabwe Zambia Egypt
26. Use the map of Africa provided below to answer questions 26-29. The Ocean current marked J is
A. Mozambique
B. Guinea
C. Benguela
D. Canary.
27.The town marked L is
A. Rabat
B. Tunis
C. Tripoli
D. Algiers.
28. The international road marked K is
A. Great North Road
B. Trans-Saharan Highway
C. Trans-African Highway
D. Contonou-Gao-Oudja.
29. The country marked M was colonised by
A. Britain
B. Germany
C. France
D. Portugal
30. The main reason for the construction of the Akosombo Dam was to
A. provide water for irrigation
B. generate hydroelectric power
C. control flooding
D. attract tourists.
31. The main reason why railway transport is not well developed in most parts of Africa is because it is
A. slow
B. expensive to construct
C. not flexible
D. difficult to maintain.
32. Maria, a class five pupil, was asked by her teacher to give one reason for the establishment of animal orphanage in Kenya. The correct response would be
A. to protect animals from hunters
B. to keep animals away from farms
C. to keep animals for the purpose of selling
D. to take care of injured animals.
33. Traditional artefacts are kept in Museums in order to
A. export them
B. display them
C. use them for teaching
D. preserve them.
34. Which one of the following methods of colonial administration was used in Northern Nigeria?
A. Direct rule.
8. Indirect rule.
C. Association.
D. Assimilation.
35. The following statements describe a method of conflict resolution.
(i) Discussing who caused the problem.
(ii) Discussing how to resolve the problem.
(iii) Discussing how to avoid the problem.
The type of conflict resolution described above is
A. mediation
8. reconciliation
C. negotiation
D. arbitration.
36. In traditional societies, the children were taught moral laws in order to
A. make them courageous
B. protect them from danger
C. acquire leadership skills
D. grow into respectable adults.
37. The system of colonial administration applied by Belgians in Congo was
A. indirect rule
B. association
C. assimilation
D. direct rule.
38. Use the diagram below to answer question 38
The method of fishing shown in the diagram is
A. trawling
B. net drifting
C. purse seining
D. long lining.
39. Which one of the following resulted from the coming of Christian missionaries?
A. Expansion of trade between Eastern Africa and Asia.
B. Introduction of Western Education.
C. Spread of Islam along the coast.
D. Establishment of towns along the coast.
40. Which one of the following is the main reason for low population in Miombo woodland?
A. Poor soils.
B. Pests and diseases.
C. Unfavorable climate.
D. Poor transport network.
41. The following are reasons why Samori Touré resisted the French invasion. Which one is not?
A. He wanted to safeguard Islamic religion.
B. He wanted to retain control of trade in the region.
C. He wanted to expand his empire.
D. He wanted to protect independence of his people.
42. A standard seven pupil asked her teacher benefits of regional trade.
The correct response would be that it
A. enables people to tour the region
B. enables people to interact
C. promotes peace in the region
D. provides market for goods.
43. The assimilated African in the French production. colonies had rights?
A. to be married to a French
B. to pay taxes
C. to adopt French culture
D. to migrate to France.
44. Which one of the following is the correct order of stages in evolution of human
A. Homo Habilis → Homo Erectus → Homo Sapiens.
B. Homo Habilis → Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus.
C. Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus → Homo Habilis.
D. Homo Erectus → Homo Sapiens → Homo Habilis.
45. Which one of the following statements is true about population structure of Kenya and Germany?
A. There are more young people in Kenya than Germany.
B. Life expectancy is higher in Kenya
C. Population growth rate is higher in Germany than in Kenya
D. Infant mortality rate is higher in Germany than Kenya
46. The organisation that brings together countries that were colonised by Britain is A. United Nations prominent African leader. B. African Union C. European Union D. Commonwealth of Nations.
47. A standard seven teacher asked pupils the effects of mining on the environment Which one of the following responses would have been correct?
A. Accidents in mines kill people.
B. Mining produces dust and harmful
c. Mining leads to decline in agricultural
D. Mining leads to growth of towns.
48.Which one of the following is a major
49. Which one of the following is a political right?
A. Owning property.
B. Education.
C. Frequent forest fires.
D. Outbreak of pests and diseases.
50. Below are some factors that influence soil erosion.
(i) Prolonged drought.
(ii) Overgrazing of vegetation.
(iii) Strong winds.
(iv) Over cultivation of the land.
Which one of the following combinations of factors is the cause of soil erosion in the northern part of Kenya?
51. The following statements describe a prominent African leader.
(i) He studied poetry and politics
(ii) He fought for his colonial master in World War II
(iii) He ruled his country for twenty years after independence.
The leader described above is
A. Gamal Abdel Nasser
B. Nelson Mandela
C. Leopold Senghor
D. Haile Sellassie.
52. Tom is a Kenyan citizen by registration. Under which condition below is he likely to lose hi citizenship’?
A. Being jailed within five years after registration,
B. Living in another country.
C. Marrying a foreigner.
D. Conducting trade with other countries.
53. The following arc qualities of a good citizen except
A. honesty
B. nepotism
C. responsibility
D. social justice.
54. Ondieki sold his piece of land in Kisii County. He bought a bigger piece of land in Narok County where he settled. Which one of the following could be the reason for his movement?
