Form One Work Chapter One

Introduction to Christian Religious Education Paper 1

Past Kcse Questions and Answers

1. Explain the different ways in which Christians in Kenya use the bible to spread the Good news.Reading the bible to othersIt is used for instructing new convertsPreaching from the bibleUsed as a textbook in Christians Religious Education in school and collegesUsed as a basis reference book in general search for knowledgeChristian hymns are derived from the bible e.g. psalms, magnificat, benedicts etcUsed in taking oaths

2. Give the consequences of sin according to genesis 3:11Alienation from God/ separation from GodPain and sufferings/ hardshipsBroken relationship among human beingsShame. Embarrassment, Mistrust/ enmity among people Death IrresponsibilityPunishment from GodPride and arrogance e.g. tower of BabelLeads to being cursed e.g. CainThe ground was cursed on account of man

3. What are teachings of the Genesis stories of creation?God is the creator of the universeGod sustains the universeEverything that God made is goodGod is a God of orderHuman beings were created in the image of God and likeness of GodHuman beings should observe the SabbathHuman beings were put in charge of God’s creationHuman beings should procreateHuman beings should worship God onlyGod is a God of powerGod is a true GodPlants/ animals/ sunshine and rains were made for the benefit of human beings

God ordained work/ man was commanded to work The woman was created to be a helper and companion of man

Man and woman were complimentary to each other and neither is subordinate to anotherMarriage is ordained by God

4. Give five reasons why reading the bible is important to Christians.It provides moral and spiritual guidanceHelps them to discover the will of GodReading the bible is an aspect of Christian worshipThe bible is the basis Christian doctrines and practicesIt gives guidance on relationship among human beingsIt is the word of GodChristians come to discover who they areIt is a source of consolation to ChristiansSource of inspirationSource of knowledgeHelps in spiritual development and maturityHelps them understand the universe and their relationship to it.Helps them understand the meaning of their lives and relationship to God and to one another.

5. Explain the different ways in which Christians in Kenya use the bible to spread the good news.Reading the bible to othersIt is used for instructing new convertsPreaching/ teaching from the bibleUsed as a textbook in C.R.E in school and collegesUsed as a basic reference book in search for knowledgeChristian hymns are derived from the bible e.g. psalms, magnificat, benedictus etc.Distribute bibles to individuals/ institutions making them available for all to readTranslation of the bible to vernacular so that people can read/ understand it and their own languageUsed in taking oathChristians literature quotes the bible

6. Identify five responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creationTo rule over the rest of creation/ to care/ conserve the environmentTo be in charge of the fish. The birds and all the animals/ over God’s creationTo cultivate the garden and guard itTo eat from the fruit of gardenTo name the animalsTo obey God’s CommandsTo get married

7. a) State the responsibilities given to human beings in Genesis Chapter 1 and 2.To fill the garden and to guard itTo multiplyTo fill the earthTo subdue the earthTo eat the fruits in the gardenTo preserve the environmentTo Obey God’s commandsTo worship God the creator of lifeTo care for the rest of the creation

b) Outline the lessons that Christians learn about work from the Genesis stories of creation.Work is ordained by GodGod is a workerAll work is importantWork should be part of Christian’s lifeGod expects human beings to workRest is important in workWork should be orderlyWork should be done diligently

c) How can Christians care for God’s creation today?They should treat the rest of the creation with respectChristians should conserve and preserve the environmentChristians can care for God’s creation like wild animals by establishing game reserves and game parks for themChristians can contribute to scientific discovery of medicine for various diseases by giving monetary donations to relevant institutionsChristians can care for God’s creation by opposing deforestation and helping to control soil erosion

8. a) Give reasons why Christians read the Bible.It provides moral and spiritual guidanceHelps them to discover the will of GodReading the bible is an aspect of Christian worshipThe bible is the basis Christian doctrines and practicesIt gives guidance on relationship among human beingsIt is the word of GodChristians come to discover who they areIt is a source of consolation to ChristiansSource of inspirationSource of knowledgeHelps in spiritual development and maturityHelps them understand the universe and their relationship to it.Helps them understand the meaning of their lives and relationship to God and to one another.

b) With reference to the Genesis stories of creation in Chapter 1 and 2 outline the attributes of God.God is the creatorGod is loving- he provided man with a helperGod is powerfulHe is the providerGod values his relationship with manGod is holyGod is orderly and organizedGod is omnipresentGod is moralGod is perfect/ goodHe made the Sabbathman’s resting day

c) What are the consequences of breaking taboos in traditional African Communities?BarrennessEpidermisIllnessPovertyMadnessDroughtphysically and mentally handicapped childrenRebellious childrenUnstable familiesEnvironmental disastersWars

9. a) Outline the differences in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. (10 mks)

(i) The creation order of everything is mentioned in the first account but no order is given in the second account

(ii) Male and female are created at the same time in the image of God in the first account while in the second account man is made from dust and the woman from the man’s rib

(iii) In the first account creation is out of nothing but in the second account man is made out of dust of the ground as the plants are made to grow out of a garden

(iv) In the first account human beings are created last while in the second account they are created first

(v) In the first account God gives names to what he orders to be while in the second account man is made to give names to all that God created.

(vi) In the first account human beings are to subdues the earth while in the second account God confines them in the Garden of Eden

(vii) In the first account creation is completed in six days while in the second there are no number of days gives.

(viii) God rested on the seventh day in the first account but there is no day of rest in the second account

(ix) In the first account there is no forbidden tree while in the second account there is

(x) In the first account the spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters while in the second account the spirit of God is not mentioned

(xi) In the first account God appreciated everything as good while in the second account he said that is not good for man to be alone

(xii) In the first account God creates in unity with the spirit while in the second account he was along

(xiii) In the first account God created human beings for procreation while in the second account they were created for companionship.

b) From the story of the fall of human beings in Genesis chapter 3, state the effects of sin. (6 mks)

(i) Both Adam and Eve realized they were naked

(ii) They became ashamed

(iii) They hid from God/ Feared to face God

(iv) They started blaming each other

(v) The serpent was cursed

(vi) Enemity between the serpent and human beings developed

(vii) The woman was to experience pain in child – bearing

(viii) The man was made to rule over the woman

(ix) The man was to toil/ sweat in or order to eat

(x) The ground was made to produce weeds and thorns

(xi) Death was introduced in their lives

(xii) They were chased/ banished from the garden of Eden

c) Identify any four causes of evil in Kenya today. (4mks)

(i) Poverty/ affluence/ wealth

(ii) Corruption/ greed/ selfishness/ lust/ desire

(iii) Disobedience/ rebellion

(iv) Inability to forgive others

(v) Influence from media/ foreign culture

(vi) Wrong choices/ lack of vision/ peer pressure

(vii) Unemployment

(viii) Permissiveness/ too much freedom

(ix) Influence of drug and substance abuse

(x) Poor role models

(xi) Lack of guidance and counseling/ poor upbringing

10. a) Give reasons why the Bible is referred to as a library (5mks)

(i) It has many books

(ii) It was written at different times

(iii) It is written in many styles

(iv) It is written by different authors/ people

(v) It is written in different purposes/ messages levels

(vi) It is written over a long period/ span of times

(vii) It is divided into two main parts/ old testament and new testament

(viii) It is composed of various sections

b) Outline five effects of the translation of the Bible into local Languages. (10mks)

(i) Many people are able to read the word of God/ improved and literacy of the people

(ii) It led to development of African/ local languages

(iii) It made evangelization easier/ growth of church

(iv) It led to the development of African independent churches

(v) Many Africans got converted into Christianity

(vi) Missionaries were able learn African languages thus making Christianity spread faster

(vii) Development of printing press/ church bookshops

(viii) It created job opportunities

(ix) Africans demanded for leadership community development which contributed to expansion of the church

c) State five ways through which the church is spreading the word of God in Kenya. (5mks)

(i) By use of electronic media

(ii) By providing bibles through Publishing/ Christian literature/ magazines

(iii) By carrying outreach campaigns/ door to door witness

(iv) Organizing youth

Camp/ seminars/ retreats

(v) Helping the need/ building homes for the aged

(vi) Supporting the teaching of Christian religious Education

(vii) By encouraging members to visit the sick/ provision of medical care

(viii) By preaching the word/ holding crusades

(ix) By sending out missionaries/ financing them

(x) By organizing choirs/ singing groups

11. Identify the books referred to as the Apocrypha.

(i) 1 and 2 maccabees

(ii) Baruch

(iii) Judith

(iv) Tabit

(v) The book of wisdom

(vi) Ecclesiastics

12. Explain the effects of the bible translation into African languages in Kenya

It enlightened the AfricansIt led to more acceptance of the Gospel as the Africans were able to follow the scriptures betterIt led to emergence of more churchesIt increased the desire for formal EducationChristianity spread faster as more Africans were able to read the bibleThere was greater understanding between the missionaries and the AfricansChristianity became a more active religionIt increased African participation in ChristianityThe Africans were able to read and understand the inner meanings of doctrines of ChristianityIt led to the establishment of the independent churches and schoolIt led to the establishment of bible societies.It increased the demand of bible societiesIt increased to demand for more bibles leading to the establishment of local printing presses.

13. State the various occasions during which the bible is used in Kenya.During church servicesFor swearing in courtswhen swearing in holders of public officeAs a reference book in religious studiesDuring ceremonies such as weddings and funerals During crusades

14. Explain the problems Christians face in the work of evangelization.Financial problemsCommunication problemsCommunication problems ( language barrier)Hostility e.g. from hostile tribesHarsh climatic conditionsTransportation problems in remote areasRejectionPoor accommodation facilities in some areasPeople might expect too much from themLack of co-operation from church leadersTemptations from worldly pleasures

15. Identify the literacy forms used in the bibleFinancial problemsPoeticWise sayingProse and narrativesLettersPrayersLegal expressions SongsProphetic speechesGospelsPhilosophical essays

16. State the Biblical causes of sin.Sin was caused by Satan or the devilSin was brought by lack of satisfaction with self or jealouslyLack of trust in God led to sinAnger led to sin as in the case of CainDesire by man to be equal to God led to sinMisuse of freedom led to sin as in the case of Adam and EveSelfishness led to sin, Cain killed Abel because he only thought of himself

17. Why is it important for Christians to obey God?Obedience to God brings blessingsChristians obey God to avoid being punishedIn order to have a good relationship with GodHe alone is God and he alone should be obeyed and worshippedGod expects them to do soIn order to live in harmony with others

18. State ways in which Christians use the print media to spread the gospelChristian literature/ magazines are printed and read throughoutThe C.R.E textbooks are used in teaching gospel message throughout the worldChristians advertise Christians issues in magazines, newspapers etcPamphlets and newsletters containing Christians messages are printed and circulated for people to readChristians messages are illustrated using the bible atlasChristians terminologies are explained in the bible dictionary for easier understandingDisplaying posters with Christians messagesImprinting Christian’s messages in various objects to be read widely

19. What makes man the most important of all that was created by God?He was created in the image and likeness of GodMan received God’s breathMan was given responsibility over the rest of God’s creationMan was given ability to communicate with GodMan was created last after everything was created for his useMan has a conscience to differentiate right from wrong

20. State the problems faced by Bible authors.Materials not availableNot printing machinesLibraries were not establishedoccasionally the writings were destroyed e.g. Jeremiah 36 had to be written againLack of transport and communication facilitiesIt took along time to completeSource of information was a problem

Chapter Two

Faith and God’s Promises Definition of Faith

Past Kcse Question on the Topic

1. Describe ways in which Abraham demonstrated his faith in GodBy abandoning the idol worship to serve Yahweh the true GodBy accepting to leave Haran to unknown landBy building altars at Bethel and Schechem in honour of GodBy accepting circumcision as a sign of the covenantBy sacrificing the animals in the covenant makingBy accepting to change their names Abram to Abraham and Sirai to SarahBy agreeing to sacrifice his son IsaacBy worshipping GodBy believing in the fulfillment of God’s promisesBy making a covenant with God

2. Outline the promises of god to AbrahamHe would be a father of great nationHe would receive personal blessingsHis name would be greatAll those who blessed Abraham would be blessedAll those who cursed Abraham would be cursed, God would protect AbrahamHe would be a source of blessings for othersThrough him all the nations of the earth would be blessedGod would give Abraham and his descendants the land of CanaanThe covenant would be an everlasting made between him and his descendantHe promised Abraham a son / heir through Sarah.

3. Describe five actions from the life of Abraham which show his faith in God.

Refer Answers in question 1

4. List five animals used in making of the covenant between God and Abraham.A heiferA ramA she- goatA turtle doveA pigeon

5. (a) The characteristics of the covenant between God and Abraham

(i) It was initiated by God

(ii) It was Solemn/ permanent/ long lasting

(iii) It was unconditional

(iv) There were promises to be fulfilled

(v) It was sealed through the sacrifice of animals

(vi) The parties entered it willingly/ it was voluntary

(vii) It had an outward sign/ circumcision

(viii) It was between two unequal parties

b) Explain the importance of God’s covenant with Abraham. (10 mks)It showed that Abraham had faith/ trust in GodIt demonstrated Abraham’s obedience to GodAbraham was assured of God’s protectionGod Revealed to Abraham that he would havea son as his heir/ many descendantsIt confirmed Abraham as God’s choice through whom all nations shall receive salvationThe descendants of Abraham were promised the land of Canaan

c) What lessons do Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac? (5mks)They should Obey GodThey should havefaith in GodThey should be patient and wait upon God/ should not give upThey should be prepared to face difficult situationsThey should be ready to give up everything for God totally committed to GodGod blesses those who are ready to serve himThey should be wise when dealing with issues affecting their livesThey should involve family members in worship

7. Describe the covenant between God and AbrahamAbram was to cut the animal’s in halves and place the halves opposite each otherHe did not cut the birdsAbraham kept watch over the sacrifice and chased away the birds that came down to pick the carcasseswhen the sun was going down he fell into a deep sleepHe saw a smocking fire pot and a flaming torch pass between the halvesThis was a clear indication that God had accepted the sacrifices and made a covenant with Abraham

8. Identify the circumstances under which covenants were made in the traditional African society.During reconciliation ceremonies between warning tribes or clansIn settlement of disputes between husbands and wives, families or friendsIn compensation for accidents, killing or wounding another person accidentallyDuring oathing ceremonies to keep tribal or clan secrets and promote unityBefore warriors went to warwhen borrowing or hiring property like landDuring inheritance ceremoniesDuring rites or passage e.g. marriagewhen choosing leadersDuring agreement for trade between two tribes or clans

9. Name five modern covenantsBaptismMarriageOath of loyaltyAgreement signed when buying landTreaties between tribes and countriesAgreement signed by studentConfirmationVows of a sister/ nun

10. What was the importance of the covenant made between God and Abraham?The covenant was more binding than the one made between human beingsAbraham established a personal relationship with GodIt was a confirmation of the previous promises made to AbrahamIt was the beginning of God’s salvation to mankindBy passing through the carcasses God took the responsibility of fulfilling his promisesGod’s passing in between the carcasses was a sign of protectionChristians havebecome beneficiaries of the promises made to Abraham

11. Name any three covenants made in the Old Testament.Covenant with Noah Gen 9Covenant with Israel on Mt Sinai Exodus 24Covenant with David 2 Samuel 7: 14- 16Covenant with AbrahamJeremiah’s new covenant

12. Why is Abraham called the father of faith?He left his homeland to go to a foreign landHe wanted to sacrifice his son Isaac to GodHe undertook a long dangerous and uncertain journey to unknown landHe trusted in God’s promises of a son despite his wife ageHe did not give up in spite of the hardships he encountered in his journeyHe entered into a covenant with GodHe accepted to be circumcised and he also circumcised his servant and his sonHe worshipped and scarified to GodHe accepted to change his name and his wife’s nameHe abandoned idol worshipHe built two altars at Bethel and Schechem in honour of God

13. Explain the importance of circumcision of Abraham and his descendantIt was a sign of Abraham’s obedience and faithfulness together with that of his descendantsIt was a sign of the bond between God, Abraham and his descendantIt was a physical badge of Abraham descendantsIt was a sign that Abrahams and his descendants had entered into an everlasting covenant with GodIt was a sign of the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and his descendantsBy accepting circumcision the Israelites showed respect and obedience to their forefather AbrahamIt was a sign of belonging to the Jewish communityIt showed that Abraham and his descendant had accepted God as their only God

14. From the Mt- Mariah experience explain what Abraham and his descendantIt was a sign of Abraham’s obedience and faithfulness together with that of his descendantsIt was a sign of the bond between God, Abraham and his descendantIt was a physical badge of Abraham descendantsIt was a sign that Abrahams and his descendants had entered into an everlasting covenant with GodIt was a sign of the fulfillment of God’s promises to Abraham and his descendantsBy accepting circumcision the Israelites showed respect and obedience to their forefather AbrahamIt was a sign of belonging to the Jewish communityIt showed that Abraham and his descendant had accepted God as their only God

15. From the Mt-Mariah experience explain what Abraham learnt about God’s natureGod is a provider, he provided the ramGod demands obedience from his peopleGod values human life that is why he did not allow Abraham to sacrifice his sonGod sometimes tests the faith of his peopleGod blesses those who obey and trust himGod is faithful to his promises 16. Narrate the call of AbrahamGod told Abraham to leave his country, hi people and his father’s household to go to a land God would show himGod promised to make Abraham into a great nation and bless himGod also promised to make Abrahams name great to bless those blessed Abraham and to curse those who cursed himGod promised through Abraham all people on earth would be blessedAbraham left as God had told himHe was accompanied by Lot his nephew and Sarai his wifeHe took with him all the possessions he had accumulated and the slaves he had acquired in Haran.He set out and arrived at the land of Canaan

17. What can Christian learn from the call of Abraham?Obedience to God is importantFaith in God is rewardingGod took the initiative to repair the broken relationship with man by calling Abraham showing his loving natureFaith is best seen in actionsGod always works through men of faith God communicates with people

Chapter Three

Moses and the Sinai Covenant

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Outline the qualities of God learnt by the Israelites during the making of the Sinai covenant.God is holyGod is powerful/ almightyGod demands obedienceGod choose/ elects people to work for him or to be his spokesmenGod is faithful to his promisesGod controls the earthGod speaks to his peopleGod reveals himself through natureGod is awesome/ should be fearedGod is imminent/ everywhereGod is just judgeGod is Transcendent/ beyond human knowledgeGod is worthy of worshipHe is a God of freedom/ liberatesGod is caring/ loving/ compassionate or merciful

2. Describe ways in which God demonstrated his mercy to the Israelites at Mt.SinaiGod appeared to the Israelites to reassure them that they were not alone, he was present among themGod reminded them that he was the God who brought them out of EgyptGod gave them the ten commandments to guide them in their relationships with him and with one anotherHe entered a covenant relationship with them in which he promised that they would be his special people and he would be their GodHe forgives those who repent after worshipping the golden calfAfter Moses broke with the tablets of law God replaced them with new onesHe promised to be with them always to preserve them and to make them prosperous ( exodus 32: 34)After the Israelites broke the covenant by worshipping the golden calf he renewed the covenant with themGod continues to provide for their needs

3. Explain the stages followed in the making of the Sinai covenant.An altar was built at the foot of Mt Sinai supported with twelve pillars to represent the tribes of IsraelYoung men sacrifices some oxenMoses took half of the blood of the animals and put it in basinshalf of the blood was thrown to the altarMoses read the book of the covenant to the Israelites The people made a promise that they would obey God Moses took the blood in the bowls and threw it on the templeMoses said “This is the blood of the covenant which the lord made with you”.

