KCSE Past Papers CRE 2014

3.10.1 Christian Religious Education Paper 1 (313/1)

1 (a)Explain why the Bible is considered as the word of God. (7 marks)

(b)State the effects of translating the Bible into African local languages. (7 marks)

(c)List six versions of the Bible used in Kenya today. (6 marks)

2 (a)Describe the call of Moses (Exodus 3:l»22). (8 marks)

(b)Outline seven plagues that God used to demonstrate his power in Egypt. (7 marks)

(c)Give five reasons why Christians are commanded not to steal. (5 marks)

3 (a)State the achievements of Solomon as the King of Israel. (7 marks)

(b)Outline the importance of the temple in Jerusalem to the Israelites. (7 marks)

(c)Give six lessons that modern political leaders in Kenya can learn from King Solomon. (6 marks)

4 (a)Explain three categories of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

(b)Outline six similarities between the traditional African and true prophets in the Old Testament. (6 marks)

(c)State eight challenges which church leaders in Kenya face in their work. (8 marks)

5 (a)Describe the political background to Nehemiah. (5 marks)

(b)Identify seven occasions when Nehemiah prayed. (7 marks)

(c)State the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. (8 marks)

6 (a)How do the aged in traditional African communities prepare their family members before they die? (7 marks)

(b)State the traditional African understanding of spirits. (5 marks)

(c)What is the responsibility of the living towards the ancestors in traditional African communities? (8 marks)

3.10.2 Christian Religious Education Paper 2 (313/2)

1 (a)State lsaiah’s prophecies concerning the messiah. (8 marks)

(b)Outline the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (6 marks)

(c)Give three reasons why Christians present gifts to new born babies. (6 marks)

2 (a)What do Christians learn about Jesus from the incident when he Was baptized? (6 marks)

(b)Describe the temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness. (Luke 4: l -13) (7 marks)

(c)Outline seven lessons Christians learn from the temptation of Jesus. (7 marks)

3 (a)Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. (Luke 19:28-40) (6 marks)

(b)Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested upto the time he Was sentenced to die. (7 marks)

(c)State seven lessons Christian learn from the suffering and death of Jesus. (7 marks)

4 (a)Outline Saint Paul’s teachings on love. (l Corinthians 13). (8 marks)

(b)Give five examples of relationships based on false love in Kenya today. (5 marks)

(c)Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church today. (7 marks)

5 (a)State five similarities between the traditional African and Christian view on human sexuality. (5 marks)

(b)Explain five factors that have led to the increase of intermarriages among communities in Kenya today. (10 marks)

(c)State five challenges that children from single parent families face in Kenya. (5 marks)

6 (a)Give six reasons Why laws are important to the people of Kenya. (6 marks)

(b)List seven rights of a Kenyan citizen. (7 marks)

(c)In What ways does the church in Kenya help to reform errant members of the society? (7 marks)

KCSE Past Papers CRE 2014

4.10 Christian Religious Education Paper 1 (313/1)

1.(a) Why the Bible is considered as the word of God

(i) The people/authors who wrote the Bible were under the influence of the Holy Spirit/ inspired

(ii) Through it, God’s character/ attributes / nature is revealed

(iii) God speaks / communicates to human beings through the Bible / it contains God’s spoken words

(iv) It shows the will / desire of God for human beings

(v) Through the Bible God guides people in their daily lives

(vi) It transforms lives of people / source of moral values

(vii) Part of the Bible was directly written by God Himself i.e the Ten Commandments

(viii) Prophecies / promises made in the Bible have been / are being fulfilled

(iX) It reveals the actions done by God

(X) It outlines God’s plan of salvation fulfilled through Jesus Christ

(Xi) It remains relevant for all generations.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(b) Effects of translating the Bible into African local languages

(i) Bible translation has led to the development of the African languages

(ii) It has led to the spread of the word of God to many people

(iii) Through the translations people are able to apply the Bible teachings in their lives

(iv) It has contributed to improved literacy levels among the Africans

(v) It has led to emergence of African independent churches /schools / African leadership

(vi) It has contributed to the numerical growth of the church / expansion of the church membership

(vii) It gives people an opportunity to analyse the Bible in relation to their cultures

(viii) The translation of the Bible has made Africans to incorporate their cultural practices into Christian Worship

(iX) It has enhanced the development of printing press / bookshops / creation of jobs

(X) It has made people to carryout research in African beliefs / practices

(Xi) It has led to ecumenical cooperation among Christian in Africa.