A. Outbreak of diseases in Kisii.
B. Population pressure in Kisii County.
C. Frequent conflicts with his neighbours.
D. Search for employment opportunities in industries.
55. Which one of the following group of
A. Livestock, hides, bananas.
B. Salt, hides, livestock.
C. Coffee, flowers, hides.
D. Cotton, tea, cashew nuts.
56. The following conditions may lead to loss of seat for an elected member of the National Assembly in Kenya. Which one may not?
A. Being declared bankrupt.
B. Proved to have unsound mind.
C. Failure to attend sittings for one week.
D. Imprisonment for a period of six months or more.
57. The following are characteristics of industries in Kenya.
(i) They use locally available raw materials.
(ii) They require large capital to establish.
(iii) They are widespread in the country.
(iv) They produce cheap and affordable goods.
(v) They earn the country foreign exchange.
Which of the combinations below describes Jua Kali industries?
58. The following are roles of an association
in Kenya.
(i) Educates citizens on political issues.
(ii) Promotes international cooperation.
(iii) Corrects the ruling party.
(iv) Promotes people’s welfare.
(v) Ensures laws are applied fairly to all
Which one of the following combination correctly describe the role of political
parties of Kenya?
59. Cabinet meetings are chaired by
A. Deputy President
B. President
C. Chief Justice
D. Attorney General.
60. County government in Kenya is headed by
A. Senator
B. County Commissioner
C. Governor
D. Speaker.
61. With reference to the Biblical creation stories in Genesis I and 2, human beings are special because God
A. instructed them to multiply
8. gave them clothes made from animal skins
C. breathed life giving breath in them
D. put them in the Garden of Eden.
62. “Leave your country, your relatives and your father s home and go to a land that I am going to show you.” (Genesis 12 : 1 ). God spoke these words to
A. Abraham
B. Isaac
C. Jacob
D. Noah.
63. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt is that they should
A. cooperate with one another
B. do work with one another
C. travel to new places
D. act fairly to others.
64. The reason why the Israelites ate bitter herbs on the night of the Passover in Egypt was because
A. the herbs would protect them against diseases
B. the herbs symbolised their suffering in Egypt
C. they had no time to prepare a proper meal
D. there was a shortage of food in Egypt.
65. Which one of the following statements is a promise that God made to the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
A. ”You will serve me as priests.”
B. “Through you, I will bless all nations.”
C. “I am giving you the strength to resist your enemies.”
D. “I will make your kingdom last forever.”
66. Who among the following people was called by God to deliver the Israelites from the Midianites?
A. Aaron.
B. Joshua.
C. Caleb.
D. Gideon.
67. King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom in order to N
A. become popular in Israel
B. defeat the enemies of Israel
C. rule the people of Israel with justice
D. be respected by kings from other nations.
68. Who among the following prophets foretold that the Messiah was going to be born of a virgin?
A. Nathan.
B. Isaiah.
C. Amos.
D. Micah.
69. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Prophet Daniel was thrown into a pit of lions is that they should
A. pray to the true God
B. respect their earthly leaders
C. discipline wrongdoers
D. not plan evil against their enemies.
70. “I am the Lord’s servant, … may it happen =
to me as you have said” (Luke 1 :38). A N
virtue Christians acquire from these words
said by Mary during the annunciation of
the birth of Jesus is that they should be
A. tolerant
B. kind
C. merciful
D. obedient.
71. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, an angel of God revealed the news of his birth to
A. King Herod
B. the Wise Men
C. the shepherds
D. the chief priests.
72. Jesus was baptised in the river jordan because he
A. wanted to be blessed by his parents
B. wanted to fulfil the will of God
C. had been requested by the Pharisees to do so
D. Wanted to please his disciples
73. Which one of the following is a teaching of the Jesus from the sermon on the mount
A. You have received without paying so give without being paid
B. How fortunate you are to see the things you see
C. Do not bring us to hard testing.
D. Do not judge others so that God will not Judge you
74. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches Christians the need to retain the word of God in their live ? The parable of the
A. mustard seed
B. lost son
C. Sower
D. unforgiving servant.
75. A miracle of Jesus which shows that he is the universal savior is the healing of
A. the Roman officer’s servant
B. Simon s mother-in-law
C. the woman with the flow of blood
D. the sick man at the pool.
76. Who among the following people assisted Jesus to carry His cross to the place of crucifixion?
A. Nicodemus.
B. Simon Peter.
C. Joseph of Arimathea.
D. Simon of Cyrene.
77. The two disciples at Emmaus recognised the risen Lord when he
A. explained the scriptures to them
B. broke bread
C. showed them His scars
D. washed their feet.
78.the main lesson Christians learn from the believers in the early church when they sold their possession and took the money to the apostles is that they should?
A. Consult church leaders before using their money
B. Live together in the church
C. Share their wealth with the needy
D. Not value material possession
79. Which one of the following is the reason why the seven deacons were choosen in the early church? To
A. oversee the distribution of funds
B. baptise new converts
C. preach the gospel .
D. lead believers in religious ceremonies
80. The disciples were told lo wail in Jerusalem by Jesus before his ascension in order to
A. receive the holy spirt
B. escape persecution
C. preach the good news
D. continue praying and fasting.
81. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Paul and silas were put in prison at Philippi is that they should
A. cooperate with those in authority
B. rejoice in suffering for the Lord
C. respect the customs and practices of different people
D. comfort those in distress.
82. The best way people in traditional African communities demonstrate their respect for God is by
A. dancing for God
B. building altars for God
C. making sacrifices to God
D. mentioning the name of God during prayer.
83. Which one of the following rituals is practiced in both Christians and traditional
African marriage ceremonies?