4. List the qualities of Moses shown during his call at Mt. SinaiInquisitivenessCaring/ cautiousnessRespectfulPatienceCourage/ bravery/ fearlessnessConsistence/ reliabilityHumilityFaith/ trustWisdom/ intelligenceObedience

5. Identify five lessons that Christians learn about God from the call of Moses.God fears/ responds to the cry of his peopleGod uses events to reveal himself e.g. burning bushGod is holy/ pureGod appoints people to perform certain tasksGod does not give people impossible tasksGod is powerful/ almightyGod punishes the enemies of his people God is faithful to his promisesGod is omnipresentGod is beyond human understanding/ transcendent God is omniscient/ all knowing

6. State five ways in which God revealed himself to the Israelites at Mt. Sinai.ThunderLightingCloudFireEarthquakeSound of trumpetHe spoke to MosesSmokeReference/ respect/ honourService/ call/ God chooses anybodyInquisitiveness/ curiosity Persistence/ patienceJust/ punishes injustice

7. Give the values that a Christian can learn from the call of Moses.Humility- he removed shoesCourage – he went to see the burning bushFaith/ trustLove/ concern/ care/ mercy/ pityHonestObedience

8. Describe how the Israelites worshipped God before the Babylonian exile.Through animal sacrificesThrough offeringsBy observing religious ritualsBy keeping the SabbathdayBy keeping/ observing the ten commandmentsThrough prayer/ song/ danceBy commemorating God’s saving deeds or religious festivalsBy regarding God as their king/ ruler and by obeying earthly kings who were regarded as special representative of GodBy building places of worship where they prayed to God/ listened to his teachingsBy following the teachings of the prophetsHonouring the temple as a sacred place where the Ark of the covenant was keptBy respecting the Leviticus priests

9. Explain the conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai covenant.To obey what God commanded themNot to make any treaty with those who lived in the land where they were going To destroy their altars/ smash their sacred stones/ cut down their AsherahNot to worship any other GodTo keep the feast of unleavened bread To rest on the seventh day Not to intermarry with the foreignersNot to make idolsTo offer to God the first of their cropsTo dedicate all their born male children and first born male of their domestic animals to God

10. State five ways in which God’s power is demonstrated in the deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised land.The ten plagues that God brought on the EgyptiansSeparating the waters of the Red SeaKilling the Egyptians during the crossing of the Red SeaProvision of manna for the Israelites to eatProvision of Quails for the Israelites to eatGod gave the Israelites victory over the Amalekites a hostile desert tribe.God led the Israelites during the night with a pillar of fire.God gave them the snake, curving to save them from snake bites.During the making of the covenant at Mt. Sinai manifested himself physically

11. Give five lessons why Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt after his call.Moses was afraid to go face Pharaoh who wanted to kill him having killed an EgyptianHe doubted whether the Israelites would accept or believe him.He lacked adequate knowledge of the God of IsraelHe lacked confident in himselfHe was not eloquent in speechMoses doubted the power of God and his mighty works that would convince pharaoh

12. List five commandments given to the Israelites that teach on how to relate to one another5th commandment “ Honor your father and mother”6th commandment “You shall not kill”.7th commandment “You shall not commit adultery”.8th commandment “ You shall not steal”9th commandment “ You shall not false witness against your neighbour”10th commandment “ You shall not covet your neighbours property or wife”

13. What problems did Moses face as he led the Israelites during the Exodus?when the Israelites saw the Egyptians army following them they panicked and turned against MosesLack of food and water in the wilderness that they had to fight against e.g. the AmalekitesMoses had trouble uniting the peopleThe people disobeyed Moses e.g. by worshipping the golden calfHe had to deal with other dangers such as those posed by wild animals e.g. snakes He had to lead the people in traveling through unfamiliar territories and routes Moses had difficulties settling disputes among the peopleHe had trouble managing the people who were fatiguedThe Israelites were afraid of the might of the CanaanitesMoses was a stammerer and he had trouble communicatingHe lacked confidence in himselfThe Israelites angered Moses by breaking the covenant

14. a) Outline the activities carried out by the Israelites on the night of the Passover. (5 mks)

(i) Every man chose a lamb or a young goat for his family

(ii) The chosen animal was slaughtered

(iii) Blood was put on the two door post of the house

(iv) The slaughtered animal was to be roasted

(v) The Israelites ate the unleavened bread/ bitter herbs

(vi) They ate while fully dressed for the journey in a hurry

(vii) They stayed indoors till morning

(viii) They burnt all the leftovers of the meal ( 5 mks)

b) Give five reasons why the exodus was important to the Israelites. (10mks)

(i) It marked the end of their suffering/ oppressing in Egypt

(ii) It signed that they were a special nation/ chosen by God

(iii) It was a fulfillment of the promises God had made to Abraham

(iv) It proved that God was more powerful than other gods/ supreme

(v) It showed / proved to them that Moses was a chosen leader of God

(vi) The exodus united the people of Israel as a nation

(vii) It made them to understand the nature of God

(viii) It taught them God needed obedience from human beings

(ix) They received the ten commandments which guided them in their relationships (5 x 2 = 10 mks)

c) How do Christians show their respect for God? (5 mks)

(i) They set aside a day of worship

(ii) Set aside holy places of worship

(iii) They do not mention God’s name in vain

(iv) They pray to him

(v) Live exemplary lives/ role models

(vi) Giving offerings/ tithes

(vii) Praising him for wonders

(viii) Taking care of the environment

(ix) Looking after the needy

(x) Preaching/ spreading his word

15. Give the events which took place on the night of the Exodus.The slaughtering of the Passover lamb by the IsraelitesThe painting of the door posts of the houses of the Israelites with the blood of the lambThe eating of the meat of the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs The killing of the Egyptian first born by the angle of deathThe Israelites knelt and worshipped GodThe wailing/ mourning by the EgyptiansThe Pharaoh allowed the Israelites to leave EgyptThe Israelites began the exodus from Egypt to Canaan.

16. Give similarities between the Jewish Passover and Christian EasterBoth are annual eventsBoth involved sacrifices i.e. lamb and JesusIn both cases there is movement from slavery to freedomBoth incidences are important historical eventsBoth are central points to belief and worship of Judaism and Christianity respectivelyThey both point towards God’s saving powerIn each case there is a command to follow and remember the occasionIn both point towards God’s saving powerIn each case there is a command to follow and remember the occasionIn both God uses an individual to intervene

17. Identify ways in which the Israelites showed lack of faith during the Exodus.The Israelites were his chosen peopleHe protected them from their enemies in the wildernessHe chose good leaders for the Israelites and helped them rule and control the people during the exodusThe Israelites were victorious in war against those who attack themThe lord chose priests for them who became intermediaries between them and the lordYahweh remained their only God

18. Describe ways in which Moses showed his obedience to GodHe accepted to remove his sandals when ordered by God during his callHe accepted to perform the plagues in Egypt to deliver the Israelites despite the difficulties he would faceHe accepted to perform the plagues in Egypt to convince Pharaoh to release theIsraelitesMoses led the Israelites across the Red Sea as commanded by God Moses prepared for the Passover as commanded by GodHe provided the Israelites with proper instructions on how to collect food offered by God as God commanded him Moses wrote the defeat of the Amalekites on the scroll as God Commanded himHe prepared for the Mt. Sinai covenant as God commanded and allowed the instructions given by God

19. Give ways in which the Israelites disobeyed the Ten Commandments.when they doubted God before crossing the red seaThey complained when there was no foodThe Israelites made a golden calf and worshipped itThey complained to Moses when there was no waterThe Israelites broke the covenant easy of life hence did not obey Godwhen some people Kept food overnight as opposed to the command of the lord

20. Give reasons why God made a covenant with the Israelites at Mt. Sinai 21.They worshipped idolsCommitting adulteryBearing false witness against othersCoveting other people’s propertyPracticing syncretismFalse swearing of kings in public to subjects in God’s name which are not fulfilledMarrying foreign wives who brought idol worshipping in IsraelThey worked on the Sabbath day

21. Explain what the Israelites understood about God from the Exodus experience.The Israelites understood God as more powerful than the Egyptians godsGod is faithful as he fulfilled the promises to AbrahamGod is a provider – He provided them with food ( manna) and waterGod is loving and kindGod is mercifulGod is slow to angerGod is just – he punishes those who disobeyed himGod is jealous and does not tolerate rivalsGod is holyGod is a protectorGod is omnipresentGod works though men of faith

22. Why should Christians live by the laws of God?

Laws helps Christians to keep off idolatryLaws encourage sexual uprightnessLaws help one to respect other peoples propertyThe laws help Christians to avoid telling lies and accusing other people falsely Obedience to God’s Laws enables Christians to respect life and not to take it awayBy obeying laws Christians escape God’s judgementBy obeying laws Christians receive blessings from God

23. Describe the call of Moses.Moses was attending the flock of his father- in- law near Mt HorebHe saw a burning bushThe bush was on fire but it was not getting consumedMoses drew near to see why the bush was not getting consumedGod called him from within the bushMoses was told not to draw near and remove his scandals because he was standing on a holy groundGod told Moses that he was the God and his father Abraham, Isaac and JacobMoses hid his father face because he was afraid to look at GodGod told Moses that he had seen the suffering of his people and had heard their cry.He told Moses of his intention to send him to Egypt to set the Israelites freeMoses was reluctant and tried to give reasons not to go to Egypt e.g. he was a stammerer.God promised to be with him and empowered him to confront PharaohGod told Moses to take Aaron his brother to be spokesman

Chapter Four Leadership in Israel

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Explain ways in which injustice can disrupt peace in society.Can cause suffering e.g. hunger, sickness, deathCan cause hatred/ bitterness among peopleCab cause disrespect for those who practice injusticeCan lead to rebellion/ disobedience/ coup de tat/ demonstrationsCan lead to hypocrisy/ lyingCan lead to international isolationCan lead to civil war/ fightingCan cause all sorts of crimes e.g. murders, assassinations/ rape/ robbery

2. Give five activities of King Jeroboam that made the Israelites in the Northern Kingdom turns away from God.He stopped the Israelites from going to worship in JerusalemHe made golden bulls/ idolsHe made the people offer sacrifices to the bullsHe made Dan and Bethel centers of worshipHe made places of worship in hill top or shrinesHe chose priests who did not belong to the family of LeviHe instituted religious festivals unlike those found in JudahHe himself worshipped idols

3. Give reasons why the Northern Kingdom of Israel was destroyed before the Southern Kingdom of Judah.The people persecuted the prophets of YahwehThe king led the people in idol worship e.g. Jeroboam/ people worshipped idolsThey intermarried with the neighbouring communities which was against God’s commandThe people refused to repent when given the opportunity/ were insincereThe rulers/ kings did nothing to return the people to the covenant way of lifeThe kings built temple for idol worshipThey formed political alliances with neighbouring nations instead of trusting in Yahweh totallyThe kings propagated injustice where the poor were denied justice e.g. Ahab and Yahweh totally.Sexual immorality/ the people engaged in immoral activities at the templeThey sold fellow Israelites into slavery which was forbidden by YahwehThe judges were corrupt/ they took bribes thus the innocent were wrongly judged

4. Identify five ways used by the Israelites kings to bring people back to GodDestroyed the altars of idols godsSet examples to the people by repenting their sins when warned by the prophets of wrong doingKilling the priest of Baal e.g. Jehu Restoring temple worship e.g. David Renewal of the covenant/ they led the people in renewing their allegiance to God e.g. Jehu and JosiahRepaired the temple/ they made God’s dwelling place presentableDestroyed the bronze serpent which Moses had made during the exodus for theIsraelites had begun worshipping it they burnt incense to itThey did not form political alliance with neighbouring kings thus demonstrating to the people that they completely trusted in God

5. Explain the duties of Prophet SamuelAnointed the first two kings of Israel ( Saul and David)Judging the peopleForetold God’s plan for the futureReminded the people of God’s waysActed as a mediator between God and peopleCondemned social injustice or corruptionBrought to the king’s attention their mistakesCondemned idolatryOffered sacrifices

6. Explain the factors that led to the failure of David’s successors.They shed innocent bloodThey were oppressive of their rule (introduced, heavy taxation and forced labour) They married foreign wivesThey built temples/ shrines for idolsThey were unfaithful/ dishonestThey did not tell the people who wasThey were disobedient to GodThey did not rule according to the law of MosesThey did not listen to the prophetsThey worshipped both God and idolsThey took part in Pagan feastsThey sought alliance with neighbouring states instead of relying on God

7. Explain the failures of King SaulHe became impatient and offered sacrifices to God at Gilgal instead of waiting for prophet SamuelHe ignored advice from God’s prophetHe discovered God by failing to observe the rule of heremHe plotted to kill DavidHe consulted a mediumHe committed suicideHe lost his faith in God

8. Give reason why the Israelites demanded for a kingThe sons were corrupt and took bribesThey wanted a warrior who could lead them to warThey wanted a visible king/ whom they could see and touchThey wanted to be like other nationsThey wanted a stable political government ruled by law and order

9. State the achievements of Solomon as king of Israel.He developed trade with the neighbouring countriesBe built up a strong armyHe brought the temple for GodHe bought the Ark of the covenant to the temple of JerusalemHe built himself a palace that took 13 years to be completedHe composed 3000 proverbs and 1005 songsHe was a shrewd diplomatHe organized a civil administrationHe became famous because of his wisdom

10. In what ways did David’s promote the worship of god?He brought the ark of the covenant to JerusalemHe made Jerusalem a holy city where Israelites from all over the land came for important religious occasionsHe composed psalms which were used in worship by the IsraelitesHe showed respect to the prophet of Yahweh and listened to their messages He wanted to build a temple for Godwhen he made mistakes he asked for Yahweh’s forgiveness He Constantly sort God’s guidance

11. Explain why Samuel was opposed to kingship in Israel.The Israelites would forget God as their unseen king or rulerTheir loyalty would be to the Kings instead of YahwehThe Israelites would be influenced by other nations and forget covenant with GodHuman kings would rule according to their human characterKingship would bring a new form of authority and rule and new social systemHereditary kingship would lead to oppression and dictatorshipThe Israelites would lose their identity as a covenant people

12. Explain why David was the most successful king in Israel.He was chosen by GodHe received public anointing at Hebron where he signed a treaty with the eldersHe received the spirit of God from the time he was anointedHe was a brilliant military commanderHe captured Jerusalem from the JebusitesHe brought the ark of the covenant to JerusalemHe expressed great faith in GodHe expanded the geographical boundaries of Israel though conquestsHe had remarkable leadership qualitiesHe was a shrewd administrator who chose wise elders and counselors

13. Explain the importance of the temple in Jerusalem in the religious lives of the Israelites.The temple symbolized the presence of God amongst the peopleWorship was done in the temple on the Sabbath dayAnimals for sacrifice were brought from the templeIt was a house of prayerSacrifices to God were offered in the templeIt served as an academic center for the IsraelitesPurification and dedications rites were performed in the templeAdjacent to the temple was the tribunal where criminals were tried by the teachers of the lawIt also served as a commercial center where goods were sold and broughtIt also housed the Ark of the covenant

14. State the role of Judges in Israel.They acted as God’s prophetsThey offered prayers and sacrifices on behalf of the peopleThey settled disputes among the peopleThey led the Israelites to war against their enemiesSome like Samuel were given the role of anointing kings

15. Outline the promises given to King davitGod would make David’s name greatGo would give the Israelites a place to settle inGod would raise on heir from David’s lineageGod would let David’s Son build a temple for himGod promised to establish a kingdom that would last forever

16. Discuss the qualities modern leaders should have form the example of David.CourageFaithGratitudeLoyaltyJusticeWisdomHumilityKindnessHe married foreign wivesHe loved himself more than God by building his palace for 13 years and the temple for only 7 yearsHe worshipped idol godsHe did not observe the covenant of brotherhood as he taxed the Israelites heavilyHe built worship places for idol godsHe signed trade and marriage agreement with his neighboursHe disobeyed the instructions of his father David that they should rely solely on GodHe subjected the Israelites to forced labourHe murdered his half – brother Adonijah

17. Explain how King Solomon turned away from the covenant way of life .

Refer to failures of king solomon

18. Name nine Judges in Israel.OthinielEhudSamsonGideonAbimelechDeborahSamuelBaratShamga

19. Explain five challenges that the Israelites faced during the period of Judges.Inability to worship togetherIdolatryStrain in battlesInferiority complexThey admired their neighbours

Chapter Five

Loyalty to God: Elijah

The Spread of Idolatry in Israel

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. What circumstances led to the contest between Prophet Elijah and the Prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel?Ahab marrying jezebelUnfaithfulness of Israelites to the way of the covenantWorship of idolsSyncretism developedPersecution of Yahweh prophets by JezebelContest was to prove that Yahweh was a true God

2. Explain the circumstances which led to the spread of idolatry in IsraelTransition from Pastoral life to agriculture life made them resort to Canaanite gods of fertilityIntermarriage between the Israelites and other people brought idol worship to Israelwhen the kingdoms of Israel and Judah separated following the death of Solomon Jeroboam established two new places of worship at Bethel and Dan for the people of Northern kingdom to worshipwhen the Israelites were defeated in wars by other nations they felt Yahweh had forsaken them. This made them seek consolation from the Canaanite godsThe Israelites forsook the covenant that they made with Yahweh at Mt Sinaiwhen they settled in Canaan syncretism developed where they would worship Yahweh’swhen it was necessary and worship idols when it was necessarywhen they took over Canaan, they found elaborate temples which were built for the Canaanite gods and instead of destroying them. They continued to use them in the worship of YahwehIn order to strengthen political alliances with the neighbours some kings of Israel named foreign princesses who brought with them the worship of other gods to Israel.

3. What were the characteristics of the Canaanites religion?It was basically a nature religion or a cosmic religionIt was polytheistic i.e. it had a plurality of gods and goddessesRituals were performed to ensure continued fertility and the well being of the communityThere was the chief god from whom all other gods sought supportBoth human and animal sacrifices were offered to God and goddesses

4. State five challenges that prophet Elijah faced in IsraelThere was widespread idolatry and apostasy among the IsraelitesThere was corruption and injustice as people rejected the covenant way of lifeThere was religious persecution and hostility ( Jezebel had put to death some prophets of Yahweh) and those who escaped with their lives went into hidingThe people had abandoned they worship of Yahweh and practiced syncretism hence turning away from the covenant way of lifeHe faced opposition and even threats in his life from Jezebel and AhabThere were false prophets of Baal and Asherah who were brought to Israel by Jezebel to promote false religionHe had to face Ahab and challenge him for misleading the peopleConvincing the people that it is Yahweh who was the true GodHad to prove to Israel that he was the true prophet of YahwehHe had to endure hardships in wilderness

5. Describe the problems faced by prophet Elijah in Israel.

i. Jezebel swore to kill Elijah the way he had killed the prophets of Baal.

ii. Elijah got afraid and fled to Beersheba after killing the prophet Baal.

iii. He was discouraged and he felt lonely.

iv. He got depressed and prayed for death

v. He walked for 40 days and night to Mt. Horeb

vi. when he arrived at Mt. Horeb Elijah was weak.

vii. He mistook God’s nature. God rebuked him.

viii. Elijah doubted God’s victory over Baal ix.

He had to convince people that he was a true prophet of Yahweh.

x. After pronouncing the 3 year drought he lived in fear.

xi. He was accused falsely by Ahab as the troublemaker of Israel; .

xii Elijah underestimated his ability in bringing people back to Yahweh.

xiii. He had to defend his religion to prove that Yahweh was a true God

6. State five practices of idolatry during the time of Prophet ElijahSyncretism – mixing idolatry and the worship of Yahweh.Building temples for idol gods e.g. King AhabWorshipping of false gods.Offering sacrifices to the idol gods. (both human and animal sacrifices)Performing rituals to ensure continued fertility and the well being of the community.They were human sacrificesThere was temple/cult prostitutionImages and symbols were used to represent the gods and goodness’s.

7. a) Describe the nature of the Canaanite religion. (10 mks)

(i) It was based on nature/cosmic/cyclic/changes in seasons.

(ii) It was polytheistic/comprised of many gods and goddesses.

(iii) Symbols/idols/images were made to represent each god/goddess.

(iv) Temple prostitution was part of the worship of gods and goddesses.

(v) Human and animal sacrifices were made to the gods/goddesses.

(vi) F festivals and feasts were celebrated in honour of the gods and goddesses.

(vii) Rituals were performed to ensure continued fertility and well being of the community.

(viii) There were prophets and prophetesses for each god and goddess.

(ix) each god and goddess played a specific role in the community.

(x) There was a chief god and goddess.

(xi) Temples/shrines/High places of worship of Gods/goddesses.

b) Identify ways in which King Jeroboam contributed to religious schism between Judah and Israel. (4 mks)

(i) He made two golden calves and placed one at Bethel and another at Dan to represent Yahweh.

(ii) He set up two rival places of worship an ignored Jerusalem.

(iii) He made the Israelites to offer sacrifices to the golden calves

(vi) He chose priests from ordinary families to serve at worship centers

(v) He burnt incense at altars of the idols

(vi) He instituted religious festivals in the months of his choice.

c) What life skills do Christians need to use in order to fight corruption in Kenya today? (6 mks)

(i) Critical thinking/ creative thinking

(ii) Decision making

(iii) Conflict resolution

(iv) Tolerance, assertiveness, self – esteem

(v) Self- awareness, empathy

(vi) Effective communication

8. a) Describe the contest between prophets of Baal at mount Carmel (1st Kings 18:17-40). (7mks)

(i) Prophet Elijah asked Ahab to assemble all the people at Mount Carmel

(ii) The king summoned all the people including the prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel

(iii) Elijah told the people to choose between worshiping God and Baal

(iv) He suggested to the people that two bulls be brought and each party to offer the sacrifice to their god.