(X) It has led to creation of jobs.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(c) Versions of the Bible used in Kenya today:

(i) Revised Standard version

(ii) Good news Bible

(iii) Common Bible

(iv) New International version

(v) King James Version

(vi) The African Bible

(vii) Jerusalem Bible

(viii) The Living Bible

(iX) The Gideon’s International Version

(X) The New English Bible

(Xi) The Holy Bible

(Xii) Jerome Bible

(Xiii) The Youths Bible

(xiv) Amplified Bible

6 x l = 6 mark

2.(a) The call of Moses. (EXODUS 3:1-22)

(i) Moses was looking after his father-in-law’s sheep at Mt Horeb / Sinai

(ii) An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a burning bush which was not getting consumed

(iii) Moses turned to see the bush God called his name out of the bush

(iv) Moses responded to God by saying, “Here I am”

(v) God commended Moses not to move near / to remove his shoes because the place was holy.

(vi) God revealed Himself to Moses as the God of his ancestors

(vii) Moses hid his face / was afraid to look at God

(viii) God told Moses that he had seen the suffering of his people in Egypt / had come to deliver them / wanted to sent Moses to Pharaoh to release his people

(iX) Moses was reluctant to be sent to Pharaoh / God promised to be with him

(X) Moses sought to know the name of God who was sending him/ God revealed his name as “I am who I am”

(Xi) God told Moses to go and gather the elders of Israel / tell them God’s message about their deliverance

(Xii) Moses was told to go with the elders to Pharaoh to ask for their release from Egypt.

(Xiii) God promised to perform wonders to compel Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

(xiv) The Israelites will get favour from the Egyptians/will get jewelry.

8 x 1 = 8 marks

(b) Plagues that God used to demonstrate his power in Egypt.

(i) The waters of Egypt turned into blood

(ii) The land of Egypt was covered with frogs

(iii) The dust of Egypt became gnats

(iv) Swarms of flies covered the land

(v) There was death of all Egyptian livestock

(vi) There was an outbreak of boils on human beings / animals

(vii) The plague of severe hailstorm

(viii) There were swarm of locusts

(iX) Darkness covered the land of Egypt for three days

(X) Death of the first born males of the Egyptians.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(c)Reasons why Christians are commanded not to steal

(i) Christians should trust in God to provide for their needs

(ii) So as to show respect for other peoples’ property

(iii) Christians should work to acquire their needs / laziness is discouraged

(iv) They should uphold their dignity / self worth be role models

(v) In order to promote peace / harmony among people / stealing causes conflict in society (vi) In order to practise self control/ righteousness

(vii) Christians are expected to be contented with What they have / stealing is an act of greed.

5 x 1 = 5 marks

3.(a) The achievements of Solomon as the King of Israel.

(i) Solomon built a magnificent temple for God / brought the ark of the covenant to the temple (ii) He promoted trade with neighbouring countries / had a navy of merchant ships.

(iii) He initiated a building programme / built the city of Megiddo / royal palaces / fortified the city of Jerusalem

(iv) He reorganized the country into districts for effective administration

(v) He established good diplomatic relationships with other nations through inter marriages

(vi) He settled disputes among people Wisely

(vii) He composed proverbs / songs

(viii) He initiated industrial activities within the Kingdom / exploited copper mines at Edom (iX) He established a strong army for defence.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(b) The importance of the temple in Jerusalem to the Israelites.

(i) The temple Was a place of Worship / prayers /sacrifices.

(ii) It was Where major festivals were held.

(iii) It was used as a treasury / important objects kept there / foreign currency exchanged.

(iv) It was a source of unity among the people / gave a sense of security.

(v) It symbolised the presence of God among the people / the ark of the covenant was kept there.

(vi) It was Where people were taught the law.

(vii) It was used as residence / training centre for religious leaders.

(viii) It was a place where disputes Were settled / law court.

(ix) It was a place where religious ceremonies / rites were performed.