A. Presentation of gifts to the couple.
B. Exchanging of vows between the couples C. Cutting of the cake by the couple.
D. Pouring of libation.
84. In traditional African communities
B. have experience in many things to
C. are able to keep secrets
D. are closer to the ancestors.
who are around
85. The best way Christians in Kenya contribute to education is by
A. giving bursaries to needy children home.
B. advising the teachers
C. organising church services in school
D. building schools and colleges.
86. On his way from school, Timothy, a Standard Seven pupil finds his two classmates fighting .As a Christian, what is the correct action for him to take?
A. Ignore them and go home.
B. Go and report the matter to their school parents.
C. Stop the fight and tell them to forgive each other.
D. Cheer them on and identify the winner.
87. Your desk mate James is not willing the main lesson christians learn from the believers in the early church when they sold their possession and took the money to the apostles is that they should the flower bed in school.
He tells you that the work makes him get tired. As a Christian, what is the correct advice to give him? Tell him
A. the importance of doing such work
B. to be hiding in the classroom when other pupils are doing such work
C. to request his parents to transfer him to another school
D. to request his friends to be doing the work for him.
88.Which one of the following leisure activities by youth in the church best
A. Having Bible study groups.
B. Watching a film.
C. Going for a joint retreat.
D · Visiting the sick
89. While walking home from school, Joan is stopped by two strangers driving a nice car. They offer to give her a ride to her home
The correct action for her to take is to
A. accept the offer and get into the car
B. scream to attract attention of people
C. run back to school for her safety
D. decline the off er and continue walking
90. Your friend tells you that some of his classmates smoke cigarettes during break
time and they have requested him to join
in the habit. As a Christian, what is the
A. to accept their request in order to maintain the relationship
B. to accept and be smoking away from
C. the dangers of smoking to an individual’s health
D. to report his classmates to the teacher.
Section B
Islamic Religious Education
61.According to Surah Al-lahab, Abu Lahab will not benefit from his
give him? Tell him
A. actions
B. wealth
C. wife
D. mother.
62. Najma and her friends are fond of behaviour is discouraged in Surah
A. Al-Maun
B. Al-Alaq
C. Al-Fiil
D. Al Humaza
63. Piling up of worldly things diverts Muslims from remembering Allah. This is a teaching of Surah
A. Al-Fii!
B. Al-Qariah
C. At-Takathur
D. A-Tiin.
64. “Verily along with every hardship is relief” This verse is from Surah
A. Al-Inshirah
B. AI-Alaq
C. Al-Quraish
D. Al-Kofirun.
65. Makka is also referred to as the city of
security in Surah
A. Al-Falaq
B. AI-Asr
C. A-Tiin
D. Dhuha.
66. The Prophet (P.b.u.h) said “none of you can be a true believer unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself” This hadith teaches Muslims that they
A. are all brothers
B. are true believers
C. should only love their brothers
D. should treat other Muslims with
67. According to the hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) Allah has made it obligatory for the rich Muslims to give out Zakat so as to
A. earn rewards from Allah
B. relieve the suffering of the poor
C. fulfil Allah’s command
D. purify their wealth.
68. Which one of the following acts nullifies Swalat?
A. Eating while in Swalat.
B. Praying while seated.
C. Sneezing while in Swalat.
D. Forgetting the first tasbahud.
69. A condition that Muslims must fulfil before fasting in the month of Ramdhan is
A. having enough food for the whole month
B. observing Sunnah fast before Ramadhan
C. making the intention to fast
D. saving enough money to feed the poor
during Ramadhan.
70. Which among the following phrase is found in both Tashahud and Kahma.
A. Warahmatullahi.
8. Aswalawatu.
C. Assalamu Alaika.
D. Lailaha illah Ilah.
73. Leila, a Standard Five pupil, on her way to school saw her neighbour slip and fall down. Leila should
A. assist her neighbour to get up
B. hurry and go to school
C. go back home and call her mother
D. tell her neighbour to go to hospital.
71. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
A. Orphan.
B. Stranded traveller.
C. Widow.
D. Physically disabled.
72. The first right to be performed on a dead Muslim is
A. swalat
B. dafan
C. ghusl
D. kafan.
75. When performing wudhu in school Ali was using a lot of water unnecessarily. This act by Ali is known as
A. riba
B. israaf
C. ghush
D. haram.
74. During assembly, the headteacher gives a chance to both Muslim and Christian pupils to pray. By doing so the headteacher practices