(v) He challenges them and said whichever party will make their God to offer the sacrifice will be the true God.

(vi) Elijah mocked them/ asked them to shout louder to their God

(vii) They prayed, cut themselves with knives until they bled but Baal did not answer them

(viii) Elijah asked the people to come near him as he repaired the alter of God.

(ix) He placed the Sacrifice on the alter and asked the people to pour water on it.

(x) Fire consumed the sacrifices/ the wood/ stones/ the water/ dust around it.

(xi) The people threw themselves on the ground and worshiped the lord as the true God

(xii) Elijah killed the prophets of Baal

b) Give four conditions that made it difficult of Prophet Elijah to stop idolatry in Israel. (8mks)

(i) The existence of false promises to the Israelites

(ii) King Ahab had allowed his Phoenician wife to bring the worship of the false gods and goddess

(iii) Jezebel had persecution of true prophets of God by Jezebel

(iv) King Ahab had allowed the building of temples/ high places for the worship of Baal

(v) The Canaanite religion had a strong influence on the Israelites

(vi) The king participated in idol/ worship

(vii) The idol gods could be seen/ touched so they appeared real

c) Identify five qualities of Prophet Elijah that a Christian leader should possess. (5mks)

(i) Truthfulness

(ii) Courage

(iii) Faithfulness/ trust

(iv) Kindness

(v) Loving/ caring

(vi) Honesty

(vii) Responsible

(viii) Loyalty/ obedience

(ix) Respectful

(x) Prayerfulness

9. What did the Israelites learn about the nature of God from the Mt.Carmel Contest?God is aliveGod is a true GodGod punishes evil doersGod is HolyGod keeps promisesGod forgivesGod answers prayers

10. List down some forms of corruption in our society today.TribalismBriberyCheating in businessStealingRobbery with violenceDishonestyMisuse of public property or fundsThunder on Mt. SinaiEarthquake at Mt. Sinai fire at Mt. Sinai

11. Name the signs used by God to show his power over Baal’s during the time of Elijah.Thunder on Mt. SinaiEarthquake at Mt. Sinai fire at Mt. SinaiSoft whisper of voiceFurious wind that spilt the hills and scattered the rocksFierce fire to consume the burnt offering and water during the Mt. Carmel contest

12. In what ways did Jezebel and Ahab break the covenant way of life in Naboth’s case?They coveted Naboth’s vineyardThey bore false witness against NabothThey killed NabothThey organized and took Naboth’s ancestral witness

13. Why is idol worship condemned in the Old Testament?They coveted Naboth’s vineyardThey bore false witness against NabothThey killed NabothThey organized and took Naboth’s ancestral witness

14. What is the relevance of Elijah’s prophetic mission to the Christians today?Like Elijah church leaders should condemn evils being committed in the society.Leaders should use their positions to uplift the poor and the weak instead of exploiting themChristians should live a life of prayersChristians need to be very honest in giving information that affects othersChristians must not give false information at anytime in court when acting as witnesses.Christians should live free of corruptionChristians should be persistent like Elijah in the struggle for justice.Christians should advocate for the rights of the week and the poor and speak against any form of oppression.

15. Give reasons why Elijah was forced to escape from Israel.Hatred against the prophets of Yahweh promoted by JezebelHatred against the prophets of Yahweh promoted by JezebelHe killed the prophets of Baal after the Mt. Carmel incident. This created hostility from JezebelHe fought against corruption which made him clash with Ahab’s familyAfter declaring the drought God commanded him to run away, turn eastwards and hide in the ravine.Yahweh is a powerful God who controls the forces of nature

16. Identify the lessons one would learn from Mt. Carmel contest.Yahweh is a powerful God who controls the forces of natureGod is a forgiving god who forgave the Israelites when they repented.Yahweh is the provider as he provided Elijah with fire to consume the sacrifice God sIs a jealous God who will not share his honour with any other beingGod is a true God as Baal failed to answer prayers but God did

17. Identify seven forms of idolatry that threaten Christianity today.Devil worshipSexual immoralityAlcohol and drug abuseGreed for moneyGreed for powerPractice of witchcraft, magic sorcery and divinationEducationCareer and employmentLove of popular culture

18. Identify and explain three life skills that Elijah used to fight corruption in Israel.Critical thinkingCreative thinkingDecision making

1. a) What was the significance of the Traditional African initiation rites?Mark the change from one stage to another e.g. childhood to adulthoodProvide opportunity for the initiates to take their new duties/responsibilities and privilegesGive the initiates a feeling of new/higher status in the communityBring families/communities /clans together to celebrateGive the initiates’ identity /a sense of belonging as they are initiated into a community e.g. age groups/secrete society/council elders.

b) Explain the role of the sponsor during Traditional African circumcision Ceremonies.They offer guidance and counseling to the candidatesThey give candidates instructions in sex EducationThey encourage the candidate to face the operation with courageThey give moral/physical support during the operationActs as a link between the candidates and their familiesThey play the role of a mentor to the initiatedThey ensure that the initiated are protected/well cared for

2. Explain the modern factors affecting the Traditional African heritage.Foreign religions e.g. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism Foreign cultures and valuesWestern Education Plus Agencies High cost of living/inflation New forms of government and politicsScience and technologyUrbanizationImproved infrastructureMass media

3. a) Explain the reasons why myths are important in traditional African communities.They explain the origin of peopleThey explain the occupation and culture of the peopleJustify the ownership of the tribal landThey explain the origin of deathThey describe the original status of God and human beingsThey explain some religious status of God and human beingsThey give people identityThey entertain people.They are basis of unityThey explain the origin of some practices customs and traditions

b) Explain how the rites connected with initiation into adulthood express traditional African beliefs in life after death.Initiation has been handed down from the ancestors who are custodians of the traditionRejection of the rite of initiation may lead to punishment from the ancestorsIn some communities a person cannot be buried before circumcision if he is a grown up for fear of him being rejected in the spirit worldThe shelling of blood during initiation incorporates the living and the dead/ unites the initiates with the ancestors.The shedding of blood during initiation incorporates the living and the dead/unites the initiates with the ancestorsIt is only after initiation that a person is allowed to procreate so that after death there will be offspring to inherit him to remember himInitiation songs depict past heroes and ancestors who withstood the operation without fear.The medicine/ herbs used on the wound is said to belong to the ancestors who havepower to healOffences committed before initiation must be confessed before initiation lest one bleeds to death due to the wrath of the ancestorsGifts to the initiates were to please the ancestors and were the sign of welcome to the full community which is composed of the living the dead and the unbornPrayers are made through the ancestors for the protection and blessings of the initiates.All members of the community participate in the initiation ceremony- the living, the dead and the unbornThe initiates learn the stories of heroes so that they can emulate them Initiation is a stage closer to death which leads to life after death Ancestors are consulted regarding the initiation riteIn some communities the initiates acquire names of ancestors after initiation to honour them as a sign the ancestors are still alive represented

c) Give the responsibilities of the living to the ancestors in the African traditional communities.

They should pour libations to themSacrifice and give offering to themName their children after the ancestorsOffer venerations and pray through themShould respect themRemember them by inviting them to social functions and invoking their namesTeach their children about themObey them by carrying out their wishesAppease themBuild shrines for them

4. Explain the reasons why traditional African communities offer sacrifices.To thank God for the good he has done for them e.g. giving rain, children, harvest and healthTo ask for God’s forgiveness and mercyTo ask for help from God during difficult times e.g. during drought, famineDuring the making of the covenants e.g. peace covenants, clan disputes so that God can be a witness

5. Explain the methods of disciplining errant members in traditional African Communities.Beating/ caning/ whipping/ pinching/ pulling of ears especially for the children when they disobey the older members of the family.Wife beating if wives disobey husbandsFor small mistakes a person can be reprimanded by the elders/ given a warning not to repeat the mistake.For committing a crime that was embarrassing to the relatives/ age mates a person could be disowned by parents, the clan or the age group.Payment of fine in form of a bull/ goat/ sheep/ a cock/ bearAn errant member can be defamed through songs that were composed to ridicule him/ herBy being given unpleasant nicknames which reflected the wrong the person has done.Sometimes relatives refuse to name children after errant membersAn errant member can be summoned to appear before the council of elders/ age- groups/ eldersAn errant member can be served with banning orders e.g. cannot join such social functions as dances/ feast initiation ceremonies etc.

6. Explain the methods of disciplining errant members in traditional African Communities.One must havebeen initiated into adulthood Must be marriedMust be able to afford the membership feeShould be exemplary in dealing with the family/ community affairsShould be of good conduct/ earned respect in the communityShould have grown up children should be of the right/ specifies ageShould have the support of other eldersShould go through the eldership rituals

7. Give five reasons why the newly initiated young men lived together in a community for some time.So that they could receive common teaching valuesFor proper monitoring of their healingTo facilitate proper feeding for allSo they could undergo certain rituals before returning homeIt gave them opportunity to socializeThey learned to live as brothers and this cemented age- group relationshipsIt made it easier to provide them with guidance and counselingSo that they could learn the secrets of their communityThey were taught facts of lifeTo keep away from members of the opposite sex and childrenTo teach them to be independent

8. state five ways in which people in the Traditional African Communities helped bereaved familiesThey visited the bereaved, stayed with them and gave them moral support Consoled them through singing, dancing, praying and giving words of comfortContributed food and other material needs and gave them moral supportHelped them by performing certain duties for them e.g. cooking for themHelped in preparing the grave/ digging and buryingThey attended the funeral the funeral to give the departed a good send off.Helped in preparing the body for burialInformed friends and relatives about the death.Made a Eulogy to praise or to testify the deceased’s contribution to the communityParticipated in rituals/ ceremonies performed by the bereaved family e.g. slaughtering, eating, dancing and cleansing

9. Identify five occasions when oaths were administered in traditional African communities.During reconciliation ceremoniesDuring marriageAfter initiationwhen preparing for a raidwhen deciding on cases/ settling disputeswhen a person is being adopted into a family or clan or tribewhen a person was being initiated into a secret societyDuring installation of leaders ( oath of office)when a community was threatened members took oath to remain united against the enemyDuring the making of peace treaties when buying landDuring some naming ceremonies

10. Give five reasons why initiated young men lived together in a community for some time.Promote the youth into adulthoodProviding a learning forum for the youth to know the society’s idealsUsed as a method of preserving the society’s cultural heritageCreated a strong relationship between the initiates and the sponsorEnhances the bond of friendship among the initiatesIt made one full member of the community/ created a sense of belongingOne was a given right to own property and to marry.

11. Give reasons why oaths were administered in traditional African CommunitiesTo ensure secrecy of information knownAs a binding symbol of members of the community/ a sign of covenantTo ensure compliance to the social norms and disciplinesTo find out the truth of the matter in questionTo deter people from telling liesTo link the living with the dead or the ancestorsTo prepare the parties for serious tasksTo make people remain loyal to each other/ good etc

12. Give reasons why oaths were administered in traditional African CommunitiesSex education was given to the youth to instill discipline and responsibilityThe youth were sensitized on the consequences or irresponsible sexual behaviorSex before marriage was prohibitedVirginity was highly valuedGirls who became pregnant before marriage were severely punishedYoung men who impregnated girls before marriage were also punishedParents especially the mothers were held responsible for their daughters conduct. They therefore closely watched their movementDuring occasions such as dances, young people were supervised so that they did not misbehaveThere was physical separation of the sexes males and females lived in separate housesThere were taboos on sexual relationships each other and maintain their dignity and honour

13. Outline ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in Traditional African CommunitiesBoys and girls choose their mates freely without interference from parentsParents could make a choice when the children were youngParents of a young man approached the parents of a young lady and asked for her hand in marriageAn intermediary could be usedA girl could be waylaid by the Youngman and dragged to his house A senior wife could choose another wife for her husbandA brother of a dead man could inherit his wifeIn some communities rich men could be given wives as giftsIn other communities a debtor could give his daughter as a wife to pay a debt

14. a) What changes have taken place in the rite of initiation in Kenya today? (8 mks)

i. Female circumcision/ clitoridectomy has been discouraged

ii. Circumcision can be done at any age/ time

iii. Some communities take their children to hospital for circumcision

iv. Education of the initiates is offered by persons/ bodies other than traditional sponsors

v. Some initiation practices like removal of teeth/ tattooing of the body are being discouraged/ discarded

vi. Some communities haveminimized/ stopped elaborate ceremonies/ rituals associated with initiation

vii. People are being discouraged from using the same circumcision instruments

viii. The role of age set/ age group is fading away in some communities

ix. Initiation practices are no longer a test of courage/ bravery

b) Identify moral values taught to the youths during initiation to adulthood in traditional African communities. (6mks)

i. Hospitality/ generosity/ kindness

ii. Honesty

iii. Integrity

iv. Tolerance/ perseverance/ endurance

v. Chastity/ faithfulness/ self – control

vi. Loyalty/ obedience

vii. Respect/ courtesy

viii. Love, responsibility

ix. Cooperation, unity, courage, hard work

c) Identify the factors that are undermining the role of elders in Kenya today (6 mks)

i) It can lead to infection/ STIs/HIV/AIDS due to use of same instruments

(ii) It can lead to injury/ Mutilation of the reproductive organs of the initiate

(iii) It is against child/ human rights

(iv) It can cause psychological torture/ traumatizes the initiate.

(v) It can lead to irresponsible sexual behaviour

(vi) It can lead to early marriages

(vii) It can lead to school dropouts among the girls

(viii) It can lead to bleeding/ death

(ix) It can lead to separation/ divorce

(x) It can lead to disagreement/ quarrels in families

15. a) Identify practices in traditional African communities that show their belief in life after death. (8mks)

(i) Naming children after the dead

(ii) Invoking the names of the dead during problems/ inviting them/ important occasions

(iii) Burying the dead with some property

(iv) Offering sacrifices to the dead

(v) Pouring of libation to the living dead/ ancestors/ leaving some food for the living Dead.

(vi) Taking care of the graveyards

(vii) Fulfilling the wishes/ will of the dead/ carrying out the demands of the dead

(viii) Taking of the dead as having gone for a walk

(ix) Washing the dead body/ oiling/ decent burial

(x) Holding commemoration ceremonies

(xi) Burying the dead in a particular position/ direction/ ancestral land.

b) Identify moral values taught to the youths during initiation to adulthood in traditional African communities. (6mks)

(i) Being initiated

(ii) Must be married

(iii) Being of good conduct/ achievements/ warrior (hero)/ character/ respected in Society

(iv) Should have children

(v) Having the / specific age

(vi) Ability to provide for others/ wealth

(vii) Should be knowledgeable in matters of the society/ confidential/ wise

(viii) Having support from leaders of the society

(i) Be of sound mind/ good health

(ii) Be a bonafide member of the community

(iii) By undergoing the rituals of being an elder

16. Why was courtship important in Traditional African Community?It enabled a man and a woman to know if they were suitable marriage partnersIt gave the parents of the girl and the boy a chance to meet and know one anotherIt allowed time for the bride- wealth to be paid and negotiatedIt allowed the boy and the girl to be taught their responsibilities The boy and the girl got a chance to learn about their in- laws to beParties from both sides were able to exchange gifts cementing the relationships between them

17. Explain the importance of dowry in modern society?It ensures a lasting marriage relationshipIt is a token of appreciation by the bridegroom and his family to the bride’s family for having cared for her.Dowry strengthens the relationship between the familiesIt is regarded as a compensation to the bride’s family for losing a memberIt is a seal of the covenant between the family of the bridegroom and that of the brideIt brings members of the two families together to share celebrationsIt is a sign that the man is serious with his intention to marry

18. Explain five roles of a diviner in the Traditional African society.He predicted future occurrencesHe warned against calamitiesHe advised people on various issuesHe interceded on behalf of the community in times of troubleHe presided over various cases in the communityHe interpreted messages from the spirit worldHe comforted the sick, and the depressed in the communityHe identifies the evil spirits causing troubleHe was consulted in case of bareness or impotence

19. Outline ways in which traditional African communities show respect for unborn child.The expectant mother is given charms to wear to protect her and the unborn childThe expectant mother observes taboos hence avoid certain foods, people and placesThe expectant mother is checked and occasionally advised by traditional mid- wivesPrayers sacrifices and libations are given to God and ancestors for protection Sexual intercourse is not allowed during pregnancyHerbs and medicine is administered to the expectant mother There should be no harmful implements in the house or compound where the expectant mother livesExpectant mothers were not to be treated cruelly by members of the family / society etc

20. In what ways did the traditional Africans maintain their relationship with the ancestors?Building shrines for the ancestorsPouring libations to themGiving their names to the newbornsProtecting their culture and ancestral landObeying their wishes and wills revealed through dreamsAppeasing them through sacrifices and offeringsInviting them to take part in celebrating of ritualsMen approach ancestors for minor needs of lifeGiving ancestors whatever they need in ritualsApproaching shrines with respect

21. Give the similarities found in African mythsGod is the creator of the universeGod is the creator of manEverything God made was goodMan was created came after most things were createdCreation work did not stop in the distant past ( God continues working) God is powerful and mercifulDeath/ evil came as a result of disobedience

22. What was the role of rainmakers in the African community?Advised the community on rain and droughtHad power to pray for rainHad mysterious powerActed as diviners/ priests and prophetsSacrificed, prayed and gave offering to God and ancestorsSprinkled water to call rainThey were well versed with the skins habit of trees, moon and starsThey could plead with God to stop the rainThey were able to tell the people when the rain would

23. Explain how wealth was acquired in African Traditional Society.Wealth was acquired throughInheritanceTradeCattle raidsWork

24. Explain the conditions under which divorce may be allowed in African Traditional society.LazinessWitchcraft/ sorceryBreaking of taboosDisrespect of in- lawsFailure to pay dowryUnfaithfulnessIn case one is discovered to be a thiefIn case one suffered from madness, leprosy, epilepsy

Form Two Work

Chapter One

God Meets Us in Jesus Christ Lukes Gospel

Old Testament Prophecies About the Coming of the Messiah Nathan ‘s Prophesy

Past Kcse Questions

1. Explain ways in which John the baptist fulfilled Old Testament prophecies on the Messiah.He baptized Jesus in the River Jordan.He advised people to live Holy lives to share and what is right.He preached repentance of sins.He baptized repentant people.He acknowledged Jesus greatnessHe introduced Jesus to the crowd as the Messiah.He handed over his disciples to Jesus.

2. State the Jewish expectations concerning the MessiahThey expected a political messiah who would overthrow their colonial rulers.The Messiah would rule the world from Jerusalem and receive homage from all the nations of the earth.The messianic kingdom would be a temporary Jewish kingdom like the roman kingdom but more powerful.The establishment of this kingdom would be preceded by cosmic signs.The messiah would be a descendant of DavidHe would come after the return of ElijahHe would not associate with the poor, sinners and gentiles.He would uphold Judaism.He would perform miracles

3. Describe Nathan’s prophecy about the Messiah.

– Nathan prophesied thatKing David’s house and kingdom would last forever.The Messiah would be a descendant of David and would rule foreverGod would help the everlasting King forever.The Messiah would use Gods authority and strength to rule his people the Israelites

4. Give the prophecies about the Messiah found in psalms 41: 19 and 110:1-2A victorious king who would conquer and liberalThe king would rule wisely and advocate justice and righteousness.He would save Judah from her enemies and ensure that the Israelites lived securely.The king would be called “The lord our righteousness.The servant will succeed in his work and will be highly honored.The servant is despised, rejected and ignored by those who are with him.He has nothing attractive. He is very ordinary and simpleHe is harshly treated, arrested and sentenced to death and killed.His body is buried with the bodies of rich menHe endures all that is done to him in humble silenceHe accepts the suffering which should have been received by others for their sins Through his sufferings human being are reconciled to God.It was the will of God that the servant should suffer. His death is a sacrifice to bring forgiveness of sins.