(X) It was a place of pilgrimage for the Jews.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(c)Lessons that modern political leaders in Kenya can learn from King Solomon

(i) Political leaders should ask for Wisdom from God to enable them to rule

(ii) They should trust in God / have faith in God / obey God

(iii) They should promote the worship of God / support Christian projects

(iv) They should nile with justice / fairness / should not oppress their subjects

(v) They should exercise self control / be leaders of integrity

(vi) They should have good diplomatic / trading relations with other countries

(vii) They should make good use of the nation’s resources / not be extravagant

(viii) They should protect their nation’s territory / land.

(6 x 1 = 6 marks)

4.(a) Categories of true prophets in the Old Testament:

(i) Major prophets – their messages / books are elaborate / detailed

(ii) Minor prophets – they have short / brief messages

(iii) Canonical prophets – they are prophets whose utterances are recorded in books that bear their names

(iv) Non – canonical prophets – they are prophets whose oracles / messages have been compiled by other authors

(v) Cultic / early prophets – they are prophets whose duties were associated with places of Worship

3 x 2 = 6 marks

(b) Similarities between the traditional African and true prophets in the Old Testament.

(i) Both predicted future events / disasters

(ii) Both acted as mediators between God and the people.

(iii) Both had supernatural powers to exercise their duties

(iv) Both had a personal relationship with God / received revelations through visions / dreams

(v) They were religious leaders who could offer sacrifices / prayers

(vi) Both played an advisory role to the political leaders /acted as the conscience of the leaders

(vii) Both urged their people to be morally upright / condemned evil in society

(viii) They led exemplary lives / were role models.

(iX) Both had prophets and prophetess.

6 x 1 = 6 marks

(c) Challenges which Church leaders in Kenya face in their work.

(i) Church leaders are rejected / persecuted

(ii) They have rivalry among themselves / inferiority/ superiority complex

(iii) They experience discrimination based on nepotism / tribalism / gender / status

(iv) There is hypocrisy among church members / religious syncretism

(v) Inadequate finances / materials for their work

(vi) They encounter temptations in their duties

(vii) They encounter language barrier while spreading the word of God

(viii) There is conflicting interpretation of the Bible

(ix) There is political interference in their Work

(X) They are faced With competition from false prophets / cults

(Xi) Permissiveness in society hinders their work

(Xii) Poor infrastructure makes it difficult for them to access some areas.

8 x l = 8 marks

5.(a) The political background to Nehemiah.

(i) The Kingdom of Judah had been taken over by Babylon

(ii) The Babylonians had destroyed the walls of the city / the temple / Jenisalem

(iii) The King / royal court officials / able people were deported / exiled to Babylon

(iv) Persia conquered Babylon / Jews came under the control of Persians

(v) The Persian Kings ruled the subjects through governors

(vi) The conquered people were to pay tribute / taxes to Persia

(vii) The Persian King / Cyrus allowed the Jews to return to Judah in three stages

(viii) Nehemiah led the third group of Jews back to Judah.

5 x 1 = 5 marks

(b) Occasions when Nehemiah prayed

(i) Nehemiah prayed when he got a bad report from the Jews that Jerusalem was in ruins

(ii) When he was about to ask for permission from King Artaxerxes I to go to Judah and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem

(iii) When Sanballat ridiculed the rebuilding of the wall

(iv) When Sanballat / Tobiah / Amonites threatened to fight the people of Jerusalem

(v) He prayed for God’s favour after having forfeited his portion of food as governor for twelve years

(vi) When he was threatened to be killed by his enemies / Geshene the Arab

(vii) When he had purified the rooms in the house of God

(viii) After warning the people against ignoring the sabbath law

(iX) After he had stopped the Israelites from intermarrying with the foreigners.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(c)Importance of prayer in the life of a Christian.

(i) Prayer is a way of communicating with God / Fellowship with God

(ii) Through prayer Christian faith in God is strengthened

(iii) Christians have opportunity to confess / seek for forgiveness through prayer

(iv) Through prayer Christians thank God for blessings received

(v) Christians ask / petition God for their need through prayer

(vi) They use prayer to intercede / show concern for others

(vii) Prayers are made in obedience to the teachings of Jesus / the Bible

(viii) It is a way of emulating the example set by Jesus / the early Church

(ix) Christians praise / adore God through prayer

(X) Prayer promote unity among believers.