A. obedience
B. humility
C. politeness
D. tolerance.
76. A pillar of Iman that teaches Muslims that they will be held responsible for their deeds is belief in
A. Qadar
B. Allah
C. Qiyama
D. Angels
77. Which among the following is an attribute of prophets?
A. Trustworthy.
B. Merciful.
C. Provider.
D. All knowing.
78. One way of thanking Allah for the bounty of wealth is by
A. observing fast
B. asking for forgiveness
c. praying regularly
D. assisting the needy.
79. Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h) came immediately after Nabi
A. Ibrahim (A.S.)
B. Ismail (A.S.)
C. Musa (A.S.)
D. Issa (A.S.)
80. Which among the following is the correct way of caring for the environment?
A. Burning rubbish.
B. Watering plants.
C. Cutting trees.
D. Killing small creatures.
81. The main reason why Muslims should keep away from lying is because it
A. makes a person unrealible
B. destroys trust
C. breaks up relationships
D. leads to hell fire.
82. When a Muslim dies, all his actions come to an end except
A. obligations that he did not fulfil
B. prayers performed when he was alive
C. a good child who says dua for him
D. a good child who behaves well.
83. Which one of the following is a term of the treaty of Hudaibiya?
A. A criminal shall not be given help or refuge by a believer.za
B. No going to war without the Propes permission.
C. The Ansar and Muhajirun shall form I one Umma. . D. Muslims and Quraish could befriend other tribes.
84. Which among the following was the age of Muhammad (P.b.u.h) when he went to Syria with his uncle AbuTalib?
A. Eight years.
8. Ten years.
C. Twelve years.
D. Fourteen years.
85. Which among the following events is correctly matched with the year when it occurred?Event Year
A. Hijra to Madina 624A.D
B. Birth of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) 570A.D
C. Battle of Badr 622A.D
D. Hijatul Widaa 630A.D
86. Muhammad (P.b.u.h) received the first revelation at
A. Mount Uhud
B. Cave thaur
C. Cave Hira
D. Mount Swafa.
87. The best way for celebrating Idd-ul-adha is by
A. holding a feast and inviting guests
B. eating different types of food
C. visiting friends and relatives
D. slaughtering and sharing meat.
88. Which of the following is the first rite performed on a new born baby?
A. Aqiqah.
B. Adhan.
C. Naming.
D. Circumcision.
89. Lailatul Qadr is important to Muslims because it is the night when the
A. Prophet (P.b.u.h) migrated to Madina
B. Prophet (P.b.u.h) conquered Makka
C. five daily prayers were ordained
D. Quran was revealed.
90. Who among the following was the brother to Nabi Musa?
A. Ibrahim.
B. llyas.
C. Habil.
D. Harun
K.C.P.E Past Papers 2021 Questions and Answers Social Studies and Religious Education
Study the map of Soti Area provided and answer questions 1-7.
1. The direction of the cattle dip from the bore hole
A. North East
B. North West
C.✔ South East
D. South West.
2. The town has developed mainly because of
A. fanning
B. fishing
C. trading
D.✔ transport.
3. The highest point in Soti Area is likely to be around
A. Town
B. Kome
C.✔ Buta
D. Bima.
4. The approximate area of Lake Bao is
A. 9km2
B. 7km2
C. 6km2
D.✔ 4km2
5. The climate of Buta is likely to be
A. hot and dry
B. hot and wet
C.✔ cool and wet
D. cool and dry.
6. The main type of vegetation found in the northern part of Soti Area is
A. forest
B.✔.✔ scrub
C. scattered trees
D. papyrus reeds.
7. Soti area is administered by
A.✔ Assistant County Commissioner
B. Deputy County Commissioner
C. Chief
D. Police.
8. The following are ways in which communities interacted in the past. Which one is not?
A.✔ Education.
B. Migration.
C. Trade.
D. Wars
9. Which one of the following group consists of cash crops grown in Kenya?
A. Millet Sorghum Cassava
B.✔ Tea Flowers Cotton
C. Beans Cow peas Sweet potatoes
D. Arrow roots Yams Pumpkins
10. Which one of the following statements correctly describes rotation of the earth?
A. It causes different seasons.
B. It affects the position of overhead sun.
C.✔ It causes day and night.
D. It affects the length of day and night.
11. Which one of the following groups of mountains were formed as a result of volcanic activity?
A.✔ Longonot and Elgon.
B. Atlas and Cape Ranges.
C. Usambara and Ruwenzori.
D. Pare and Danakil Alps.
12. The time at Greenwich 0° is 10.00 a.m.
What will be the time at town X 30° E?
A. 8.00 a.m.
B.✔.✔ 12.00 noon.
C. 11.00 a.m.
D. 9.00 a.m.
13. Three of the following are function of schools in Kenya. Which one is not·
A. Impart desired knowledge.
B.✔.✔ Provide jobs to the learners.
c. Promote national unity.
D. Impart moral values.
14. Many people in Kenya keep free range chicken mainly because they
A. have better meat
B. are free from disease
C.✔ are cheaper to keep
D. fetch more money.
15. A Will can be described as a
A. letter of administration issued according to the order of living dependents.
B. letter of administration applied for by members of the family after the death of a person.
C. statement given by a member of the family on how property will be inherited.
D.✔ statement given by a person on how property shall be shared after death.
16. Which one of the following political parties in Zimbabwe led the country into independence?
A. National Democratic Party (NDP).
B. Zimbabwe African People’s Party (ZAPU).
C.✔ Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU).
D. Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA).
17. Which one of the following statements is true about tourist attractions in Kenya and Switzerland? Both have
A. major historical sites
B. hot springs and geysers
C. warm climate
D.✔ snow capped mountains.
18. The Maasai keep large herds of animals mainly because
A. animals are used to pay dowry
B. they have large areas for grazing
C. their regions receive low rainfall
D.✔ they consider animals as a sign of wealth.