5. Describe Jeremiah’s prophecy about the Messiah.Jesus was born from David’s lineageAngel Gabriel repeated the titles used by Isaiah to describe the MessiahAt the start of his ministry, Jesus proved that he was the messiah by reading aloud the scripture by IsaiahAs foretold Jesus was born in Bethlehem the city of DavidJesus suffered humiliation, rejection and opposition and death on the crossJesus was the true messiah as he fulfilled Psalms 41:9. He was betrayed by Judas, a close friendJesus as the messiah established God’s rule on earthJesus came as a universal messiah

6. On the prophecies about the coming of the Messiah, what picture does prophet Isaiah present of the servant of Yahweh?He bore the sins of human beingsDelivered humanity by dying on the crossHe submissively bore suffering and disgrace He was despised and rejectedHe was mocked and spat onHe was pierced and wounded on his sidesHe was buried in a rich man’s tombHe was innocent yet treated as criminalThrough his wounds many have been healedThrough him the everlasting kingdom was established

7. In which ways are church leaders preparing the people in the society for the coming of Jesus?Preaching the good news about Jesus Christ.Calling people to repentance and forgiveness of sinsBaptizing peopleObserving the ten commandmentsPointing out evil in the societyPraying for the nationTeaching Christian ethics as expected from the BibleOffering guidance and counseling on complexAdvocating for rights of all human kind.Solving and reconciliation of warning communities and nations.

8. Explain the role of John the Baptist.He was the link between the Old testament and the new testamentHe prepared the way for the coming of the messiah by asking them to repent and be baptizedHe preached to the people about Jesus the lamb of GodHe introduced Jesus to the peopleJohn baptized JesusHe Condemned evils that were being carried out by HerodHe condemned the Phararisees for their hypocrisy and the pagan roman authorities for being oppressive and immoralHe ushered people to the messianic era

9. How does the New Testament portray Jesus as the promised Messiah?Jesus was born from David’s lineageAngel Gabriel repeated the titles used by Isaiah to describe the MessiahAt the start of his ministry, Jesus proved that he was the messiah by reading aloud the scripture by IsaiahAs foretold Jesus was born in Bethlehem the city of DavidJesus suffered humiliation, rejection and opposition and death on the crossJesus was the true messiah as he fulfilled Psalms 41:9. He was betrayed by Judas, a close friendJesus as the messiah established God’s rule on earthJesus came as a universal messiah

Chapter Two

The Infancy and Early Life of Jesus .

The Birth of John Is Announced

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Explain ways in which the birth and life of Jesus were to be extraordinary according to the annunciation of his birth.Jesus was to be born of a virginJesus conception was to be effected through the holy spirit John was to be born of the house of DavidThe name Jesus which means saviour was given by the angel Jesus was to save people from their sinsJesus was going to be great Jesus was to be holyJesus would be an everlasting king

2. In what ways did Jesus observe the religious practices of the Jews?when Jesus was eight days old he was circumcised according to the Jewish customsAs a baby he was given the name Jesus that means God savesJesus mother underwent the purification ritual after the birth of Jesus as required by the lawJesus was dedicated to God as the first born of his parents as required by the lawAt the age of 12 he attended the Passover feast in the temple in the company of his parentsJesus lived in Nazareth with his parents and he was obedient to them according to the law of GodJesus celebrated the Jewish religious festivals. E.g. Passover, Pentecost, tabernacle and attended the synagogues and the SabbathdaysHe attended a wedding ceremony at Cana in Galilee and joined other guests to celebrate a marriage ceremonyJesus appointed the twelve disciples to represent the twelve tribes of IsraelHe was a sacred number to the JewsJesus kept the Jewish religious observations such as praying and fastingJesus salutations to the disciples “ peace be with you” Shalom was according to the Jewish traditions

3. List five Jewish ceremonies in which Jesus was involved in.CircumcisionNamingBaptismPresentation in the temple/ dedicationVisit to Jerusalem during the Passover at the age of twelveCelebrated the Passover with the twelve disciplesHe participated in the feast of the tabernacles

4. With reference to the visit of the angle Gabriel to Mary state five Revelations about Jesus Christ.Jesus was going to be great and would be called the son of the most highHe would be given the throne of his father David – to rule foreverJesus was going to be everlasting kingHe was going to save people from sinJesus conception was to be effected by the power of the holy spirit

5. With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of forty days outline what Simeon and Anna revealed about his life?

6. What lessons do Christians learn about family relationships from the incident when Jesus accompanied his parents for the Passover festival?Jesus was going to be great and would be called the son of the most highHe would be given the throne of his father David – to rule foreverJesus was going to be everlasting kingHe was going to save people from sinJesus conception was to be effected by the power of the holy spirit

7. a) Outline the message of angel Gabriel to Mary in Luke 1: 26-38 (8mks)He would bring universal peace and salvationJesus had been chosen by God for the destruction and salvation of many in IsraelHe was a sign from God and many people would speak against himHe would meet opposition which would bring suffering to him and his motherJesus was the messiahHe would deliver chosen people from oppressionHe would be rejected by his own peopleHis suffering would bring sorrow to his mother

b) Explain what the magnificant reveals about the nature of God. (8mks)

(i) God is a saviour because he remembers the lowly

(ii) God is mighty for the scatters the proud/ does great things

(iii) God is holy/ holy is his name

(iv) God is merciful to those who fear him

(v) God is caring/ protecting because he exalts the humble

(vi) He is a provider/ sustainer because he fills the hungry

(vii) He is faithful because he keeps his promises

(viii) He is kind/ helper to his servant Israel

c) Identify six qualities shown by Jesus when he accompanied his parents to the temple at the age of twelve. (6mks)

(i) He was obedient

(ii) He was courageous

(iii) He was knowledgeable/ intelligent/ wise

(iv) He was respectful

(v) He was cooperative

(vi) He was patient

(vii) He was honest

(viii) He was assertive/ independent/ making independent decisions

(ix) He was social/ outgoing

(x) He was inquisitive

10. Outline the qualities of John as described by angel Gabriel to Zechariah.He would be God’s prophetHe would prepare the way for the messiahHe would bring joy to Zechariah and othersHe would be a NazariteHe would call people to repentanceHe would havethe spirit and power of ElijahHe would be courageous in carrying out his dutiesHis name would be John to show that God is gracious to his peopleHe would greatHe would be filled with the holy spirit

11. Why was John referred to as the second Elijah?Just like Elijah John also lived in the wildernessJohn was also filled with holy spirit and proclaimed God’s message to the peopleHe also met opposition from the king just like ElijahHe was beheaded and Elijah was threatened with death by JezebelHe stored firmly for the covenant way of lifeHe was a great prophet of his timeHe led a simple life and faced many problems like hunger just like Elijah

12. What lessons do Christians learn from the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist?God answers prayers however long it may takeChristians should not doubt God’s messagesWe should be persistent, faithful and patient in prayersChristians should be devoted to God in prayerChildren are a gift from God and a source of joy to their parentsGod has a purpose for every child’s life

13. What lessons can a Christian learn from the annunciation of the birth of Jesus?.God exalts to humble and rejects the proudChristians should humbly accept God’s plan for their livesGod has a purpose for the life of every childNothing is impossible with GodGod wanted Jesus to part of a human family for him to identify with the human race

14. Describe the birth of John the Baptist.Mary went to visit Elizabeth after angel Gabriel told her that Elizabeth was expecting a babyMary greeted Elizabeth and the baby in Elizabeth womb leaped with joyElizabeth was filled with the holy spirit who revealed to her that the child she was carrying was the messiahThe spirit was also revealed that Mary was the most blessed of al womenMany sang a song known as the “ magnificent”

15. Identify the main ideas in the magnificentMany thanks God forBeing good to herHis goodness and love for all human beingsFulfilling his promises to his peopleDelivering the oppressed from their oppressors

16. Describe the birth of John the BaptistElizabeth was very happy and so was ZechariahJohn was circumcised after eight days in accordance with the Jewish customsElizabeth named the child John Zechariah affirmed the name of their son in writingThe people were surprised at the name because it was not in Zechariah’s lineageZechariah was now able to speakHe broke into a hymn called the BenedictusZechariah expressed his feelings of joy, gratitude and praiseZechariah told of the mission of his son

17. Identify the main ideas in the Benedictus.The parents of Jesus offered the purification sacrifices according to the Law of MosesSimon was moved by the holy Spirit and took Jesus into his arms and praised GodSimon prophesied about the mission of JesusProphetess Ann thanked God for sending Jesus who would bring redemptionThe parents of Jesus were amazed by the things Simon and Anna said about their child

18. Describe the dedication ceremony during the infancy of Jesus.The parents of Jesus offered the purification sacrifices according to the Law of MosesSimon was moved by the holy Spirit and took Jesus into his arms and praised God Simon prophesied about the mission of JesusProphetess Ann thanked God for sending Jesus who would bring redemptionThe parents of Jesus were amazed by the things Simon and Anna said about their child

19. Outline the angel’s message to Zechariah.Your prayers have been answeredYour wife shall bear a sonHis name shall be JohnHe shall be a source of joyHe shall be greatHe shall not drink wineHe shall be filled with the holy spiritHe shall turn many to the lordHe shall go before the lord in the spirit of ElijahHe shall be dump for unbelief

Chapter Three

John the Baptist and Jesus.

Past Kcse Questions

1. Write down five teachings of John the Baptist about Jesus Christ.Jesus is greater than JohnJesus will bring God’s salvationHe will proclaim judgmentHe will punish sinners and reward the righteousJesus is the messiahJesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the worldJesus will be filled with the holy spiritJesus was sent by God

2. Mention different occasions when Jesus was tempted?when he was tempted into the wilderness by Satan before he started his public ministryTemptation in Nazareth when he asked him to perform the miracles he had performed at CapernaumTemptation from the two sons of Zebedee when asked Jesus to destroy the inhospitable Samaritan villagesDuring the transfiguration when Peter wanted Jesus to remain on the mountain but Jesus rejected the idea.when Jesus predicted his coming suffering and death and Peter objected to it and Jesus told him “ go behind me Satan”At the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest when asked God to “remove this cup from me…….”He was tempted while on the cross by the people and even the crucified thief that he should save himself from the cross.

3. Identify five occasions in the life of Jesus when he was tempted? Refer to question 2 above

4. Identify five occasions in the life of Jesus when he was temptedwhen he was tempted into the wilderness by Satan before he started his public ministryTemptation in Nazareth when he asked him to perform the miracles he had performed at CapernaumTemptation from the two sons of Zebedee when asked Jesus to destroy the inhospitable Samaritan villagesDuring the transfiguration when Peter wanted Jesus to remain on the mountain but Jesus rejected the idea.when Jesus predicted his coming suffering and death and Peter objected to it and Jesus told him “ go behind me Satan”At the garden of Gethsemane before his arrest when asked God to “remove this cup from me…….”He was tempted while on the cross by the people and even the crucified thief that he should save himself from the cross.Jesus wanted to confirm and shop his approval of John’s ministryBaptism provided an opportunity for the manifestation of the holy spiritHe wanted to identity himself with the sinful mankindIt prepared Jesus for his missionAccepting Baptism meant his final acceptance of the work of salvationIt was a way of fulfilling the old testament prophecies about the messiahIt was the last act of preparing those who were ready to receive the messiahIt was God’s plan for saving mankindIt assured John and others that Jesus was the son of GodBaptism introduced Jesus to the people

5. State the differences between the work of John the Baptist and that of Jesus Christ.John baptized people but Jesus did notJohn prepared the way for the messiah but Jesus was the messiahJohn preached and told people to repent their sins but Jesus forgive people sinsJohn was only a prophet but Jesus came as a saviourJesus healed people and casted out demons but John only preached and baptized peopleJohn baptized people with water but Jesus was to baptize people with the holy spirit and fire

6. a) Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan by John the Baptist in Luke 3:21-22 (5mks)

(i) All the people had been baptized by John

(ii) Jesus was baptized

(iii) Jesus then started praying

(iv) The heaven opened

(v) The holy spirit descended upon Jesus in a bodily form as a dove

(vi) Then a voice came from heaven

(vii) Then it said, ‘thou art my beloved son with thee am well pleased.’

b) Outline four teachings of John the Baptist in Luke 3:21-22. (5mks)

(i) He told the people to repent and be baptized for forgiveness of their sins/ he asked people to prepare the way for the lord

(ii) He told them to be faithful and obedient to God and not to pride in Abraham as their ancestor

(iii) He warned them of God’s punishment on sin

(iv) He encouraged the rich to share with the needy

(v) He told the tax collectors not to seal/be honest

(vi) He told the soldiers to be contented with their wages/ stop greed

(vii) He told the soldiers to stop robbing/ accusing people falsely/ should be truthful

(viii) He told them that the messiah who was to come after him was mightier/ he was unworthy to untie his sandals

(ix) The messiah would baptize the people with fire and the Holy Spirit

(x) The messiah would separate the good from the evil/ the evil would be punished

(xi) He condemned Herod for his adulterous life/ marrying the brother’s wife

c) Why are Christians finding it difficult to apply the teachings of John the Baptist in their lives today? (7 mks)

(i) They lack faith in God’s word

(ii) Divisions along tribal/ racial/denominational lines affects unity among Christians

(iii) Clinging to the past/ inability to abandon the old/ previous life style

(iv) Negative attitude by the rich towards the needy/ poor

(v) The influence of the mass media/ moral decadence in society

(vi) There is rampant corruption in the society

(vii) The emergency of cult leaders/ false prophets in the society/ lack of role models

(viii) Some Christians lead hypocritical life

(ix) Peer pressure

7. Give reasons why Jesus accepted to be baptized.To be identify as the messiahTo identify himself with the sinful mankind a signJesus was tempted to arbitrate between two brotherswhen the rich young ruler called Jesus a good teacherwhen he asked whether it was right to pay taxes to CaesarIn the garden of Gethsemane, he was tempted to escape the cup of sufferingDuring his trial he was asked whether he was the messiahDuring crucifixion he was spat on but did not fight backOn the cross one of the thieves wanted him to deliver themHe was questioned by the Sadducees about the resurrection

8. Outline ways in which Christians can overcome temptation in the contemporary world.

• Christians should not fear to condemn evils in the society • Christians should commit their lives wholly to the work of God • Christians should accept their role with humility and preach the gospel Christians should be ready to proclaim the gospel even in a harsh environment for people to know God • Christians should share their resources with the less fortunate • Christians should be content with their pay not to accept bribes • Christians should learn to be truthful in their work environment • Christians should pronounce the consequences of judgment on those willing to repent

9. Explain the lessons for Christian’s baptismTo follow Jesus example and identify with himTo receive the holy spirit who teaches and guide them in their livesTo prepare one to enter the kingdom of GodIt unites Christians under one body of ChristIt effects complete forgiveness of sinsIt is an act of being born againIt is a symbol of death and resurrectionThrough baptism one becomes a child of God

10. Describe the baptism of Jesus?.when all the people were Baptized Jesus was also baptizedHe was baptized by John the Baptist in River Jordan at a place called BethboraJesus was praying when the heavens openedThe holy spirit descended from heaven upon him inform of a doveA voice came from heaven saying “ Thou art my beloved son with thee I am well pleased”.

11. What is the relevance of John the Baptist teaching to Christian today?They should depend on JesusThey should be well versed with the scriptures so that they can refer to the bibleThey should seek guidance and counselingThey should attend bible classes for the right interpretation of the bibleThey should have faith or believe in God to help them during trialsThey should avoid wrong companyThey should take part in active leisureThey should avoid circumstances that can lead them to sinThey should resist Satan

12. Explain ways in which Christians can be tempted todayTo give bribe in order to get a jobTo engage in irresponsible sex due to peer pressureTo steal money entrusted to themTo cheat in examinationsTo take drugs/ alcoholTo exploit those who serve under them in their places of workTo keep excess change from a shopkeeper or toutTo show offTo change serves like healing

13. Describe the temptations of JesusSatan told Jesus to turn stones into bread and eat Jesus answered that man does not live on bread alone Satan then took Jesus to a high place and showed him all the kingdoms of the worldSatan promised to give Jesus everything if Jesus worshipped him Jesus answered that one should worship God and serve him aloneHastily, Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple.

He asked Jesus to throw himself down since God would send angels to ensure that he did not get hurt. Jesus answered that no one should tempt God.

Chapter 4

The Galilean Ministry

Jesus Rejection at Nazareth

Past Kcse Questions

1. In what way is God’s power demonstrated in the healing miracles of Jesus?The spoken word of Jesus during the healing of the paralyzed man “ your sins are forgiven” shows that Jesus was interested in curing people of their spiritual illnessRestoring people back to health liberates them from physical and psychological sufferingCasting out demons and raising people from dead shows that evil and the power of Satan are overcomedThose who witness the miracles realize God’s presence in Jesus and accepted him as the long awaited saviourThe healing of non- Jews attests to the fact that God’s saving grace is for all humanityThe healing gave hope to the sickThe healing was a demonstration of God’s love for those who were oppressed by sickness.

2. Give five lessons that a Christian can learn about the nature of Jesus from the incident when he cast out a demon from the man in a synagogue at Capernaum.Jesus was a teacherJesus has power over the SabbathJesus was humanJesus is the holy one of GodJesus had power over demonsJesus had concern over peopleJesus was courageous

3. Give the reasons why Pharisees were referred to as hypocrites by Jesus.They considered themselves self- righteousThey despised othersThey exalted themselvesThey knew the commandments but did not apply them appropriatelyThey followed Jesus with an intention of finding faultsThey followed rules made by human beingsThey emphasized the outward cleanliness as opposed to purity of heartThey altered the law of Moses to suit their selfish motivesThey were a bad influence to the peopleTheir effect on the people was hidden yet widespread

4. Identify five ways through which Jesus prepared the disciples for his coming death.By teaching themBy sending them on a mission work e.g. the 72 disciplesBy praying for themBy telling them about his coming death and resurrectionBy being with them e.g. during the transfiguration he was with Peter, John and James and this strengthened their faith

5. What should be the qualities of an evangelist in Kenya today?Should be knowledgeable in God’s wordShould be obedient to God’s commandmenthavefaith in JesusShould preach the gospelShould help the needyLive a life of fellowship with othersBe a role modelBe ready to suffer for ChristGuide and counsel othersPray all the timeShould condemn evils in the society

6. a) Outline what Angle Gabriel revealed about John the Baptist when he announced his birth to Zechariah. (6 mks)

(i) He would be a source of joy to the parents (ii) Many people would rejoice at his birth (iii) He would be great in the sight of the lord (iv) He was not to take strong drink/ wine (v) He was to be filled with the Holy spirit from his mother’s womb (vi) Many Israelites would turn to God through him (vii) He would havethe spirit of Elijah/ power (viii) He was to prepare the people for the lord/ call people to repentance (ix) He would turn the fathers hearts to children/ bring reconciliation

b) From the story of the early life of Jesus up to twelve years, identify ways through which he is seen as coming from a poor background. (8mks)His father was a poor carpenterHis mother was an ordinary village girlHe was born in a manger/ cattle shedHe was born in small town of Judah/ BethlehemThe first people to visit him were shepherds who were lowly regardedHe was revealed to Simeon and Anna who were simpleDuring his dedication the parents offered birdsHe grew in Nazareth town of low status

c) Give reasons why children should take part in church activities (6mks)They are made in the image of GodTo follow the example of Christ who went to the synagogue/ templeTo prepare them for future roles as leadersTo teach them religious beliefs/ practicesTo lay foundation for Christian, orals at an early ageJesus taught that the kingdom belongs to them/ he appreciated/ blessed childrenTo help develop/ improve their talentsTo give them an opportunity to socialize with othersTo help them spend their leisure positively

7. Give reasons why Jesus used parablesTo attract the attention of his listenersTo help his listeners understand betterTo separate the serious people from the onlookersTo enrich his teachingsTo avoid direct confrontation with his enemiesIt was a common way of teaching those daysTo teach about God’s mercy of sinnersTo make people think critically about issues concerning God’s kingdomTo relate present issues with those of future kingdom positively

8. Discuss the reasons why Jesus faced oppositions from the Jewish religious leadersHis popularityHis interpretation of the SabbathHis failure to observe the law of fastingHe associated with tax collectorsHis claim to be messiahHe out rightly condemned themTeaching with authorityClaiming to forgive sins

9. Identify various methods used by Christians in spreading the gospel todayPreachingTeachingBeing role modelHolding crusadesOrganizing seminars and conferenceElectronic mechanisms e.g. sms and emailsPrint media e.g. posters and magazinesDoor to door evangelismThrough demonstrations and role playThrough the mass media e.g. radio and TVThrough Christian music e.g. cassettes and C.D.s