8 x 1 = 8 marks

6.(a) How the aged in traditional African community prepare their family members before they die.

(i) Inviting the family members to share a common meal

(ii) Identifying the leader of the family

(ii) Disclosing to the members all the property owned

(iv) Sharing / distributing the property among family members

(v) Giving advice to family members

(vi) Blessing the family members

(vii) Reconciling family members / resolving conflicts

(viii) Identifying the debtors /creditors

(iX) Identifying the burial site / giving instruction’s regarding the funeral.

7 x 1 = 7 marks

(b)Traditional African understanding of spirits.

(i) Spirits are invisible / do not have a physical form

(ii) Spirits are more powerful than human beings

(iii)They are believed to be residing in caves / rivers / trees/ rocks

(iv) Spirits can acquire physical form / appear to human beings in form of birds / animals

(v) Spirits have the ability to enter human beings / and through them to convey messages / reveal certain truths

(vi) Spirits act as mediators between God and human beings

(vii) Spirits change according to the circumstances / they can bring either harm / good to people.

5 x 1 = 5 marks

(c) The responsibility of the living towards ancestors in traditional African community:

(i) Naming children after them

(ii) Pouring libation for them

(iii) Taking care of their graveyards

(iv) Making sacrifices to honour them

(v) Consulting / communicating to them in times of need

(vi) Inviting / involving them in ceremonies

(vii) Invoking their names during prayers

(viii) Transmitting their Wishes / visions

(ix) By holding commemoration ceremonies for them

(X) Managing their property wisely.

(Xi) Building shrines for them.

(xii) Teaching children about them.

8 x 1 = 8 marks

4.10.2 Christian Religious Education Paper 2 (313/2)

l. (a) Isaiah’s prophecies concerning the Messiah

(i) The Messiah would be born of a virgin / young Woman

(ii) He would be called Emmanuel

(iii) He would be a wonderful counselor/mighty God/everlasting Father/prince of peace

(iv) The Messiah would have an everlasting kingdom

(v) He would be a ruler from the house of David

(vi) He would rule With justice/righteousness/peace

(vii) He would be humble/simple/ordinary/Without beauty

(viii) The Messiah would be rejected/despised/sentenced to die

(ix) He would suffer for the forgiveness of the sins of many people

(X) It would be the will of his father for him to suffer

(xii) He would succeed in his work/be highly honored

(xiii) He would be filled with God’s spirit/anointed

(xiv) He would preach good news/set the captives free.

(8 x 1 = 8 marks)

(b) The events that took place on the night Jesus was born (Luke 2:6-20)

(i) When Jesus was born his mother Wrapped him in swaddling cloths

(ii) She placed him in a manger

(iii) An angel appeared to the shepherds in the region to tell them of the birth of the savior

(iv) A great company of heavenly hosts/angels appeared singing praises to God

(v) The shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem/hurried off to Bethlehem

(vi) The shepherds saw the baby

(vii) They spread the news about the baby to other people.

(viii) The shepherds returned praising/ glorifying God.

(ix) There were shepherds watching over their flock by night.

(X) The angel gave a sign on how to identify the baby.

(6 x 1 = 6 marks)

(c) Reasons Why Christians present gifts to newly born babies

(i) Christian give gifts in order to Welcome the baby into the family/world

(ii) It is a sign of their love/contribution to the baby’s welfare

(iii) It is a Way of appreciating the gift of life/blessing

(iv) It is a Way of thanking God/appreciating his goodness

(v) It is a form of congratulating the mother/parents

(vi) It is an expression of their joy.

(vii) It is a Way of emulating Biblical practices.

(3 x 2 = 6 marks)

2. (a) What Christians learn about Jesus from the incident when he was baptized.