19. Which one of the following type of industry is correctly matched with its product?
A. Processing – Television.
B.✔.✔ Service – Insurance.
C. Manufacturing- Maize flour.
D. Assembly- Cement.
20. The following statements describe a mountain in Africa.
(i) Volcanic in nature.
(ii) Found near the border of two countries.
(iii) It is snow-capped.
The mountain described above is
A. Elgon
B. Drankensberg
C.✔ Kilimanjaro
D. Ruwenzori.
21. Which one of the following group of communities consists only of cushitic speakers?
A.Turkana Njemps Samburu.
B.✔.✔Rendile Borana Somali.
C.Pokomo Taita Mijikenda.
D.Abaluhya Abagusii Abakuria.
22. The Bantu community that migrated from Southern Africa and settled in Southern Tanzania is the
A. Hebe
B.✔.✔ Ngoni
C. Sukuma
D. Nyamwezi.
23.Which of the following national parks is not correctly matched with the country
where It is found?
A.✔ Kidepo Valley – Ethiopia
B. Sibiloi – Kenya.
C. Serengeti – Tanzania.
D. Bwindi – Uganda
24. Below are some means of communication.
(i) Newspapers.
(ii) Telephone.
(iii) Magazine.
(iv) Television,
(v) Journal.
Which of the following combination consists of print media?
A. (i) (ii) (iii).
B. (iii) (iv) (v).
C. (ii) (iv) (v).
D.✔ (i) (iii) (v).
25. Which one of the following group of countries consist of members of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)?
A. Tanzania Chad South Africa.
B. Ghana Cameroon Central Africa Republic
C. Niger Togo Senegal
D.✔ Zimbabwe Zambia Egypt
26. Use the map of Africa provided below to answer questions 26-29. The Ocean current marked J is
A. Mozambique
B. Guinea
C.✔ Benguela
D. Canary.
27.The town marked L is
A. Rabat
B.✔.✔ Tunis
C. Tripoli
D. Algiers.
28. The international road marked K is
A. Great North Road
B. Trans-Saharan Highway
C.✔ Trans-African Highway
D. Contonou-Gao-Oudja.
29. The country marked M was colonised by
A.✔ Britain
B. Germany
C. France
D. Portugal
30. The main reason for the construction of the Akosombo Dam was to
A. provide water for irrigation
B.✔.✔ generate hydroelectric power
C. control flooding
D. attract tourists.
31. The main reason why railway transport is not well developed in most parts of Africa is because it is
A. slow
B.✔.✔ expensive to construct
C. not flexible
D. difficult to maintain.
32. Maria, a class five pupil, was asked by her teacher to give one reason for the establishment of animal orphanage in Kenya. The correct response would be
A.✔ to protect animals from hunters
B. to keep animals away from farms
C. to keep animals for the purpose of selling
D. to take care of injured animals.
33. Traditional artefacts are kept in Museums in order to
A. export them
B. display them
C. use them for teaching
D.✔ preserve them.
34. Which one of the following methods of colonial administration was used in Northern Nigeria?
A. Direct rule.
B.✔.✔ Indirect rule.
C. Association.
D. Assimilation.
35. The following statements describe a method of conflict resolution.
(i) Discussing who caused the problem.
(ii) Discussing how to resolve the problem.
(iii) Discussing how to avoid the problem.
The type of conflict resolution described above is
A. mediation
8. reconciliation
C.✔ negotiation
D. arbitration.
36. In traditional societies, the children were taught moral laws in order to
A. make them courageous
B. protect them from danger
C. acquire leadership skills
D.✔ grow into respectable adults.
37. The system of colonial administration applied by Belgians in Congo was
A. indirect rule
B. association
C. assimilation
D.✔ direct rule.
38. Use the diagram below to answer question 38
The method of fishing shown in the diagram is
A. trawling
B. net drifting
C.✔ purse seining
D. long lining.
39. Which one of the following resulted from the coming of Christian missionaries?
A. Expansion of trade between Eastern Africa and Asia.
B.✔.✔ Introduction of Western Education.
C. Spread of Islam along the coast.
D. Establishment of towns along the coast.
40. Which one of the following is the main reason for low population in Miombo woodland?
A. Poor soils.
B.✔.✔ Pests and diseases.
C. Unfavorable climate.
D. Poor transport network.
41. The following are reasons why Samori Touré resisted the French invasion. Which one is not?
A. He wanted to safeguard Islamic religion.
B. He wanted to retain control of trade in the region.
C.✔ He wanted to expand his empire.
D. He wanted to protect independence of his people.
42. A standard seven pupil asked her teacher benefits of regional trade.
The correct response would be that it
A. enables people to tour the region
B. enables people to interact
C. promotes peace in the region
D.✔ provides market for goods.
43. The assimilated African in the French production. colonies had rights?
A. to be married to a French
B. to pay taxes
C.✔ to adopt French culture
D. to migrate to France.
44. Which one of the following is the correct order of stages in evolution of human
A.✔ Homo Habilis → Homo Erectus → Homo Sapiens.
B. Homo Habilis → Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus.
C. Homo Sapiens → Homo Erectus → Homo Habilis.
D. Homo Erectus → Homo Sapiens → Homo Habilis.
45. Which one of the following statements is true about population structure of Kenya and Germany?
A.✔ There are more young people in Kenya than Germany.