10. Relate the miracle in which Jesus cast out evil spirit from a man at CapernaumJesus was teaching in the synagogue on a SabbathPeople were astonished because he spoke with authorityThere was a man with a demon in the synagogueThe man cried out loudly “ Ah what have you to do with us Jesus of Nazareth? have you come to destroy us? I know who are. The holy one of God”.Jesus rebuked the demon saying “ be silent and come out of him”The demon came out of the man having thrown him down but causing him to harmThe people were amazed at his word and powerReports about Jesus went out into every surrounding region

11. Explain ways in which the disciples of Jesus showed their support to his ministry.They left their families and followed himThey accepted his teachingsThey invited him to their homes e.g. LeviThey accompanied him in his workThey addressed him as Rabbi/ teacherThey took care when he remembered he had denied JesusThey were present when he was crucified on the crossThey helped him to spread the good news e.g. the 72 and the 12

12. State the obstacles Christian’s leaders face as they do their work.Political interference with church workCorruption in the societyFactionalism within church membersDeath and sickness among the membersStruggle for leadership among the membersHypocrisy of some of the membersFinancial constraintsIncreasing members of atheistsModern styles of living some of which are nor on accordance with biblical teachings

13. Explain why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth his home townHe annoyed the people by telling them that their forefathers rejected God’s prophetsHe failed to perform the miracles that he had performed in CapernaumHe told the people that prophets are ignored in their own countryHe declared that he had come to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the MessiahHe was the son of Joseph the carpenterHe compared them unfavorably with the Gentiles

14. State the lessons that Christians learn about Jesus in his temptations in the wildernessJesus was human e.g. he felt hungryJesus was divineJesus had power over SatanJesus was obedient to his fatherJesus was ready for his missionJesus was well versed with the scripturesJesus knew that temptations come from the devil as he told the devil to leave him

15. Give reasons why many people still reject the good news.Materialism – love of wealth at the expense of spiritualCorruption- This makes people to mistrust God loosePermissiveness in the society- It makes people loose values system especially religious valuesMass media- people spend time watching radio and TV which may influence them negativelyConfusion due to religious pluralism- some people start wondering which is the true religion or cultReligious persecution which make some people lose hope in GodSexual immorality- they are engaged in immoralityDrug and alcohol addiction

16. Identify the qualities of the disciples according to Jesus.Love their enemiesBless those who curse themShould be prayerfulForgiveness- not revengeKindness- share with othersBe mercifulMust be generous – give without expecting backCourageousObedient

Chapter Five

Some Works and Teachings of Jesus the Healing of the Centurion’s Servant

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. What was the importance of transfiguration to the ministry of Jesus?The appearance of and Elijah attests to the fact that Jesus had came to fulfill the law and the prophetJesus appearing in heavenly glory before his disciples affirms his messiah shipIt confirms that Jesus would fulfill God’s purpose through suffering and deathThe voice from heaven confirmed to the three disciple that Jesus was the son of GodGod strengthened Jesus and confirmed that be approved of his messiahThe incident strengthened the faith of the three disciples

2. Discuss the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the sower.The word of God is preached to all people but different people take it in different waysSome people hear the word of God but the devil carries and takes it away so that they not believeSome people hear the word of God, receive it gladly but when problems come they fall awaySome people hear the word of God and keep it in their hearts until they bear fruitsChristians should keep the word of God in their hearts and should spread it to others

3. With reference to the life ministry of Jesus identify activities which show that He was a workerPreaching and teaching all over the countryHealing the sick and the blindRaising the dead to lifePraying to God the fatherFeeding to people e.g. the 5000Identified with workers by drawing examples from the world of workWashing the feet of the disciples during the last supperCalming the stormBeing a carpenter where he assisted his fatherFishing, Jesus went fishing with his disciplesTraining instructor; he trained the disciples on how to carry out their mission e.g. the 72 disciplesHe appointed leaders by commissioning the disciples

4. What was the significance of the transfiguration of Jesus to His disciples?It confirmed to them that he was the son of GodIt shared his gloryIt prepared the disciples for the death and resurrection of JesusIt showed that there is life after deathThe disciples witnessed the presence of GodThe disciples witnessed Jesus in his heavenly gloryIt appeared to Peter for the future leadership of the church It strengthened the faith of the disciples

5. Identify actions which show that Jesus loved the needyHe called the ordinary people to be his disciples e.g. PeterHealed sickHe fed the hungryHe preached the good newsHe visited the lonelyHe mixed with sinners and outcastHe died for sinnersHe forgave the sinners

6. Relate the story of the feeding of the five thousand.Jesus took his followers to a quiet place in Bethsaida to restThey were followed by a multitudeJesus turned and preached to them about the kingdom of God and healed the sickThe disciples were worried about what the people would eatJesus asked the apostle to feed the crowsThey answered that they had only five loaves and two fish, which could not feed the 5000 peopleJesus asked the disciples to make the people sit down in groupsHe took the five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven and thanked God He then broke the bread and asked his disciples to share it outPeople ate to their fill and there were 12 baskets of food left.

7. List five lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the miracles of healingJesus is a universal saviour Jesus is concerned about the total well being of human beingsJesus has compassion towards the sufferingJesus is the lord of lifeJesus came to save the world from sinJesus is powerfulJesus has power over all sickness and diseaseJesus is a healer

8. Give five qualities of the Roman Centurion who requested Jesus to heal his servant.He had faith in JesusHe was courageousHe was humbleHe was lovingHe was generous

9. What lessons did the disciples of Jesus learn from the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand?Jesus was not only concerned with the spiritual food which was attained through preaching the word but also with people’s physical needsIt was a sign of the messianic bouquet Jesus had divine powerThey learned to have faith in GodJesus is a miracle workerAll things are possible with GodThey learned to rely on God to provide their basic needsThey learned the importance of sharing what they haveThey were encouraged to show compassion to the sufferingThey learnt the importance to show compassion to the sufferingThey learnt the importance of praying for their needs and those of othersThey learnt that they should meet people’s physical and spiritual needsThey learnt the kingdom of God is characterized by the fullness of contentment of his people both spiritually and physicallyTo serve others

10. State reasons why Jesus healed the sick.To evoke people’s faithHe had compassion for those who were sufferingTo fulfill the prophecy of IsaiahTo prove that he was the lord of lifeTo prove that he was the lord of life To prove that he was the messiah Jesus was concerned with the total well being of human beingsTo make people believe in himIt was a way of destroying the work of SatanTo show that he was the son of GodIt was a manifestation of God’s love and concern for his people through Jesus Christ

11. Outline the story of the raising of the widow’s son at Nain

Jesus was at the entrance of the city of NainHe saw a widow weepingHer only son had diedJesus was moved by compassionHe told the widow to stop weepingJesus touched the brierHe ordered the young man to ariseThe young man aroseThe people were seized with fear and glorified God

12. Describe the healing of the Garasene demoniac in Luke 8: 26-39 (8mks)They met a man who was demon possessed and lived among the tombsThe man fell down and told Jesus not to torment himThis is because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit out of the manJesus asked the man his nameThe man replied that his name was legion which meant many demonsThe demons begged Jesus not to let them go into the abyss but into the swine that were nearbyJesus commanded the demons to go into the swineThe swine rushed and drowned in a nearby lakeThe herdsmen then fled and went to tell people in the city concerning what had happenedPeople came and found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus, healed, dressed and in his right mindThe people got afraid of Jesus and asked him to leave their territoryThe healed man asked Jesus whether he could accompany himJesus told him to go and tell others what God had done for himThe man went through the town proclaiming the good news about Jesus

13. Narrate the parable of the lamp under a bowl.Jesus said that people do not light a lamp only to cover it with a bowl or hide it under a bedThey light it and put it on lamp stand so that everybody will see the light as they come inThe parable points on how people respond to good’s wordThose who hear and accept the word are a light to the others

14. What lessons do Christians learnt from the parable of a lamp under a bowl?Christians need to have faith in Jesus in order to accomplish the work of GodChristians are the light of the worldChristians should not be embarrassed about being ChristiansJesus is the lightA Christians has a duty to share the knowledge of GodOne cannot claim to be a Christian if the knowledge of God he/ she is kept and not shared

15. How can Christians share their spiritual knowledge?Teaching the youthTeaching the Sunday schoolHaving bible studiesPreaching fellowships Being a role model

16. Describe the incident when Jesus’ true family came looking for himJesus mother and brothers came looking for himThey could not see him because of the crowdwhen Jesus was told that they wanted to see him he replied that his mother and brothers were those who hear the word of God and obey it.Jesus relatives are those who respond to his teachings and practice themAll followers of Christ belong to one great familyFollowing Christ means forsaking all family attachmentJesus is the son of GodJesus is the messiah

17. What lessons do Christians learnt from the story of the family of Jesus?The assurance of the arrival of the kingdom of GodGod’s mercy towards sinnersGod’s coming judgmentThe conditions for discipleshipThe need for immediate and personal response to the good newsThe passion of Jesus and his eventual death

18. Describe how Jesus calmed the stormJesus was sailing with his disciples across the sea of Galilee when a great storm aroseJesus who had fallen asleep was awakened by his disciples as the water was entering their boatThe disciples were afraid that they would drownThey therefore wake Jesus and asked him to save them before their boat capsizedJesus rebuked the winds and the wavesHe asked the disciples “where is your faith”?

19. State Jesus teaching about forgiveness from the account of the adulterous womanGod is merciful and lovingThere is no sin that God cannot forgiveWe should not condemn others rather we should search our hearts and repent our sinsWe should love everybody and help them to come to repentanceWe should forgive other people so that we can also be forgivenAfter repentance and forgiveness we should never sin againWe are supposed to be as perfect as God

20. Give an account of the feeding of the 5000Jesus took his followers to a quit place in Bethsaida to rest They were followed by a multitudeJesus preached to them about the kingdom of God and healed the sickAt the end of the day the disciples were worried about what the people would eatJesus asked the disciples to feed the crowdThey answered that they had only five loaves and two fish which could not feed 5000 peopleJesus asked the disciples to make the people sit down in groupsHe took the five loaves and two fish looked up to heaven and thanked GodHe broke the bread and asked his disciples to share it outPeople ate to their fill and there were 12 baskets of food left

21. Describe the passion of Jesus and his destiny.Jesus wanted to find out whether the people and his disciples knew his true identity as the messiahHe asked the “ but who do say that I am”He asked the question because time had come for him to go to Jerusalem where he was to fulfill God’s plan of saving humankind by dying on the crossPeter answered that he was the messiahJesus asked the disciples not to tell anybodyJesus wanted the people would think that he was a political messiahHe revealed to the disciples that the messiah must suffer, be killed and then resurrect

Chapter Six

Some Major Teachings of Jesus the Journey to Jerusalem Duties and Privileges of Disciples Luke-9:51-62

1. What is the New Testament teaching on prayer?

i. We should have faith when praying

ii. We should ask God for help through prayers when faced with temptations iii.

We should pray for those who wrong us to be forgiven iv. We should make our requests known to God in prayers

v. We should have confidence in God when praying

vi. Prayers should be addressed to God our father vii.

Prayers should be prayed with humility viii. God answers prayers

ix. We should pray without ceasing 2. Why do some Christians find it difficult to pray?Lack of faith in GodSome say that they don’t have time Lack of knowledge on the teachings about prayers

They think that they can do without prayersPride and false confidenceThey have been made blind by riches 3. State the teachings of Jesus on how a Christian should approach god in prayer.Prayers should be addressed to God the fatherOne should go to a secret place to prayA Christians should be specific when prayingOne should havefaithOne should be persistent in prayerOne should thank God in prayersOne should confess his/ her sinsOne should ask for his/ her needsOne should pray for God’s will to be done

4. Explain the duties and privileges of disciplesOne should be ready to forego some comforts in lifeOne should be willing to sacrifice things that are dear in order to spread the gospelOne should not look back and desire his/ her past lifeOne should forsake any commitment that can be obstacle to the work of GodOne has to accept suffering persecution rejection and even deathOne must be willing to spread the God News.

5. What lessons can Christians learn from the teaching of Jesus on discipleship?Christians should not condemn those who reject Jesus and his teachings but instead pray for themChristians should emulate Jesus’ spirit of humilityChristians should practice self- denial and endure suffering for the sake of ChristChristians should be loyal and steadfast in their faith

6. What lessons can Christians learn about being committed followers of Jesus?Christians should not haveself- righteous attitudesChristians should regard a neighbour as anyone who needs their assistanceThe true and committed Christians demonstrate love beyond, everything else which is shown in their actionsChristians should show love and concern for all people regardless of their background and social statusChristians leaders should not practice hypocrisy like the priest and the Levite in the story of the good SamaritanChristians should strive to build a relationship with GodChristians should put God first and seek the kingdom of GodChristians need to ask God to provide for all their needs through prayer

7. How did Jesus encourage his disciples to overcome hypocrisy?He told the disciples not to fear those who can kill the body but to fear God who is able to destroy the body and the soulHe urged the disciples to stand for Jesus and publicly confess their loyalty to himHe told the disciples not to worry about being accused and being brought before the authorities as the holy spirit would guide them and tell them what to say He warned them against talking evil about the Holy Spirit

8. Identify three practices that Jesus criticized the Pharisees about.

Jesus criticized the practice of washing hands, cups and dishes which was done ceremoniously.He told them that it was more important to pay attention to issue of charity than to external appearances.Jesus criticized the Pharisees on their tithing habits. Although they tithed faithfully they neglected justice and the love of GodHe also criticized them because they loved the reserved seats in the synagogues and to be greeted with respect in market places. They had an outward appearance and a desire to be noticed as righteous people

9. Why did Jesus condemn the teachers of the law?They cleansed the outside, but inside they were full of violence and evilThey gave tithes but failed to show justice, love and mercyThey emphasized the law but did not follow itThey did activities for public show e.g. praying, fasting, being given the best seatsThey failed to consider the inner commitmentThey gave people many rules that the law became a burden to the peopleThey approved the killing of the prophetsThey prevented people from God’s knowledge

10. Why is it important for Christians to pray?In order to thank God for his blessingsIt shows one’s dependence on GodSo as to ask God for forgivenessIt is a way of communicating with GodTo make their needs known to GodSo as to worship GodTo intercede for others

11. Explain Jesus’ teachings on prayerIn prayer one should talk to God as father because he always listensOne should honour and praise God in prayerOne should pray for one’s needs as well as needs of othersOne should ask for forgiveness in prayers and express willingness to forgive othersOne should pray for strength so as not to be overcome by temptationsIn prayer one should ask for deliverance from the evil oneOne should be persistence in prayerOne must have faith for prayers to be answeredOne should approach God with humilityOne should not look down on others in prayers

12. Identify the problems that Christian encounter today in their commitment to Christ.OppositionTemptations from worldly pleasures Hardships weaken one’s faithFalse prophets contradict Christians faithDivision among church members Greed for powerChallenges from science and technologyEschatolical issues: some are not easy to understandChallenges from other religiousLack of resources in meeting their obligationsCommunication barriersLack of basic needs

13. What is the relevance of Jesus’ teaching on discipleship to Christians today?Christians should continue to evangelize and ensure that the gospel reaches all peopleChristians should not tire in evangelizing even in the face of hostility or resistanceChristians havea duty to take care of the servants of GodChristians should be involved in the healing ministry of Jesus in all its dimensionsChristians havethe assurance of God’s power to overcome evilChristians should be cautious of their ability to cast out evil spirits. They should be humble and acknowledge God’s power in their actions

Chapter Seven

The Kingdom of God Past Kcse Questions

1. With reference to the parables of Jesus explain his teachings about the kingdom of GodIt is God who establishes his kingdom. He is like a sowerGod gives life to the kingdom so that it grows from within like the yeast and the mustard seedJesus has brought the kingdom of God through his word and his very personThe kingdom of God is a present realityThe Kingdom of God is universalThe Kingdom of God starts in a small way and grows secretly to include all the nations of the worldThe Kingdom of God is valuableThere will be judgment in the kingdom of GodGod searches the lost individuals and brings them back to the kingdomThere is rejoicing in the kingdom when one lost individual is retrieved and brought back

2. What five lessons can a Christian learn from the parable of the prodigal son?Christians should repent their sinsChristians should forgive one anotherSin reduces us to the level of animalsThe friendship is found in GodChristians should welcome repentant sinners Christians should show love to sinners Sin separates us from GodChristians should not put their trust in material wealth Christians should not feel self- righteousChristians should not pass judgement over othersChristians should strive to live close to one anotherChristians should avoid selfishness

3. With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teachings of Jesus on responsibility to others.We should share our wealth with the less fortunate in societyWealth should be used for the good of othersIt is the Christian duty of the rich to share their wealth with othersIt is a sin to ignore the poorGod gives us wealth so that we can share it with others

4. How five parables used by Jesus to teach about kingdom of God from the parables of the yeast and the mustard seed..They shared their material wealth with the poorThey shared mealsThey shared belongingsThe early Christians sold their property and distributed money among themselvesThey took care of orphansThey took care of windows

5. List five parables used by Jesus to teach about the kingdom of God.The parable of the lost son The parable of the lost coinThe parable of the lost sheep The parable of the mustard seedThe parable of the yeastThe parable of the invited guestsThe parable of the great feastThe parable of the unfruitful fig tree

6. List five teachings about kingdom of God from the parables of the yeast and the mustard seed.Once God’ s kingdom is established it grows and spread to all corners of the earthThe kingdom of God grows secretlyIn spite of its humble beginning the kingdom of God still spreads far and wideThe kingdom of God continues to grow in spite of oppositionThe kingdom of God grows secretly in the hearts of peopleThe kingdom of God has a humble beginning but it grows into a great empire

7. Why do some Christians find it difficult to share their wealth with others?There is selfishness in the societyThe high cost of living has led to economic constraintsSome only share with the members of their family clanDenominational differences hinder the spirit of sharingIt can encourage laziness and dependenceIt is difficult to identify those who may require help Those receiving help may be suspiciousThose receiving the assistance may not show appreciationThey have not understood the biblical concept of sharing

8. Give reasons why Jesus used the parable of the last son in his teaching.To teach that God loves all his children including sinnersTo teach that God continues to search and call sinners to repentanceTo teach that God accepts any sinner that comes back to himTo teach that sinners should not fear turning back to God no matter how big their sin may beTo teach that the people who belong to the kingdom of God should rejoice with God when a sinner repentsTo teach his disciples to avoid judging othersTo teach his disciples not to be self- complacent about their faiths but remember to seek God’s forgiveness all the timeTo teach his disciples to avoid extravagance

9. Explain how the gap between the rich and the poor can be minimizes in the societyPooling resources together for the benefit of all can minimize the gap between the rich and the poorCreation of more jobs, so that all can be able to acquire basic needs Employers should give fair salariesFair distribution of land and other resourcesPutting into place a fairer system of taxation whereby the rich are taxed more than the poorProvision of favorable loan systems so that the poor can be able to acquire adequate housingThe government should put in place programmes that favour the poor such as free education free medical careSecurity in the country should be improved so that people can be able to develop projects uninterruptedPeople should be encouraged to work hard

10. Why should a Christian share his wealth?In order to take care of other people’s needsIn order to get blessings from GodIn order to help alleviate suffering in the societyIt is a way of practicing love for one’s neighbourIt is a mark of ChristianityTo avoid God’s judgementIn obedience to Jesus’ teachings

11. Narrate the parable of the prodigal sonThe father divide his wealth between the two sonsThe young son left for a far off country where he squandered all the money through careless livingA famine occurred and the young man had nothing to eatHe asked to be hired to feed pigsAs he had nothing to eat he ate what the pigs were eatingAs he took care of pigs he began to regret why he left his father’s homeOne day he made up his mind to go home and apologize to his fatherHe wanted to plead with him to take him back not as a son but as one of his hired servantswhen he got home his father received him with great joyThe father ordered his servants his servants to dress him in the best clothes availableHe also killed the best calf for him and there was much celebrationThe father explained why the celebration was necessary

12. Narrate the parable of the rich man and LazarusGod loves all his children including sinnersGod continues to search and call sinners to repentanceGod accepts any sinner that comes back to himSinners should not fear turning back to God no matter how big their sins may beThe people who belong to the kingdom should repent when a sinner repentChristians should avoid judging othersChristians should not be self complacent about their faith but remember to seek God’s forgiveness all the timeChristians should avoid extravagance

13. State the lessons that a Christian can learn from the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.There was a rich man who lived in luxuryAt this gate there was beggar called LazarusLazarus body was covered with sores and dogs used to lock his soresLazarus longed to eat what fell from the rich man’s tableLazarus died and was carried by angled to Abraham’s bosom.The rich man died and went to hell where he was great tormentThe rich man cried out to Abraham to allow Lazarus to dip his finger water and cool the rich man’s tongueAbraham responded by telling the rich man that the rich man had good things in his lifetime while Lazarus suffered. It was therefore his turn to sufferIt was not possible for one to cross from one side to the other The rich man requested for Lazarus to be sent to warn the rich man’s brothers.Abraham replied that they had the prophets to warn them and if they did not listen they would not listen even to one who rises from the deadThere was a rich man who lived in luxuryAt this gate there was beggar called LazarusLazarus body was covered with sores and dogs used to lock his soresLazarus longed to eat what fell from the rich man’s tableLazarus died and was carried by angled to Abraham’s bosom.The rich man died and went to hell where he was great tormentThe rich man cried out to Abraham to allow Lazarus to dip his finger water and cool the rich man’s tongueAbraham responded by telling the rich man that the rich man had good things in his lifetime while Lazarus suffered. It was therefore his turn to sufferIt was not possible for one to cross from one side to the otherThe rich man requested for Lazarus to be sent to warn the rich man’s brothers.