(i) Jesus is prayerful

(ii) Jesus is obedient/loyal to God

(iii) Jesus has a human nature

(iv) Jesus is humble

(v) Jesus is the son of God/divine

(vi) He is loved by God/pleases God

(vii) Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit

(6 x 1 = 6 marks)

(b) The temptation of Jesus in the Wilderness (Lk 4:1-13)

(i) Jesus ate nothing for forty days/was hungry

(ii) The devil told Jesus to command a stone to turn into bread if he is the son of God

(iii) Jesus responded that human beings do not live on bread alone

(iv) Then the devil led Jesus to a high place/showed him all the kingdoms of the world

(v) The devil told Jesus that he would give him all worldly authority/ glory if he worshiped him

(vi) Jesus responded by saying that only the Lord God should be worshiped/served

(vii) The devil took Jesus to the highest point of the temple in Jerusalem

(viii) The devil told Jesus to throw himself down from there

(ix) Jesus responded by saying that God should not be tempted/put to test

(x) After baptism, Jesus was led by the Holy spirit into the wilderness.

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(c) Lessons Christian learn from the temptation of Jesus

(i) Christian should know that their faith can be tested/temptations are a must

(ii) Christian should know the word of God/use it to fight the doubts brought by the devil

(iii) Christian need the guidance of the Holy Spirit/ prayer to overcome temptations in their lives

(v) Christians should put God first/worship the Lord God only

(iv) They should stand firm/not give in to temptations/be ready to overcome temptations.

(v) Overcoming temptation strengthens one‘s faith in God/not temptation beyond their limit.

(vi) Christians should not use their God given power for their own material gain

(vii) Christians should not put God to test/should lead a responsible life.

(viii) Christians should be content with what they have.

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

3. (a) The triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem

(i) When Jesus came to Mt. Olives, he sent two of his disciples ahead to get a colt which had not been used before

(ii) The disciples found the colt/untied it/brought it to Jesus

(iii) The owners of the colt sought to know where it was being taken

(iv) The disciples told them that the Lord needed it

(v) The disciples brought the colt to Jesus/put their garments on its back/set Jesus on it

(vi) As Jesus went along on the colt, people spread their garments on the road where he passed

(vii) The whole crowd of disciples praised/ glorified God joyfully in loud voices for all the mighty works they had seen.

(viii) The pharisees in the crowd asked Jesus to rebuke/silence the disciples

(ix) Jesus answered them that if the disciples kept quiet, the stones would cry out.

(6 x 1 = 6 marks)

(b) The events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up to the time he was sentenced to die

(i) Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest

(ii) Peter denied Jesus three times

(iii) Jesus was mocked/beaten/blindfolded

(iv) Jesus was taken to the sanhedrin/they made religious accusations against him

(v) Jesus was taken to Pilate/they made political accusations against him

(vi) He was sent to Herod who questioned him/ridiculed dressed him in a royal robe

(vii) Pilate said that he had not found Jesus guilty

(viii) Pilate chose to have Jesus flogged/chastised

(ix) The crowd shouted that Jesus should be crucified/demanded for release of Barabas.

(x) Pilate surrendered Jesus to be crucified

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(c) Lessons Christians learn from the suffering and death of Jesus

(i) Christians should have faith in God

(ii) They should endure suffering/be ready to be rejected

(iii) They should forgive their enemies

(iv) Christians should repent/confess their sins

(v) They should be obedient/loyal to God

(vi) They should stand for the truth at all times

(vii) Christians should sacrifice for the service of others

(viii) They should be prayerful/pray for others

(ix) Christians should witness/surrender to the Lordship of Christ

(x) Christians should be courageous/brave

4. (a)Saint Paul’s teaching on Love (1 Corinthians 13)

(i) Love is patient

(ii) Love is kind

(iii) Love is not jealous/not envious

(iv) Love is not boastful/proud

(v) Love is not rude/not arrogant

(vi) It does not insist on its own way/not self seeking

(vii) It is not irritable/resentful/not easily angered

(viii) It does not keep a record of wrongs/it does not rejoice at the wrong

(ix) It rejoices at the right/the truth

(X) It hopes all things

(Xi) It endures/perseveres all things

(xii) It believes/trusts all things

(xiii) It never ends

(xiv) It is the greatest gift

(Xv) It bears all things

(8 x 1 = 8 marks)

(b) Examples of relationships based on false love in Kenya today

(i) A relationship which is based on material possessions/status of an individual

(ii) A relationship which is based on lust/sex satisfaction

(iii) A relationship which is based on physical attraction only

(iv) A relationship which favors/discriminates against race/tribe/education/gender/ religion/social status