B. Life expectancy is higher in Kenya
C. Population growth rate is higher in Germany than in Kenya
D. Infant mortality rate is higher in Germany than Kenya
46. The organisation that brings together countries that were colonised by Britain is A. United Nations prominent African leader. B. African Union C. European Union D.✔ Commonwealth of Nations.
47. A standard seven teacher asked pupils the effects of mining on the environment Which one of the following responses would have been correct?
A. Accidents in mines kill people.
B.✔.✔ Mining produces dust and harmful
c. Mining leads to decline in agricultural
D. Mining leads to growth of towns.
48.Which one of the following is a major problem facing forestry in Kenya? A.✔ Encroachment by human beings.
B. Damage by wild animals.
C. Frequent forest fires.
D. Outbreak of pests and diseases.
49. Which one of the following is a political right?
A. Owning property.
B. Education.
C. Frequent forest fires.
D.✔ Outbreak of pests and diseases.
50. Below are some factors that influence soil erosion.
(i) Prolonged drought.
(ii) Overgrazing of vegetation.
(iii) Strong winds.
(iv) Over cultivation of the land.
Which one of the following combinations of factors is the cause of soil erosion in the northern part of Kenya?
A.✔ (i), (ii) and (iii).
B. (i), (iii) and (iv).
C. (ii), (iii) and (iv).
D. (ii), (i) and (iv).
51. The following statements describe a prominent African leader.
(i) He studied poetry and politics
(ii) He fought for his colonial master in World War II
(iii) He ruled his country for twenty years after independence.
The leader described above is
A. Gamal Abdel Nasser
B. Nelson Mandela
C.✔ Leopold Senghor
D. Haile Sellassie.
52. Tom is a Kenyan citizen by registration. Under which condition below is he likely to lose hi citizenship’?
A.✔ Being jailed within five years after registration,
B. Living in another country.
C. Marrying a foreigner.
D. Conducting trade with other countries.
53. The following arc qualities of a good citizen except
A. honesty
B.✔.✔ nepotism
C. responsibility
D. social justice.
54. Ondieki sold his piece of land in Kisii County. He bought a bigger piece of land in Narok County where he settled. Which one of the following could be the reason for his movement?
A. Outbreak of diseases in Kisii.
B.✔.✔ Population pressure in Kisii County.
C. Frequent conflicts with his neighbours.
D. Search for employment opportunities in industries.
55. Which one of the following group of
A.✔ Livestock, hides, bananas.
B. Salt, hides, livestock.
C. Coffee, flowers, hides.
D. Cotton, tea, cashew nuts.
56. The following conditions may lead to loss of seat for an elected member of the National Assembly in Kenya. Which one may not?
A. Being declared bankrupt.
B. Proved to have unsound mind.
C.✔ Failure to attend sittings for one week.
D. Imprisonment for a period of six months or more.
57. The following are characteristics of industries in Kenya.
(i) They use locally available raw materials.
(ii) They require large capital to establish.
(iii) They are widespread in the country.
(iv) They produce cheap and affordable goods.
(v) They earn the country foreign exchange.
Which of the combinations below describes Jua Kali industries?
A.✔ (i), (iii) (iv).
B. (i), (ii) (iii).
C. (iii), (iv) (v).
D. (ii), (iv) (v).
58. The following are roles of an association
in Kenya.
(i) Educates citizens on political issues.
(ii) Promotes international cooperation.
(iii) Corrects the ruling party.
(iv) Promotes people’s welfare.
(v) Ensures laws are applied fairly to all
Which one of the following combination correctly describe the role of political
parties of Kenya?
A. (i), (ii) (iii).
B. (ii), (iii) (iv).
C.✔(i), (iii) (v).
D. (iii), (iv) (v).
59. Cabinet meetings are chaired by
A. Deputy President
B.✔.✔ President
C. Chief Justice
D. Attorney General.
60. County government in Kenya is headed by
A. Senator
B. County Commissioner
C.✔ Governor
D. Speaker.
61. With reference to the Biblical creation stories in Genesis I and 2, human beings are special because God
A. instructed them to multiply
B. gave them clothes made from animal skins
C.✔ breathed life giving breath in them
D. put them in the Garden of Eden.
62. “Leave your country, your relatives and your father s home and go to a land that I am going to show you.” (Genesis 12 : 1 ). God spoke these words to
A.✔ Abraham
B. Isaac
C. Jacob
D. Noah.
63. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Joseph was sold by his brothers to Egypt is that they should
A. cooperate with one another
B. do work with one another
C. travel to new places
D.✔ act fairly to others.
64. The reason why the Israelites ate bitter herbs on the night of the Passover in Egypt was because
A. the herbs would protect them against diseases
B.✔.✔ the herbs symbolised their suffering in Egypt
C. they had no time to prepare a proper meal
D. there was a shortage of food in Egypt.
65. Which one of the following statements is a promise that God made to the Israelites at Mount Sinai?
A. ”You will serve me as priests.”
B. “Through you, I will bless all nations.”
C. “I am giving you the strength to resist your enemies.”
D.✔ “I will make your kingdom last forever.”