Abraham replied that they had the prophets to warn them and if they did not listen they would not listen even to one who rises from the dead

14. Explain ways through which Christians show concern for the suffering in society.Preparation for eternal life in heaven or hell is made while on earthThe reality of life after death is witnessed in the scriptureSatisfaction from material possession is temporary and may lead one to miss eternal life as one may be proud selfish and uncaringWealth should be used well in helping the needyWealth is good but indifference to the needs of others can earn one the wrath of GodWealth is a gift from God and should used for the glory of GodAlthough money is good it should not be seen as being more important than all including life.One cannot serve God and money because both are masters

15. Narrate the parable of the widow and the unjust judge.There was a widow in a town where there was a judge who neither feared God nor respected peopleThe widow kept going to the judge to demand for her rightsShe wanted the judge to help her but he kept refusingThe window was persistent and she kept on going to the judgeEventually the judge helped herJesus told this parable to encourage them to keep on praying and not to give up

16. In what ways do people misuse their wealthy?By overindulging in Alcoholism and drugIndulging in immoral activities e.g. prostitution and adulteryEngaging in gamblingBuying luxurious things e.g. expensive clothes, cars and house which are not necessaryUsing money to bribe others e.g. judges Using money to buy positions, power and status e.g. buying votes Use of wealth to show off or beg to othersUse of wealth to promote dangerous sports e.g. boxing, wrestling, bull – fighting e.t.cGiving lots of money to young childrenUsing wealth to lure others e.g. young people to immoral activities

17. Discuss Jesus teachings on wealth.One should use his/ her abilities to acquire wealthOne should use proper and honest means to acquire wealthWealth should be used to help the needyThe rich should share their wealth with the poorWealth should be used responsibly so as to avoid misuse and mismanagement of the resourcesAn individual should not allow wealth to be a stumbling block to eternal lifeWealth can be a hindrance to the entry into the kingdom of GodNo one can serve God and wealth at the same timeWealth comes from God and human beings are only stewardsOne should not put all their trust and hope in wealthOne should use/ her wealth for the extension of God’s kingdom

Chapter Eight Jerusalem Ministry

1. Describe the triumph entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkeyThe donkey was a symbol of humility and peaceRiding on a donkey therefore shows that he was not a military leader but that he had come in humility to bring peace. Thus he was the triumphant victorious and humble kingAs Jesus entered Jerusalem, people spread their cloaks on the road. This showed that Jesus was the promised messiahPeople sang and proclaimed him king as he rode through the city of JerusalemSome Pharisees asked Jesus to order the people to keep quietJesus replied that if they kept quiet the stones would start shoutingJesus no longer hid his messiah ship

2. Explain the cleansing of the templeJesus wept when he reached JerusalemHe wept because Jerusalem was going to reject him as the messiahJesus foresaw the judgement and destruction of the city of JerusalemJesus entered the temple and drove out the people that were trading in the templeHe accused them of turning the temple into a “hideout for thieves”.Jesus protested because the trading was hiding the real purpose of the templeFor this reason the temple would be destroyed because it was no longer serving as “ house of prayer for all people”.

3. Give an account of the question about Jesus authority.As Jesus was teaching and preaching in the temple, the chief priest and scribes together with the elders asked him in whose authority the taughtJesus in reply asked them whether John’s right to baptize was from heaven or from the earthThe questions brought division between the leaders and the peopleThe leaders did not know how to replyJesus meant that his authority was from heaven just like John’s

4. Give an account of the parable of the tenantsJesus narrated the parable of the landlord who planted a vineyard and gave it out to tenants. Then he went away for a long timeAt harvest time he sent three of his servants, one after the other to ask for his portion of the harvest. The tenants beat up all servants.The owner of the vineyard then sent his own son and the tenants beat him up and killed himJesus then told hid listeners that the owner had nothing left to do but to destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to other tenantsThe vineyard represents God’s kingdom IsraelThe servants represent the prophetsThe owner of the vineyard is GodThe son who was killed is JesusJesus then read from the scriptures that the builders rejected became the most importantJesus is the foundation of the Christian church.He is the stone that the builders rejected

Chapter Nine

The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Give reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supperUnleavened bread was used during the celebration of the Jewish PassoverWine was a common drink of the Jews and bread was common food.Jesus wanted to given the bread and wine new meanings and use them as symbols.Bread was to represent his broken for the forgiveness of sinWine was to represent his blood to be shed for the salvation to be shed for the salvation of humankindJesus wanted to give the Jewish Passover a new meaningJesus was enticing his teaching that he is the bread of life give to believers’ eternal life.Sharing of bread and wine in a sign of fellowship which is characteristic of messianic banquets.

2. Outline the actions taken by the Jewish leadership to ensure that Jesus was put to death.They paid Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus.They brought false witnesses to accuse him of blasphemy before the SanhedrinThey framed a treason charge against Jesus when he appeared before Pilate. Treason carried a death sentence.They employed armed people and Roman soldiers to deal with those who fight for JesusThey blackmailed Pilate into accepting their demands to have Jesus crucifiedThey organized a mob to shout for the death of Jesus and release of Barnabas.They crucified Him when they got permission from Pilate.

3. What lessons can a Christian learn from the actions of Pilate during the trial of Jesus?Jesus was innocentChristians should not be intimidatedChristians should do what is pleasing to God and not what pleases fellow human beingsChristians should strive for fairness regardless of the cost Christians should not misuse their powerJesus is the messiah.

4. How did the resurrected Christ reveal Himself to his followers?He appeared to the disciples on the way to Emmaus.He appeared to the eleven disciplesTwo angles told the women that Jesus had risen

5. Give five reasons why it was necessary for Jesus to have the last super with his disciples.It was a way of preparing them for His coming death and resurrectionBy washing their feet Jesus taught them about humility and need to serve othersIt was a good opportunity for Jesus to appoint a leader among them. He gave Simon the mandate of leading othersIt was a way of fellowshipping with them by eating with themEating together united the disciplesDuring the last supper Jesus predicted Peter’s DenialIt was a way of participating in the celebration of the PassoverIt symbolized the heavenly banquet that will be shared by God’s people in his kingdom.

6. Outline the preparations that Jesus made for the last supperThe disciples of Jesus asked Jesus when wanted them to prepare for the Passover feastTwo disciples were instructed to go to the cityThey were to follow the man into the house which he would enterThey followed Jesus instructionswhen they entered the house they asked the owner to show them the room where Jesus and disciples would celebrate the PassoverThey prepared the Passover mealIn the evening Jesus came with his disciples to celebrate the Passover meal

7. Identify the reasons that made Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus.Greed for moneyHe was an informer of the Jewish authorities He was overcome by the power of the evil oneHe lacked the moral courage to stand by Jesus during His moment of tribulationHe was disappointed by Jesus’ stress on a spiritual kingdom rather than a political one.

8. a) Outline the events that took place on the Mount of Olives before the arrest of Jesus. (7mks)Jesus told the disciples to prayJesus moved a distance away from the disciplesJesus knelt down and prayedAn angel from heaven strengthened himThe disciples fell asleepJesus awoke the disciplesThere came a crowd led by Judas one of his twelve disciplesJudas wanted to kiss JesusOne of the disciples struck off a slave’s ear.Jesus asked the religious leaders why they had come to arrest him as if he was a criminal.

b) Give reasons why Peter denied Jesus. (8mks)Peter was afraid of being arrested/killedHe was overcome by the devil/SatanThe denial had been predicted by JesusPeter was confused by the turn of eventsHe was disappointed by the fact that Jesus did not fight backHe lacked faith in JesusHe had no support/solidarity with other disciples

c) Why is the death of Jesus important to Christians? (5mks)Through the death of Jesus, Christians are forgiven their sinsChristians are not supposed to make animals sacrifices to GodIt demonstrates God’s love for human beingsChristians have a personal relationship with GodChristians are able to commit themselves to the will of God.It enables Christians to face death with courageThrough his death, salvation/eternal life is availed to all peopleHe has become their everlasting high priest by offering his own body.

9. a) How did Jesus celebrate the last supper with disciples? (7mks)

i) Jesus sat with his disciples at one table

ii) He told them that he had desired to have the meal with them

iii) He took the cup, gave thanks and asked the disciples to share

iv) He also took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave to them

Write down five activities of the church in Kenya, which show that t v) He explained to them the meaning of the bread and wine/the bread was his body/the wine was his blood that would seal the new covenant.

vi) He commanded the disciples to hold the ritual in memory of him

vii) He informed them that they would be betrayed by one of them

viii) He taught the disciples qualities of good leadership/humility /service to others

ix) He told Simon that he would be tested by Satan/He informed him that he had already prayed for him

x) He asked Simon/Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed

xi) Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed

xii) He commanded the disciples to acquire swords/have their own provisions/personal belongings

b) Outline the lessons that Christians learn from the incident when Jesus went to pray with his disciples on the Mount of Olives. (5mks)

i) They should be prayerful

ii) They should put God’s will first/desire God’s will to be done in their lives.

iii) Prayer helps one to overcome temptations/difficult situations

iv) They should depend on God for strength/support.

v) They should encourage others in their weaknesses.

vi) They should be ready to suffer for God’s sake

vii) They should be watchful/alert for the enemy strikes when they lest expect it.

viii) They need to have close friends/associates that one can lean on.

c) Give four reasons why the disciples found it difficult to believe that Jesus had resurrected. (8mks)

i) The message was first taken to them by women who were regarded lowly in society; hence it seemed an idle talk.

ii) They had witnessed the helplessness of Jesus at the time of crucifixion, hence had lost hope in him.

iii) They had witnessed the burial could not imagine how the stone could not imagine how the stone could be rolled away from the tomb.

iv) They felt ashamed for having denied betrayed him, hence wished that it was not true.

v) They had not understood the teaching of Jesus which indicated that he would resurrect on the third day.

vi) It was a new experience they had never seen / heard of people coming to life after death on their own.

vii) They lacked faith in the teachings of Christ.

viii) They had expected a political messiah who was to die in dignity/would not resurrect.

10. Give reason why the resurrection of Jesus is important to is the basis of their faithIt gives them hope for eternal lifeThrough it dealt had been conqueredIt gives Christians courage to face sufferings and deathIt led to the coming of the Holy spiritIt is the basis of Christian teachings.It is a fulfillment of Jesus promises to the disciplesIt confirms that Jesus is a like

11. Give the names given to the Lord’s Supper.Last supperCommon mealThe lord’s tableThe EucharistHoly massBlessed sacrament

12. Why did Pilate agree to have Jesus crucifiedHe was afraid of the Jews revolt since it was his duty to maintain peace in his territory in accordance with the Roman Emperor.He did not want to be disloyal to the roman Emperor after learning that Jesus was accused of treason.He washed his hands after realizing that Jesus was the son of godHis wife had also cautioned about Jesus’ innocence. Pilate himself had found no evidence to convict Jesus.

13. How did Jesus prepare for His death?He predicted his death three timesHe taught his disciples to be strong and firm in their faithDuring his transfiguration when he was together with Moses and Elijah he talked about it.He traveled to Jerusalem where it could take place

14. State the actions taken by Jewish leaders to ensure Jesus was put to death.The Jewish leaders paid Judas Iscariot to betray JesusThey brought false witnesses to accuse him for blasphemyThey framed a treason charge against Jesus when he appeared before PilateThey blackmailed Pilate into accepting the demands to have Jesus when he appeared before PilateThey organized a bomb to shout for the death of Jesus and the release of BarnabasThey crucified him when they got permission from Pilate

15. Explain the preparations made for the last supper by the disciples of Jesus.The disciples asked Jesus where he wanted the supper preparedTow disciples were instructed to follow a man carrying a jar of water to the house he would enterThey asked to be shown the roam where the feast would be celebratedThey prepared the Passover mealIn the evening Jesus came with the other disciples to celebrate the Passover meal.

16. Give reasons why Christians celebrate the last supper.The Holy communication is one of the sacraments of the church e.g. catholic church.To receive spiritual nourishmentTo celebrate their acceptance of Jesus Christ by listening to his word and sharing acceptance of Jesus Christ by listening to his word and sharing in the breaking of bread.It is an expression of Christian faith and hope in Jesus ChristIt is celebrated as a thanksgiving to god for everything accomplished in salvationIt reminds of Christ’s presence constantlyIt reminds of Christ’s presence constantlyIt is celebrated in recognition of Christ’s love of mankindIt is in obedience to the command of JesusSharing of bread and wine is a demonstration of the unit of the participants with one another and with Christ.Partaking of the meal symbolizes the sealing of the new covenantPartakers receive reassurance of the forgiveness of sins.

17. Give reasons for the behaviour and reactions of the Jewish leaders to Jesus.They considered Jesus’ claim to be the son of God blasphemousThey Jesus pretence of messiah-shipThey considered Jesus as a false prophetJesus had attacked the temple worship as managed by the Jewish leadersThey claimed that Jesus had committed the crime of sedition against the Roman Empire.

18. Give reasons why Peter denied JesusAfter Jesus was arrested he was taken before the high priest where the Sanhedrin tried himJesus was then taken before Pilate and accused of misleading people telling people not to pay taxes and claiming to be king.Pilate did not find a good reason to condemn Jesus he therefore referred him to Herod.Herod tried to make Jesus perform a miracle unsuccessfully. He had Jesus sent back to PilatePilate gathered the chief priest leaders and other people and declared Jesus innocentPilate wished to release Jesus and made several attempts to do so.The people pressurized Pilate to condemn Jesus to deathThe soldiers made a crown of thorns and put on JesusThey led Jesus to the place of crucifixionOn the way Jesus was helped to carry the cross by Simon of Cyrene.Jesus was crucified with two other peopleJesus clothes were stripped off him and soldiers divided the clothes among themselvesOne criminal told Jesus to remember him while the other one mocked himAt the sixth hour extra-ordinary deeds occurred. These included darkness and the temple curtain split into two.Jesus called out committing his spirit to god and died.Joseph of Arimathea asked for his body and wrapped it in linen and buried in a tomb.

19. Explain the event that took place between the arrest and burial of Jesus.After Jesus was arrested he was taken before the high priest where the Sanhedrin tried himJesus was then taken before Pilate and accused of misleading people telling people not to pay taxes and claiming to be king.Pilate did not find a good reason to condemn Jesus he therefore referred him to Herod.Herod tried to make Jesus perform a miracle unsuccessfully. He had Jesus sent back to PilatePilate gathered the chief priest leaders and other people and declared Jesus innocentPilate wished to release Jesus and made several attempts to do so.The people pressurized Pilate to condemn Jesus to deathThe soldiers made a crown of thorns and put on JesusThey led Jesus to the place of crucifixionOn the way Jesus was helped to carry the cross by Simon of Cyrene.Jesus was crucified with two other peopleJesus clothes were stripped off him and soldiers divided the clothes among themselvesOne criminal told Jesus to remember him while the other one mocked himAt the sixth hour extra-ordinary deeds occurred. These included darkness and the temple curtain split into two.Jesus called out committing his spirit to god and died.Joseph of Arimathea asked for his body and wrapped it in linen and buried in a tomb.

Form 3 Work Chapter One

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Write down five activities of the church in Kenya, which show that the Holy Spirit is working among ChristiansPraying e.g. individual, congregationalDecision making in the church/solving issues and problemsFaith healing/healing the sickSpeaking in tonguesSinging and dancing /musicPreaching/teachingGiving of offertory and aims /sadakaCondemning on the prophetic ministry of the churchHold fellowship meeting/bible study/reading the bibleCelebrating of sacraments e.g. Eucharist/Lords supperBringing new converts to the churchPastoral care and consultingWorking together of the churches/ecumenism/co-operationWriting Christian literature e.g. books/pamphlets/magazinesConfessions of sins/reconciliationsEducation/giving instructions.

2. Write down five teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of PentecostIt is a gift of the Holy SpiritIt is the most important gift of the Holy spiritIt is patientIt is kindNot jealousNot conceited/proud/boastfulNot jealousNot conceited/proud/boastfulNot ill-manneredNot selfish/it generousNot irritable/grudgeNot happy with evilsDoes not keep wrongsNot happy with truthIts never gives upIts faith, hope and patience never failIt is eternal

3. State the teachings of Saint Paul in (1 corn 13) about love

4. State five ways in which the gifts of the Holy Spirit have been abused in the church .todayCheating that one has a certain gift of the Holy spiritCommercialization of the gifts /people are asked pay money before being prayed . False interpretation of the Bible/prophecy/prediction of the future.Un scrupulous Christian may impart demoniac powers on innocent faithfulSome Christians who possesses the gifts of Holy spirit develop pride/superiority complex selfishnessWrong use of the gifts of the Holy spirit where faithful get into ecstasy/trance which may lead to injuries.Distinguishing oneself as a person with a special call/preacher with an intention of exploiting others/situations

5. List five spiritual gifts given to the church according to Saint PaulFaith WisdomPerforming miracles HealingDistinguishing between spirits Interpretation of tongues Speaking in tongues

6. Ways in which Peter’s life was transformed on the day of Pentecost-ActsHe was filled with the power of the Holy spirit Was courageous/bold/strengthened /increased in faith Preached the word/testifiedRemembered scriptures of the Old Testament i.e Joel 23 Made wise decisions /advised peopleBaptized new converts/300He led the other disciples/spokesman /leader of the church

7. Outline the teaching of Jesus on the role of the Holy SpiritThe holy spirit is a counselor/helper He comfortsHe teaches He guidesHe judges/convicts the worldHe is the spirit of truth He is a companionHe strengthens He empowers He empowersHe reminds/convinces people on righteousness He glorifies Jesus ChristHe reveals the things of God /reveal things to come

8. With reference to the day of Pentecost, outline Peter’s message to the PeopleHe told the people that the disciples were not drunkThey were filled by the Holy spirit as fulfillment of God’s prophecyThat Jesus was the son of GodGod’s power was seen in the miracles, signs and wonders performed by Jesus.Jesus had been killed by the Jews because of their wickednessGod raised Jesus back to lifeJesus was descendant of DavidThat Jesus ascended to heaven and is at the right hand of God.Jesus is the Lord/ChristHe called the people to repent their sins so as to be forgivenThey were to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. Explain how the use of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the Church at Corinth (6 mks)He told the people that the disciples were not drunkThey were filled by the Holy spirit as fulfillment of God’s prophecyThat Jesus was the son of GodGod’s power was seen in the miracles, signs and wonders performed by Jesus.Jesus had been killed by the Jews because of their wickednessGod raised Jesus back to lifeJesus was descendant of DavidThat Jesus ascended to heaven and is at the right hand of God.Jesus is the Lord/ChristHe called the people to repent their sins so as to be forgivenThey were to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

10. a) State ways in which the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church today? (6 mks)The people who had the gifts of speaking in tongues despised those who did not have.There was competition in speaking in tonguesThere was no interpretation of tongues hence messages were not understoodPeople did not show love to one another as they used the gifts of the Holy spiritThere was disorder/confusion in worship as people with different gifts tried to outdo one anotherPeople did not use the growth/ development of the churchGifts such as prophecy/teaching/preaching/preaching were looked down upon.

b) How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit misused in the church today? (6 mks)People demand favours/payment for performing miraclesPeople claim to be under the influence of the Holy spirit when they are notThere is too much emphasis on speaking in tongues at the expense of other gifts.Those who havethe gifts of the holy spirit are proud/boastful/look down upon othersPeople misinterpret the Bible/confuse others while claiming to the under the influence of the Holy Spirit.Individuals cause divisions/splinter groups in the church claiming that the Holy Spirit has inspired them to start new churches/ministriesSometimes gifts of the Holy Spirit are expressed in a disorderly manner in the church.People use the gifts for self glorificationPeople speak in tongues without an interpreter hence creating misunderstandingPeople use the gifts to instill fear/intimidate others.