(v) A relationship which starts when one is in trouble

(vi) A relationship which ends when one is in trouble

(viii) A relationship which is based on taking advantage of a partner

(ix) A relationship which is overprotective/over possessive

(5 x 1 = 5 marks)

(c) The role of the Holy Spirit in the church today

(i) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to make the right decisions/ gives wisdom counsels

(ii) He gives believers deep understanding/revelation of God/His purposes for them

(iii) He helps individuals to know who Jesus Christ is/aspire to live Christ-like lives

(iv) He strengthens the faith of Christians

(v) He gives them power to perform miracles/healing

(vi) He enables Christians to speak in tongues/interpret tongues

(vii) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to prophesy/preach the word of God/ growth of the church

(viii) He enables believers to distinguish/differentiate between spirits

(ix) The Holy Spirit enables believers to do works of mercy/kindness/charity

(x) The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins/leads them to confess/repent

(xi) He unites believers as one body of Christ

(xii) The Holy Spirit enables Christians to worship God/pray/sing

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

5. (a) Similarities between the Traditional African and Christian view on human sexuality

(i) In both sexuality is a gift from God

(ii) In both human sexuality is sacred/holy

(m) In both the gift of sex should be enjoyed in marriage

(iv) In both the gift of sex is for procreation

(v) There are rules/regulations regarding the use of the gift of sex in both

(vi) Elders/parents are to guide/teach the youth regarding their sexuality in both

(vii) In both sexual offences are punishable (5 x l = 5 marks)

(b) Factors that have led to the increase of intermarriages among communities in Kenya today.

(i) Education: Education has made people from different communities to interact in institutions/during co-curricular activities

(ii) Christianity/Religion: Religious teachings have broken cultural barriers among believers

(iii) Migration: People are free to acquire land/settle in any part of the country

(iv) Urbanization: Life in towns/cities has allowed mixing/intermingling of people from various cultures

(v) Language: The use of Kiswahili/English enables people from different communities to intermarry.

(vi) Modern means of transport: People are able to travel/move easily across the country.

(vii) Modern means of communication: The availability of social media enables people of different cultures to talk/maintain relationships

(viii) Sports/games: This has enabled people from different communities to interact.

(ix) Modern trade: This has led to mingling of different people hence intermarriage.

(5 x 2 = 10 marks)

(c) Challenges that children from single parent families face in Kenya today.

(i) They face an identity crisis/they do not know Where they belong

(ii) They experience social stigma

(m) They miss the love/ guidance of one parent

(iv) They may have psychological problems

(v) They may be denied inheritance of family Wealth/discriminated against

(vi) They face rejection/not accepted in society

(vii) They may lack adequate basic needs

(5 x l = 5 marks)

6. (a) Reasons Why laws are important to the people of Kenya

(i) Laws promote harmonious living among people

(ii) Laws govern/safeguard people‘s property

(iii) They enable people to be involved in various development activities

(iv) Laws regulate power of those in authority/act as checks and balances

(v) They ensure the security of the citizens

(vi) They protect people’s rights

(vii) They regulate taxation

(viii) Laws define duties/responsibilities of citizens

(iX) Laws define the identity/culture of the people.= (6 x 1 =6 marks)

(b) Rights of a Kenya citizen

(i) Right to employment/a just Wage

(ii) Right to own/use personal property

(iii) Right to freedom of worship/expression/personal freedom

(iv) Right to marry/raise a family

(v) Right to a fair trial

(vi) Right of assembly

(vii) Right to life/protection

(viii) Right to health

(ix) Right to education

(X) Right of association

(Xi) Right to vote

(xii) Right to movement

(xiii) Right to human dignity/privacy

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)

(c) Ways in which the church in Kenya helps to reform errant members in the society.

(i) The church prays for/with them

(ii) By teaching/preaching the Word of God to them

(iii) Through guiding and counselling them

(iv) By contributing towards their basic needs

(v) The church trains them in various skills in their vocational centers

(vi) The church offers employment opportunities to them

(vii) By forgiving/accepting/involving them in church activities

(viii) The church establishes rehabilitation centers to care for them

(iX) By offering credit facilities to enable them start businesses

(7 x 1 = 7 marks)