66. Who among the following people was called by God to deliver the Israelites from the Midianites?
A. Aaron.
B. Joshua.
C. Caleb.
D.✔ Gideon.
67. King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom in order to N
A. become popular in Israel
B. defeat the enemies of Israel
C.✔ rule the people of Israel with justice
D. be respected by kings from other nations.
68. Who among the following prophets foretold that the Messiah was going to be born of a virgin?
A. Nathan.
B.✔.✔ Isaiah.
C. Amos.
D. Micah.
69. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Prophet Daniel was thrown into a pit of lions is that they should
A.✔ pray to the true God
B. respect their earthly leaders
C. discipline wrongdoers
D. not plan evil against their enemies.
70. “I am the Lord’s servant, … may it happen =
to me as you have said” (Luke 1 :38). A N
virtue Christians acquire from these words
said by Mary during the annunciation of
the birth of Jesus is that they should be
A. tolerant
B. kind
C. merciful
D.✔ obedient.
71. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, an angel of God revealed the news of his birth to
A. King Herod
B. the Wise Men
C.✔ the shepherds
D. the chief priests.
72. Jesus was baptised in the river jordan because he
A. wanted to be blessed by his parents
B.✔.✔ wanted to fulfil the will of God
C. had been requested by the Pharisees to do so
D. Wanted to please his disciples
73. Which one of the following is a teaching of the Jesus from the sermon on the mount
A. You have received without paying so give without being paid
B. How fortunate you are to see the things you see
C. Do not bring us to hard testing.
D.✔ Do not judge others so that God will not Judge you
74. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches Christians the need to retain the word of God in their live ? The parable of the
A. mustard seed
B. lost son
C.✔ Sower
D. unforgiving servant.
75. A miracle of Jesus which shows that he is the universal savior is the healing of
A.✔ the Roman officer’s servant
B. Simon s mother-in-law
C. the woman with the flow of blood
D. the sick man at the pool.
76. Who among the following people assisted Jesus to carry His cross to the place of crucifixion?
A. Nicodemus.
B. Simon Peter.
C. Joseph of Arimathea.
D.✔ Simon of Cyrene.
77. The two disciples at Emmaus recognised the risen Lord when he
A. explained the scriptures to them
B.✔.✔ broke bread
C. showed them His scars
D. washed their feet.
78.the main lesson Christians learn from the believers in the early church when they sold their possession and took the money to the apostles is that they should?
A. Consult church leaders before using their money
B. Live together in the church
C.✔ Share their wealth with the needy
D. Not value material possession
79. Which one of the following is the reason why the seven deacons were choosen in the early church? To
A.✔ oversee the distribution of funds
B. baptise new converts
C. preach the gospel .
D. lead believers in religious ceremonies
80.✔ The disciples were told lo wail in Jerusalem by Jesus before his ascension in order to
A. receive the holy spirt
B. escape persecution
C. preach the good news
D. continue praying and fasting.
81. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Paul and silas were put in prison at Philippi is that they should
A. cooperate with those in authority
B.✔.✔ rejoice in suffering for the Lord
C. respect the customs and practices of different people
D. comfort those in distress.
82. The best way people in traditional African communities demonstrate their respect for God is by
A. dancing for God
B. building altars for God
C.✔ making sacrifices to God
D. mentioning the name of God during prayer.
83. Which one of the following rituals is practiced in both Christians and traditional
African marriage ceremonies?
A.✔ Presentation of gifts to the couple.
B. Exchanging of vows between the couples C. Cutting of the cake by the couple.
D. Pouring of libation.
84. In traditional African communities
B. have experience in many things to
C. are able to keep secrets
D.✔ are closer to the ancestors.
who are around
85. The best way Christians in Kenya contribute to education is by
A. giving bursaries to needy children home.
B. advising the teachers
C. organising church services in school
D.✔ building schools and colleges.
86. On his way from school, Timothy, a Standard Seven pupil finds his two classmates fighting .As a Christian, what is the correct action for him to take?
A. Ignore them and go home.
B. Go and report the matter to their school parents.
C.✔ Stop the fight and tell them to forgive each other.
D. Cheer them on and identify the winner.
87. Your desk mate James is not willing the main lesson christians learn from the believers in the early church when they sold their possession and took the money to the apostles is that they should the flower bed in school.
He tells you that the work makes him get tired. As a Christian, what is the correct advice to give him? Tell him
A.✔ the importance of doing such work
B. to be hiding in the classroom when other pupils are doing such work
C. to request his parents to transfer him to another school
D. to request his friends to be doing the work for him.
88.Which one of the following leisure activities by youth in the church best
A. Having Bible study groups.
B. Watching a film.
C. Going for a joint retreat.
D.✔ Visiting the sick
89. While walking home from school, Joan is stopped by two strangers driving a nice car. They offer to give her a ride to her home