11. Identify the fruit of the Holy spirit taught by Saint Paul in Galatians 5: 22-23 (5mks)

i. Love

ii. Joy

iii. Peace

iv. Kindness

v. Goodness

vi. Self Control

vii. Gentleness

viii. Patience

ix. Faithfulness

12. State the fruits of the Holy SpiritLovePeacePatienceKindnessFaithfulnessSelf controlGoodnessGentleness

13. In what ways do Christians today use the fruits of the Holy spirit to spread the GospelShow their love and compassion to one another by supporting those who have been affected by HIV and AIDSChristians show that their kindness by caring about non-believers and preaching the gospel to themThey help in working for peace where there is conflictThey have shown faithfulness when there seems to be despair so that others have known that God care for all.Christians have shown self control when they have been accused falsely

14. In what ways did the Holy Spirit manifest himself on the day of Pentecost?when the disciples were all praying there was a violent wind which filled the houseThe believers saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest upon each one of themThe believers spoke in other tonguesThe apostle Peter was enabled by the Holy Spirit to be bold and he explained to the people the event that had just been witnessed.About 3,000 people repented and were baptized

15. Explain how the use of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in the church at Corinth.The people who had the gifts of speaking in tongues despised those who did not haveThere was no interpretation of tongues hence messages were not understood.People did not show love to one another as they sued the gifts of the Holy Spirit.There was disorder/confusion in worship as people with different fits tries to outdo one another.People did not use their gifts for the growth/development of the churchGifts such as prophecy/teaching/preaching were looked down upon.

Chapter Two Unity of Believers

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Identify five causes of disunity in the early church.Selfishness/agreed for money by some Christians.Rivalry/competition for leadership positions/agreed for powerMisinterpretation by some Christians of work of the Holy Spirit.Arrogance/pride by some ChristiansCorruption in the churchFailure by the church leaders to live according to the law of God/their failure to live exemplary livesLack of concern by some Christians about the plight of othersMisinterpretation of the Bible/doctrinal differences.Misuse of church funds/power by some leadersLack of transparency/accountability in running church affairs.Political interferenceSexism/women are not involved in decision making/they are under-representedTribalismDenominational differences

2. Explain the factors that prevent effective church co-operation in Kenya.They met for prayers/prayed together in fellowshipThey prayed for one another/for those in difficultiesThey shared their belongings/property with one another/lived together.They sold their property and distributed the money among themselves/according to each individuals needs.They celebrated the holy communion togetherThey showed concern to /helped the less fortunate e.g widowsThey welcomed each other to their homes/offered hospitality to other Christians in their homesThey solved problems/disputes affecting the church e.g. council of JerusalemWinning converts/accepting members to the church without discrimination e.g. gender, race.Preached the same gospel of Jesus ChristThey removed divisive traditions/customs for the membership of the church.Churches in different places kept in touch with each other through visit/missionary workChurches in different places kept in touch with each other through visit.Churches in the area sent help to the churches that were in need e.g. famine reliefThe unity of the church was demonstrated through the work of the Holy spirit among Christians

3. Explain the factors that prevent effective church co-operation in Kenya.Different interpretation of the Bible believes/holier than thou attitudes.Differences due to historical legacy based on foundation principles/originCompetition to win more converts to supersede the othersLack of equity in resources which make some churches more developed than othersGreed to lead which make the various level of leadership uncooperativeDifferences in the acquisition of church wealthDifferences arising from appointments of women as preachersDifferences due to the issue of acceptable Christians norms 4. Give reasons why Christians in Kenya should work in unityIn order to promote oneness of ChristTo share the scarce resources/minimize expenses.In order to achieve effective evangelism/ministryIn order to adopt a common attitude to the integration of African culture in worshipTo prevent the formation of splinter groups/cultsTo reduce the internal wranglingIn order to have a common stand in dealing with issues affecting the society (education/constitutional review/medical care)

5. a) In what ways was the celebration of the Lord’s supper misused in the Church at Corinth.They ignored the significance of feast taken as an ordinary mealIt led to drunkenness/disorderlinessIt did not want to unite believers/created divisions in the churchIt led to the oppression of the poor Christians/rich showed offThey took it when they were unworthy/profaned it.They did not seek god’s blessings/gave thanks. b)Reminds them of the death and resurrection of JesusProclaims the death and resurrection of Christ until it comesUnites the believersHelps them to rededicate themselves /confess/prayReminds them of God’s love for humanity/strengthen their faith.It is a thanks giving for God’s saving act.It symbolizes the body and blood of JesusIt is a foretaste of the second coming of ChristIn obedience of Jesus commandsIt is a sign of the new covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

b) Give reasons why Christians take part the Holy CommunionReminds them of the death and resurrection of JesusProclaims the death and resurrection of Christ until it comesUnites the believersHelps them to rededicate themselves /confess/prayReminds them of God’s love for humanity/strengthen their faith.It is a thanks giving for God’s saving act.It symbolizes the body and blood of JesusIt is a foretaste of the second coming of ChristIn obedience of Jesus commandsIt is a sign of the new covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

6. a) Explain what the teaching of Jesus about the vine and the branches in John 15:1-10 reveal about the unit church in Kenya today. (7mks)

i. God is the vine dresser/Jesus is the true vine

ii. The followers of Jesus/the Christians are the branches.

iii. Christians are related to God through Jesus

iv. The unfaithful Christians are the unfruitful branches which are cut away/destroyed

v. The faithful Christians/fruitful branches are pruned so as to produce more fruit

vi. Christians can only bear fruits /do good things if they remain united to Christ

vii. Through Christ all Christians are joined to one another.

viii. Christians should rely on God for all providence

ix. Love is [passed on to the Christians from god through Christ

x. Christians should observe/keep Gods commandments.

7. What symbolic titles do Christians use to describe their unity?the churchthe bridethe body of Christvine and the branchesthe people of god

8. In what ways are the people of God described (1 peter 2:9-10)Abrahams descendants were referred to as the people of godFollows of Christ are described as the people of GodThey are people chooses by GodThey are special chosen raceThey are a royal priesthood. They perform priestly tasks such as preaching, conducting church services and servicesThey are a holy nationThey are Gods own peopleThey are people who have received Gods mercyThey practice justice, love, perseverance, tolerance and appreciation for other Christians.They called to declare the deeds of God

9. Outline the New Testament teaching on unity of believers as the brideThe bride represents the believers in Christ (Christ) and they are united to Christ who is the bride groomThe church is to be committed to Christ, just as the bride is to the bride groom. Christians as the bride of God should be pure and not corrupted in sinGods relationship to his people is perfect and will lat eternallyThe brides patience in the union with Christ will not be in vain. God will wipe every tear from peoples eyes. There will be no death, mourning or painCommitted Christians will be taken to anew home(heaven),just as the bride is taken home by the husband

10. Explain the vine and the branches as a symbol of unity of believers.Vine is JesusVine dresser is GodBranches are believersBranches that do not bear fruit are believers who are unfaithful to GodBeliever who remain with Christ will bear fruits otherwise those that do not will be pruned and thrown in eternal fireVine who is the Christ links us with GodVine/Christ brings a relationship of love between God and men.

11. Identify ways in which the unity of believers is expressed in the concept of the body of Christ.The of Christ can be compared to the functions of the human body. Just as there is unity among various body parts so members of the body of Christ must be unitedGod has arranged all parts of the body so that they are all interdependent similarly, all gifts are important and for the benefit and enrichment of allThere should be no divisions in the church since all believers are members of the body of Christ so they should live a life worth god’s calling.Christ ascension resulted in the fulfillment of God’s purpose for his people. The enemy has been defeated so they are all united in Christ in the church.Jesus gave gifs through the Holy spirit to those who belong to him. They all work together to edify the church to enhance the unity in the body of Christ.

Chapter Three

Selected Old Testament

Prophets and Their Teachings

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Discuss how Jesus fulfilled the old testament prophecies about the messiah

Nathan’s prophecy to David that god will make his (David’s) descendant to rule over Israel/forever is affirmed by the angel Gabriel during the annunciation (Luke 1: 32)The conception of Mary fulfils the prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 7: 14)Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem of Judah as had been prophesied by the prophet of Micahwhen Jesus taught in the Synagogue in Nazareth at the beginning of this ministry, he quoted from Isaiah 61: 1-2 to affirm that he was the Messiah that Isaiah talks about when John sent his disciples to Jesus to enquire whether he was the Messiah.The Messianic age is foretold in the Old Testament, is enacted by Jesus when he turns water into wine at Cana in Galilee/other miracles.Through miracles Jesus shared the suffering of mankind, thus fulfilling the prophecy of the suffering servant (Isaiah 53:4)The old Testament prophecy of the peaceful king is fulfilled by Jesus during the triumphant entry when he enters Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Isaiah 62:11The rejection and death of Jesus were foretold in the old testament Psalms 118: 22-23The new covenant foretold by Jeremiah is fulfilled by Jesus during the last supper/death /resurrection/forgiveness of sins

2. Why did the prophets of the old testament condemn the way the Israelites Worshipped.Religion became too commercialized/money could be used to buy favours from God.People broke the ten commandments/disobeyed God’s commandsPeople forgot the saving mighty works of God/worshipped foreign gods e.g. Baal, Asherah, idolsThe poor were hated, despised/considered outcastsThe widows/orphans were neglectedPeople believed in false prophets/propheciesPeople practiced syncretism.

3. With reference to the Old testament outline the characteristics of a true Prophet.A true prophet must havebeen calledA true prophet communicated God’s message to the peopleA true prophet spoke with authorityA true prophet understood the nature of their propheciesA true prophet acknowledged only one godA true prophet received revelations in the form of dreams, visions and symbolic actions,Their prophecies came to passThey understood the nature of their propheciesThey proclaimed punishment and rewards to individual and to the whole nationTheir reductions were fulfilled

4. Explain the role of prophets in the Old Testament.They spoke on behalf of god/God’s messengers/mouth piecesThey foretold the future eventsThey guided/counseled the kingsThey called people back to repentance/gave messages of hopeThey reminded the people about the covenantThey condemned the evil in societyThey warned the people of God’s judgmentThey made the people understand the nature of god.They offered sacrifices to godThe anointed kingsThey interpret the vision dreams from God/current events

5. Describe the characteristics of the false prophets in the old testament ( 7 mks)

i. They asked for payment for their services/material gains.

ii. They were self appointed/had no call from god

iii. Their prophecies were not fulfilled

iv. They spoke what the people wanted to hear/wanted to please the people

v. They raised false confidence among the people

vi. They did not speak with authority when challenged

vii. They spoke about doctrines/teachings that were contrary to the covenant

viii. Their raised false confidence among the people

ix. They did not speak with authority when challenged.

x. They spoke about doctrines/teachings that were contrary to the covenant

xi. Their lives were not exemplary/hypocrites

xii. They wanted favours from the kings

xiii. They were not ready to suffer for the truth

xiv. They undermined the work of the prophets

6. State three differences between prophets in the Old Testament and Traditional African communities (6 mks)

i. Communities. The Old Testament prophets stresses the worship of one God/monotheism while in some traditional African communities, prophets recognized many gods/goddesses.

ii. The old testament received their power, guidance directly from god while the African traditional prophets got their power from god through the living dead/spirits

iii. The old testament prophets faced opposition from their people while traditional African prophets were confined to their ethnic communities

iv. The Old Testament prophets faced opposition from their people while the traditional African prophets were confined to their ethnic communities.

v. The work of OT prophets were recorded and reserved while ATR was handed over through oral traditions.

7. Explain ways in which prophets of God were important in the life of the nation of Israel.They acted as mediators between god and peopleGod spoke to prophets to communicate information about the futureThey preached practical monotheism and condemned idolatryThey condemned all forms of social evils and ritual sinsThey acted as the conscience of kingsThey gave people hope of being restored to god if they repented their sins.

8. What lessons can Christians learn from the lives of old testament prophetsChristians should use the gift of prophesy for the glory of GodChristians like Old testament prophets should always stand for truthChristians should always condemn the social political and economic evils such as corruption in the societyChristians like the Old Testament prophets should lead holy livesThey should expect persecution in their work as God’s messengers. Old Testament prophets like Jeremiah were rejected and persecuted by their own people.Christians like the Old testament prophets should be ready to obey God’s callChristians should realize that god is universal hence they should reach out to all people.

9. Identify the various ways through which the Old testament prophets communicated their messages to the peopleLyricsProse narrativesSermonsLetters-JeremiahSongs/poemsLamentationsLifestyles e.g. in HoseaMiracles e.g. Moses and Elijah

10. Give features of false prophets in IsraelThey followed their own imaginations and filled people with false hopeFalse prophets had no personal knowledge of god. They received no visions or dreams from god.The false prophets sued evil forces like magic to call upon the spirits.They experienced themselves without authority before god and menTheir prophecies were not in line with the divine revelationsFalse prophets prophesied for payment and this was against the covenant that the Israelites had with God.They derived materials benefits from the prophecies which pleased their clientsThey served other gods and not Yahweh e.g. Baal.They told their clients what they wanted to hear and not true things.

Chapter Four Amos

Past Kcse Question on the Topic

1. State the sins that were condemned by prophet AmosSelling into slavery those who could not pay their debts The oppression of the poor and the weakSexual immoralityHypocrisy/practicing empty religious, rituals when people’s hearts are far from itExploitation of the poor. A state where the poor were poorer and the rich ere becoming ratherTelling lies/dishonestyHypocrisy practicing empty religious, rituals when people’s hearts are far from itExploitation of the poor. A state where the poor were poorer and the rich were becoming richerTelling lies/dishonestyMisusing the house of God/profaning/desecration of the temple III-treating the Nazarenes and the prophetsIdol worshipInjustice on the poor, weak and down trodden DrunkennessCheating in business by use of false scales

2. List five visions that Amos saw concerning the coming judgment on the People of Israel.Vision of a great swarm of locustsVision of a great fireVision of a crooked wall Vision of a basket of fruitsVision of the destruction of the altar.

3. Give reasons why prophet Amos was against the way the Israelites Worshipped God.They gave empty sacrifices which did not reflect holy livesThey practical syncretismThere was no sincerity in worship/hypocrisyThey made idols/worship/hypocrisyThey made idols /worshipped idolsThey built many high places of worship for idolsThey misused the temple by feasting/drinkingThey refused to listen to the prophets of god/listened to false prophetsThey misused the SabbathThey practiced temple prostitution

4. (a) State the teachings of prophet Amos about the day of the lord (8 mks)

i) It will be a day of terror and disaster

ii) God will punish the Israelites for their disobedience/He will remember their evil deeds

iii) The land shall tremble/there will be earthquakes

iv) People will mourn /no happiness

v) There will be darkness at noon

vi) the feasts and festivals will not be joyful

vii) People will thirst/hunger for the word of God

viii) People will faint in the process of searching for the word of God

ix) It will be a day of disappointment to the Israelites x) The wicked will not escape God’s judgment.

(b) How can Christians assist the church leaders to perform their duties effectively? (5 mks)

i) Giving financial /material help

ii) advising/counseling them on various issues

iii) Encouraging them in their work

iv) Participating fully in church activities/functions

v) Giving tithes and offerings faithfully

vi) Praying for them

vii) Respecting them

viii) Practicing/obeying the word of God

ix) Defending them against unfair criticism. x) Providing training opportunities for them

5. How is the church promoting social justice in Kenya today? ( 6 mks)

i) The righteous could be sold for silver and the needy for a pair of shoes.

ii) The rich woman led luxurious lives and were unkind to the poor

iii) The rich woman encouraged their husbands to exploit the poor

iv) The rich people took an excess share of the harvest from the farmers

v) The rulers lived luxurious lives in good houses as the poor suffered thus God would send them into exile.

vi) The rulers were arrogant, trusted in material things, drunk wine when the poor had nothing to eat.

vii) The judges were corrupt and took bribes from the rich

viii) The wealthy merchants cheated the poor by using scales/selling the refuse

ix) The Israelites indulged in wine drinking and forced even those not supposed to drink, to do so

x) Those who spoke the truth were hated

xi) Prophet Amos advised the prople to seek good and avoid evil

xii) The Israelites indulged in sexual immorality, they provoked the almighty God.

xiii) He advised against the misuse of the garments taken in pledge

xiv) Amos advised against robbery with violence.

6. (a) In what ways did the Israelites break their relationship with God during the time of Amos.There was clan distinction in Israel which was not allowed by the covenant way of life.They did not respect the authority of God as their leaders There were murder cases/crimes, which led to loss of lifeThe poor were oppressed by the rich/exploited themThere was increased immorality where there was prostitution and increases adultery

(b) State the relevance of Amos message on judgment for Christians today.

God is universal and expects his people to be morally and spiritually upright by obeying his commandmentsTheir behaviour should match their religious piety Christians should shun evil and live according to God’s will Christians should serve God only to avoid judgment of themThey should live exemplary life to give others courage to join the worship of god Christians may fund themselves in hopeless and helpless situation hence no hope for the future.

Chapter Five


Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Discuss the circumstances which led to the exile of the Israelites in Babylon.Towards the end of the seventh century B.C the Babylonians had become the most powerful nation in the Middle east through conquest.The Israelites had forsaken the covenant way of life with the neighbours/the leaders of the people were corrupt/there was social injustice/lack of moral responsibility/accountabilityThe Israelites had broken the covenant relationship with God by forsaking the religion of their forefathers/by worshipping idols/practicing syncretismIntermarriages with non-Israelites brought in foreign influence which made the Israelites run away from Yahweh to other GodsThe Israelites refused to listen to the voice of the prophet Jeremiah/prophets who tried to bring the people back to the covenant way of lifeThe Israelites also persecuted the prophets of Yahweh (Jeremiah)when they challenged them about their way of life/hypocrisy in order to silence themThe Israelites failure to take the opportunity given to them by the prophets to respectIsraelites failure to take the opportunity given to them by the prophets to respectIsrael had experienced a succession of weak rulers who did nothing to return the people to the covenant way of life.In 603 B.C Nebuchadnezzar/Babylonians defeated the Egyptians at Carchemish leaving no obstacle to prevent the Babylonians from marching worth.The Babylonians army capture Judah/the cities/forced king Johaiakim to accept Babylonians controlAfter three years of Babylonians rule, king Hohaiakim tried to overthrow the Babylonians rule (but he died suddenly) he was succeeded by the his son JehoakimThe Babylonians army returned to Judah and surrounded the city of Jerusalem.In 589 B.C the Babylonian army returned to Judah and surrounded the city of JerusalemIn 587 B.C, the Babylonians broke into the city/destroyed the city/the temple of Jerusalem/most of the temple who survived the destruction were deported as exiles in Babylon.

2. With reference to Jeremiah chapter 2: 14 -19, state Jeremiah’s five Responses to God’s call.Jeremiah was hesitant/said he did not know how to speakHe was afraidHe was not readyHe felt immature because he was youngHe had dialogue with God/talked to GodJeremiah saw two visions, which chamber his attitude towards Gods mission for himHe accepted to be sent

3. With reference to the teachings of Jeremiah describe how the Israelites Were encouraged to live in hope during the Babylonian exile.

Jeremiah taught that the Israelites would be restored. when they came back from exile, they, they would be restored when they came back from exile, they would prosperThey would live in peaceGod would increase their number by them having many children/encouraged to marry/get children.They would worship him alone/they would be people/he would be their GodThey would live forever in the land God would give themGod would give them a king from David’s lineage who would rule wiselyThe exile/suffering would not last forever/god had good plans for them/exile is God’s plan.People would cry to God/he would answer their prayersThe law will be written in their prayersThe law will be written in their heartsThey will know God individuallyTheir sins will be forgivenIndividuals will be responsible for their own sinsJeremiah encouraged them to build horses/plant gardens so as to prosperThey were encouraged to seek peace with their captors.Jeremiah‘s purchase of land spelt out hope for the future.