The correct action for her to take is to
A. accept the offer and get into the car
B. scream to attract attention of people
C. run back to school for her safety
D.✔ decline the off er and continue walking
90. Your friend tells you that some of his classmates smoke cigarettes during break
time and they have requested him to join
in the habit. As a Christian, what is the
A. to accept their request in order to maintain the relationship
B. to accept and be smoking away from
C.✔ the dangers of smoking to an individual’s health
D. to report his classmates to the teacher.
Section B
Islamic Religious Education
61.According to Surah Al-lahab, Abu Lahab will not benefit from his
give him? Tell him
A. actions
B. wealth
C. wife
D. mother.
62. Najma and her friends are fond of behaviour is discouraged in Surah
A. Al-Maun
B. Al-Alaq
C. Al-Fiil
D. Al Humaza
63. Piling up of worldly things diverts Muslims from remembering Allah. This is a teaching of Surah
A. Al-Fii!
B. Al-Qariah
C. At-Takathur
D. A-Tiin.
64. “Verily along with every hardship is relief” This verse is from Surah
A. Al-Inshirah
B. AI-Alaq
C. Al-Quraish
D. Al-Kofirun.
65. Makka is also referred to as the city of
security in Surah
A. Al-Falaq
B. AI-Asr
C. A-Tiin
D. Dhuha.
66. The Prophet (P.b.u.h) said “none of you can be a true believer unless he loves for his brother what he loves for himself” This hadith teaches Muslims that they
A. are all brothers
B. are true believers
C. should only love their brothers
D. should treat other Muslims with
67. According to the hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) Allah has made it obligatory for the rich Muslims to give out Zakat so as to
A. earn rewards from Allah
B. relieve the suffering of the poor
C. fulfil Allah’s command
D. purify their wealth.
68. Which one of the following acts nullifies Swalat?
A. Eating while in Swalat.
B. Praying while seated.
C. Sneezing while in Swalat.
D. Forgetting the first tasbahud.
69. A condition that Muslims must fulfil before fasting in the month of Ramdhan is
A. having enough food for the whole month
B. observing Sunnah fast before Ramadhan
C. making the intention to fast
D. saving enough money to feed the poor
during Ramadhan.
70. Which among the following phrase is found in both Tashahud and Kahma.
A. Warahmatullahi.
8. Aswalawatu.
C. Assalamu Alaika.
D. Lailaha illah Ilah.
73. Leila, a Standard Five pupil, on her way to school saw her neighbour slip and fall down. Leila should
A. assist her neighbour to get up
B. hurry and go to school
C. go back home and call her mother
D. tell her neighbour to go to hospital.
71. Who among the following is a recipient of Zakat?
A. Orphan.
B. Stranded traveller.
C. Widow.
D. Physically disabled.
72. The first right to be performed on a dead Muslim is
A. swalat
B. dafan
C. ghusl
D. kafan.
75. When performing wudhu in school Ali was using a lot of water unnecessarily. This act by Ali is known as
A. riba
B. israaf
C. ghush
D. haram.
74. During assembly, the headteacher gives a chance to both Muslim and Christian pupils to pray. By doing so the headteacher practices
A. obedience
B. humility
C. politeness
D. tolerance.
76. A pillar of Iman that teaches Muslims that they will be held responsible for their deeds is belief in
A. Qadar
B. Allah
C. Qiyama
D. Angels
77. Which among the following is an attribute of prophets?
A. Trustworthy.
B. Merciful.
C. Provider.
D. All knowing.
78. One way of thanking Allah for the bounty of wealth is by
A. observing fast
B. asking for forgiveness
c. praying regularly
D. assisting the needy.
79. Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h) came immediately after Nabi
A. Ibrahim (A.S.)
B. Ismail (A.S.)
C. Musa (A.S.)
D. Issa (A.S.)
80. Which among the following is the correct way of caring for the environment?
A. Burning rubbish.
B. Watering plants.
C. Cutting trees.
D. Killing small creatures.
81. The main reason why Muslims should keep away from lying is because it
A. makes a person unrealible
B. destroys trust
C. breaks up relationships
D. leads to hell fire.
82. When a Muslim dies, all his actions come to an end except
A. obligations that he did not fulfil
B. prayers performed when he was alive
C. a good child who says dua for him
D. a good child who behaves well.
83. Which one of the following is a term of the treaty of Hudaibiya?
A. A criminal shall not be given help or refuge by a believer.za
B. No going to war without the Propes permission.
C. The Ansar and Muhajirun shall form I one Umma. . D. Muslims and Quraish could befriend other tribes.
84. Which among the following was the age of Muhammad (P.b.u.h) when he went to Syria with his uncle AbuTalib?
A. Eight years.
8. Ten years.
C. Twelve years.
D. Fourteen years.
85. Which among the following events is correctly matched with the year when it occurred?Event Year
A. Hijra to Madina 624A.D
B. Birth of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) 570A.D
C. Battle of Badr 622A.D
D. Hijatul Widaa 630A.D
86. Muhammad (P.b.u.h) received the first revelation at
A. Mount Uhud
B. Cave thaur
C. Cave Hira
D. Mount Swafa.
87. The best way for celebrating Idd-ul-adha is by
A. holding a feast and inviting guests
B. eating different types of food
C. visiting friends and relatives
D. slaughtering and sharing meat.
88. Which of the following is the first rite performed on a new born baby?
A. Aqiqah.
B. Adhan.
C. Naming.
D. Circumcision.
89. Lailatul Qadr is important to Muslims because it is the night when the
A. Prophet (P.b.u.h) migrated to Madina
B. Prophet (P.b.u.h) conquered Makka
C. five daily prayers were ordained
D. Quran was revealed.
90. Who among the following was the brother to Nabi Musa?
A. Ibrahim.
B. llyas.
C. Habil.
D. Harun