4. What problems did prophet Jeremiah encounterHe was arrestedHe scroll was burnt by king Jehoiakim He was thrown into cistern/wellHe had difficulties in convincing the people that his message was true from Yahweh/faced oppositionHe was beatenHe was insulted/referred /to as a traitor/mocked/ridiculedHe was barred from going to the templeHe was put in prison/dungeon/detained

5. What problems did the Israelites face during the Babylonians exile?They lacked adequate food/famineAdapting to a new environmentFollowing/keeping the Babylonian officialsThey lost their identity/discriminatedThey were turned into refugees in Egypt, Moab, Edom, Ammon etcThey were not unitedTheir religious loyalty to god was underminedThey lacked places for worship/religious festivalsThey were influenced into idolatryThere were false prophets

6. Identify the evils that prophet Jeremiah condemnedHe condemned prostitutionHe condemned tribalism Corruption and bribery Robbery and murder Exploitation of the poorInjustice denied to the poorSelling of goods unfit for human consumption to the poorSelling into slavery those who could not pay their debtsThe oppression of the poor and the weakTaking of bribes mostly in courtsCheating in business by use of false scale.The law will be written in people’s hearts and not on stone tabletThe new covenant will be between an individual and God/personalThere will be individual responsibility/punishment for those who sinThe new covenant will be everlastingThe new covenant will be universalThere will be forgiveness of sins/they will not be rememberedThere will be no mediators between God and individualThe new covenant will be fulfilled in the coming Jesus Christ. salvation/relationship

8. Identify the symbolic acts used by prophet Jeremiah’s demonstrate God’s Judgment and punishment to the IsraelitesBuying a new linen waist cloth and burying a new linen waist cloth and burying it in a cleft of the rock Jeremiah 13:1-11Jeremiah was not to marry Jeremiah 16:1-18The reworking of the vessels by the potter Jeremiah 18:1-17The breaking of the earthen flask before the elders Jeremiah 19:1-15He was shown two baskets of figs. One with good figs and another with bad figs. Jeremiah 24: 1-10Wearing of the yoke Jeremiah 27: 1-15

9. (a) Explain the significance of the symbolic act of buying land by Prophet Jeremiah (8 mks)

i. It showed the people of Judah still had a future despite the coming crisis/Judas will regain freedom after congest

ii. It was an assurance that the people would be restored back to their homeland/reclaims their land

iii. It demonstrated that the people would resume their normal lives/construct homes /cultivate land/own property

iv. Divine judgment was not an end to itself v. Restoration was to take place at God’s own time/God was to determine when the people would be restored back.

vi. The people had to wait patiently for their return from exile.

vii. It showed that God was loving/faithful/was to keep his promise of restoration/bring them back to their ancestral land.

viii. It made them feel secure/they were not to lack anything.

(b) Outline the sufferings of prophet Jeremiah during his ministryPeople of his home town wanted to kill himMembers of his own family turned against him and betrayed him.He was not to marry thus lived a lonely lifeWas not supposed to join feasts or mounings to symbolize the suffering of JudahWas ridiculed. Mocked and reproached wherever he went Prince Pahsur had him beaten and put in stocks overnight.He was arrested and imprisoned in a dungeonHe was put in cistern with no waterPeople ignored his propheciesHe was distressed because the wicked prospered and the faithless lived comfortablyHe walked around carrying a wooden yoke-this made him tired

10. Explain the differences between the old covenant and the new covenant as foretold by prophet JeremiahThe old covenant was made between god and the entire community while the new covenant would be between God and individualIn the Old Covenant, laws were written on stone tablets and this was external but in the new covenant, the laws would be written in the hearts of the peopleThe Old Covenant, stresses on collective responsibility for sin while the new covenant an individual would be responsible for his or her sin.In the old covenant, the teachers of the law and parents were expected to pass the laws to the children. In the new covenant there would be little parental obligation for the knowledge of God is by personal experienceIn the Old Covenant, animals were sacrificed while in the new covenant Jesus would be the ultimate sacrifice.The Old covenant involved a mediator while the new covenant did not require a mediator since an individual would havea personal relationship with God.In the new covenant, a man would be reconciled with God through permanent forgiveness of sin while in the old covenant, there was a temporary forgiveness of sins.In the old covenant, the prophets taught the people about the will and character of God. In the new covenant the true knowledge about the will of God would be in the hearts of the peopleThe new covenant would be based on man’s free response while the old covenant was based on enforced laws or commandmentsThe old covenant was between God and Israelites while the covenant is universal

11. List reasons why Jeremiah has been called the “suffering prophet”.People of his home town wanted to kill himMembers of his own family turned against him and betrayed him.He was not to marry thus lived a lonely lifeWas not supposed to join feasts or mounings to symbolize the suffering of JudahWas ridiculed. Mocked and reproached wherever he went Prince Pahsur had him beaten and put in stocks overnight.He was arrested and imprisoned in a dungeonHe was put in cistern with no waterPeople ignored his propheciesHe was distressed because the wicked prospered and the faithless lived comfortablyHe walked around carrying a wooden yoke-this made him tired

12. State the qualities of God learnt from the call of prophet Jeremiah

13. Describe the sufferings and lamentations of JeremiahAfter Jeremiah relayed god’s message to the people his own people and relatives plotted to kill him, this hurt and disturbed himHe was disturbed by the fact that the wicked were prosperous and the dishonest succeededHe did his work faithfully and as a result people disliked and hated him. He felt lonely and unhappy and he cursed the day he was bornJeremiah was mocked and laughed at by his people asking him why they were not seeing any fulfillment of what he was saying.when Pashur, a priest hear Jeremiah preaching, he had him beaten and locked up in the temple for a nightJeremiah’s prophecy of the destruction of the temple angered the people and they called him a traitorJeremiah suffered more by being put into prison after he was beaten and accused of siding with the BabyloniansHe was thrown into a cistern with no water in it but only mud to die there. Jeremiah’s wearing of a yoke around his neck annoyed false prophets 14. (a) What prompted Jeremiah to give the sermon at the temple gate

(b) What lessons can Christians learn from teaching of Jeremiah in the temple sermonChristians should denounce hypocrisy e.g. shouldn’t pretend to be upright in public yet in secret engage in corruption, sexual immorality etc.Christians should speak out against modern idols like money, power drug abuseChristians should condemn destruction of human life and violence in general e.g. abortion, murder/must uphold sanctify of human lifeChristians must be aware of existence of false teaching and prophesies in their midst and should guard themselves not to fall into their traps. Christians should pray for God’s guidance to distinguish true from false prophets condemn dishonestyChristians should strive to be trustworthy and condemn dishonesty.Christian to practice justice in their relationship with others and so preach against all forms of injusticesChristians should not result to witchcraft, divination or sorcery when faced with problem in lifeChristians should proclaim divine judgment on those who refuse to obey God’s will.

Chapter Six


Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Outline the problems that Nehemiah encountered in rebuilding the wall of JerusalemThe officials of Tekoa did not co-operate with himHe was ridiculed by San ballat and Tobiah.He received threats of violence from the enemiesA trap was laid to derail his mission of rebuilding the wallThere was a plot to kill himInsecurity from the enemiesFalse prophets tried to discourage himOpposition from the Jewish noblesFalse accusation from his enemies.

2. (a) Explain the different occasions when Nehemiah prayed ( 8 mks)Nehemiah prayed when he learnt about the suffering of the Jews back in Judahwhen his enemies ridiculed the Jews to discourage them from rebuilding the wall of Jerusalemwhen he learnt about his enemies conspiracy to attack Jerusalem to stop the constructions workAfter his condemnation of oppression of the poor, Nehemiah prayed asking God to reward him.when his enemies plotted to destroy him to stop the rebuilding of the wall when Sheheiah attempted to Frighten him asking him to hide in the temple because there was a plot to kill himwhen he cleansed and re-organised the temple liturgy for effective worship of YahwehAfter cleansing the Israelites of foreign influence

(b) In what ways did Nehemiah demonstrate qualities of a good leader during His time? (7 mks)

i. He was hardworking/committed to his work

ii. He faced opposition/challenges courageously

iii. He prayed and consulted God in all situations

iv. He had vision/foresight for the nation/Jews

v. He recognized other peoples’ abilities/allowed them to perform different duties.

vi. He was concerned about the life of his people

vii. He was patriotic

viii. He made wise/firm decisions in different circumstances

ix. He was honest x. He served as a role model/participated in the rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem

xi. He endured persecution

(c) What is the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian today? (5 mks)

i. It enables one to gain power over temptations

ii. It expresses one’s obedience before god

iii. One is able to give thanks to God for the many blessings

iv. So as to ask for god’s protection/care in all that one does

v. In order to ask for forgiveness for the wrongs done

vi. One is able to intercede for others

vii. In order to show/acknowledge god as the provider of everything

viii. So as to praise/glorify/exalt god

ix. To seek for guidance/direction for god

x. One is able to communicate with god

xi. It expresses humility between God

3. (a) Relate six occasions when Nehemiah prayed

(b) Explain the importance of prayer in Christian life 4. How did Nehemiah leadership qualities assist him in dealing with the problems he encountered 5. Give the similarities in the life and experiences of Nehemiah and Jesus Christ 6. Outline the reforms carried out by Nehemiah after Babylonian exile.He denounced marriages between Jews and foreignersHe purified the temple after sending away the Samaritan Tobiah who had been residing in the templeHe reorganized the tithing systemHe made up a panel of four to look into the distribution of tithes to priests/Levites/musiciansUpheld the law of the SabbathCommanded Levites to guard the temple against tradersMade Jews to the loyal to mosaic law. 7. State leadership qualities that a modern leader can learn from Nehemiah.

Leaders should trust in god and seek his guidance.Should be prayerfulShould have courageShould work hard and be committed to their dutiesShould set their goals and organize their activitiesShould seek wisdom from God.Should be concerned with the needy Should be patrioticShould seek God first and be good role modelShould condemn all forms of injustices in societyShould be honestShould have a spirit of team workShould have comparison.

Form Four Work Chapter 1

Introduction to Christian Ethics Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. State the difference between the traditional African and modern attitude towards marriage.In traditional African Communities marriage is a rhythm of life through which everyone must undergo. Today a person can decide to marry or not marry.Procreation as a purpose for marriage is more emphasized in traditional communities than modern society where marriage is regarded complete even without childrenPolygamous family is highly respected in Traditional encouragedIn Traditional society, the husband is the head of a family but in modern society, the husband and wife tend to be seen as complementaryChoosing a marriage partner and marriage arrangement were a collective responsibility in traditional communities but today marriage is mainly seen as an individual affairsIn Traditional African Communities the significance of dowry was social and religious. Today, too much economic significance is attached to dowryIn Traditional African Communities people looked for a marriage partner who was hardworking /strong/healthyToday marriages are highly commercialized and qualities looked for are riches, education and beauty.

2. (a) Discuss the measures taken by the traditional African Communities to discourage Pregnancy before marriage.Should provide pastoral care/guidance and counselingAccept them in churchProvide them with material help where necessaryVisit themPray with them involve them in church activitiesEncourage them to get marriedInvite them to church seminars on family life

(b) What factors- have contributed to sexual immorality among the youth in Kenya today?

3. (a) Discuss reasons why members of Christian families in Kenya find it difficult to harmoniously live together. (10 mks)UnfaithfulnessMisuse of family resourcesLack of communicationChild abuse e.g. raping, beatingAlcoholism/drug abuseSeparation of family members e.g. due to wage/labour/education Denial of conjugal rightsSickness e.g. AIDS, Cancer etc Child delinquency Lack of tolerance/forgivenessGreed for wealth/self esteemReligious finalism/denominational differencesTraditional inhibitions /influencePeer group influence/permissivenessGeneration gap.

(b) Explain how the church strengthens family relationships today. (7 mks)Through guidance and counselingHold seminars/conferences for couples, youths and children.Through publications on Christian living e.g. magazines, books etcUse of mass-mediaThrough publications on Christian living e.g. magazines, books etcUse of mass-mediaThrough offering pastoral care in homes/house to house visitsGiving financial support to needy familiesOffering employment to the joblessProviding vocational training /skillsPraying for families.

4. Reasons why taboos were important in traditional African CommunitiesGuided an acceptable eating habits/disciplineOutlined social relationships/kinship ties Respect for elders /leadersMaintenance of respect for GodHelp in maintenance of dignity/integrityGuided an acceptable eating habits/discourages vices such as gluttony, greediness etcCreate harmony /maintain law and order/promoted peace in society.

5. (a) State ways in which sex is abused in Kenya ( 6 mks)Sex before marriage-fornicationSex outside marriage- adulteryProstitution, bestialityHomosexuality lesbianism/sodomy/oral sexPornographic literature/mass media/use of technological devices in sexMasturbation, IncestRape/defilement of the underage

(b) Describe the problems faced by the family living with a member who is living with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). (7 mks)Social stigma/suffers isolationEconomic crises due to high rate of opportunistic diseasesPoverty due to medicationSuffers depression as they watch their person wear offThey condemn the person as a sinnerThey haveto exercise high hygienic standards to ensure safety of other membersSuffers a drawback in their occupation as most time is spent caring for the patient Struggle a lot to provide required diet for proper maintenance Pretend to show love though they suffer bitterness inside themselves Quarrels/misunderstanding within the family.Quarrels/misunderstanding within the family

6. (a) How was marriage formalized in traditional communities ( 8 mks)Giving bride price as a token of appreciation to bride’s familyExchamber of gifts among the family members performed religious ritualsHeld ceremonies where food and beer were shared among friends and families.Exchamber visits by the families of the bride and the groomMarriage negotiations were heldCelebrations through songs and dancesOathing.Virginity of bride to be proved.

(b) Why was polygamy common in traditional African communities? (8 mks)Many children were viewed as a source of wealth.Effective family planningTo ensure unity in the communityTo acquire wealth through bride priceChildren ensured security in old ageThe more the children the longer the immoralityTo reduce irresponsible sexual behaviour such as adultery, prostitutionCurb barenessOne’s social status was measured by the number of wives one had Co-wives worked as a team to boost man’s wealth To avoid getting children of one sex Land was plenty to accommodate large familiesDue to high mortality rate due to epidemics thus one needed to marry many wives (c) State the role of parents in traditional African family. (9 mks)

(a) Give reasons why pre- marital pregnancies were rare in traditional African communities (12 mks)

(b) State the causes of prostitution in Kenya today (8 mks)

(c) What is the role of a midwife in traditional African communities? (5 mks)they helped pregnant women in delivery servicesThe midwives took care of the weak mother and childThey gave advice to the parents of the mother on ways of bringing up the child

8. (a) Outline ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in traditional African communities (12 mks)A relative/mediator identifies a girl from a family and suggests to the family of the young manParents make decisions for their children when still youngParents make decisions for their children when still youngParents of the boy visits the parents of a girl to ask for her hand in marriageThe young people could court and choose who to marryThe first wife chooses a girl for her husbandBride dowry could be paid to a family well in advanceA young girl can be given as a gift to another familySome exchange the girls from the two familiesOne could inherit a brother’s wifeA young girl could be given as a way of settling disputes/replace the one who had died /paying debits.

(b) Explain why divorce is rare in traditional African communities (6 mks)Marriage is permanent/highly valuedThere is investigation concerning the family to be involved in the marriages/courtship allowed in some communitiesMany people are involved in marriage negotiationsThe wife belonged to the husband and the larger communitiesPayment of dowry and children seal the marriageElaborate marriage procedures makes it difficult for one to divorceFear of paying fines/returning bride wealth in case divorceMarriage disputes are handled by parent/eldersIn case of bareness/impotence an alternative is sought e.g. PolygamyBoys and girls are taught about sexGender roles are clearly observed

(c) Identify the effects of divorce on children in Kenya today (7 mks)Loss of parental loveCan lead to school dropoutsChildren run away from home-become street childrenCan lead to child abuse/labourMany engage in prostitution/crime to produce for themselves Lead to disease/death

9. Identify in which Christians assist people who are living with HIV/AIDS. (5 mks)Praying for them/preaching to themGuiding and counseling themProviding medical services for themProviding basic needs for both the infected and family membersEducating them on ways of avoiding re-infection and teach them to live positively.Initiating income generating activities to provide employment for themPreaching against discrimination/advocating for legislation to support their existenceBuilding homes and shelters for themVisiting them

10. (a) What are the advantages of monogamous marriages? ( 8 mks)It enhances conjugal rights in the familyIt upholds dignity of the family members. Children respect their fatherSecurity is enhancedLove is dividedIt eases wrangles on property ownership/inheritanceIt is a covenant protected by god/the stateLaw and order prevails in the family/there is unityIt reduces chances of being infected with sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDSProviding for family needs is easierIt is easier to develop mutual confidence/trust among family members It reduces delinquency among the childrenThe woman takes pride in the marriage

(b) Give reasons why the church is involved in the fight against HIV and AIDs.It’s a continuation of Jesus’ works of healingThe church has a duty to guide and counsel/promotes moral values in the societyTo cater for infected/affected members of the communityTo conserve god’s creationIt’s the duty of the church to help reduce human sufferingTo promote economic developmentTo promote peace in the family/co-existence

11. (a) Outline the Christian teachings on marriage ( 6 mks)Marriage should be between a man a womanMarriage should be monogamousHusband should love the wifeHusband and wife should be complementary/help each otherMarriage should be for companionshipHusband and wife should be faithful to each otherConjugal right should be enjoyed in marriage/sex should only be for married couplesThe wife should submit to the husband Husband and wife should respect/cherish each other Marriage is permanent/it is a commitment/ no divorce Marriage is God’s plan for human beings /it was instituted by godThe husband and wife should cleave to each other/become one/one fleshMarriage provide for procreation/Multiplications

(b) How should Christians prepare for marriage? (8 mks)Pray to god for guidance in getting a partnerIdentify the person to marryInform the parents/guardians about the person to marryPropose to the would be spouseInform the church leaders about their marriage plansAttend seminars/counseling sessions on marriageVisit the parents/family of the would be spouse to discuss marriage arrangements/get consentMake arrangements to give dowryArrange with the church on when the marriage can take place/fix a wedding dateIdentify the marriage witnesses/best man/maid /best coupleEnsure there is availability of finance/resources

(c) Give reasons why some Christians break their marriage vows?Due to unfaithfulness/adultery Lust/covetousness Financial constraints/povertyPressure from in lawsLack of faith in GodInfluence from friends/peersLack of guidance and counselingLack of children/barrenness/having children of one sexHypocrisy/pretenceEffects of mass media/foreign culturePoor role modelDenial of conjugal rights/dissatisfaction

12. Explain the Christian attitude to human sexuality ( 7 mks)Sex is sacredMan and woman are created for companionshipA woman was created to complement manThe man and woman share the image of God/are equalThey become one in marriageSexual intercourse is life giving and procreation Human beings have the ability to control sexual desires All forms of irresponsible sexual behavior are condemned

13. State the disadvantages of single parent family today (8 mks)

Loneliness Lack of mother/ father figureExperience identity crisis/psychological problemsSocial problem/humiliation/teasingLack of acceptance by communityEconomic hardshipsProblems in adopting to marriage life/when they finally marryLack of sexual satisfaction.

14. Give reasons why the church is against gay marriages ( 6 mks)It interferes with God’s intention for marriageIt is an unnatural union/ abuse of the sacredness of sexIt goes against Christian ethics and African values/lack of moralsIt is dishonorable to God/sin before godGod created a man and a woman for procreation/procreation is not practical between same sexesIt lowers the dignity of human beingsIt is a form of sexual immorality/condemned in the bible It can lead to spread of diseases.

15. Give reasons why defilement of minors is on increase in Kenya today. (5 mks)

Permissiveness in the society Lack of self controlInfluence form mass mediaMental illness/stressErosion of African cultureFalse religion/devil worshipping/strange cultTo avenge for oneselfBreakdown of religious valuesIrresponsible parenthoodDrugs and alcohol abuseIndecent dressingLeniency on the part of law enforcement agencies to the offendersIdlenessPoverty/unemployment

16. Why do Christians condemn incest in society? ( 5 mks)The bible condemns itIt is against god’s commandCan create family conflictsIt can cause psychological problems e.g. anger, guilt, shame e.t.c It is a disgrace to people involveChildren born out of incestuous relationship may have genetic problems Christians have a duty to condemn evil in society

17. Highlight the various causes of domestic violence ( 6 mks)UnfaithfulnessDrug abuse/alcoholOne partner engaging in child abuseGossip/peer influenceIn-law interferenceLack of sexual satisfactionPoverty / differences in incomeDifference in levels of educationMisuse of family resources by one partnerDifferences in religious faith/doctrine.

18. Outline ways in which church prepares its youth for marriage ( 10 mks)Offering guidance/pre-marital counselingCondemning pre-marital sexPraying with/for themOffering financial assistance for wedding preparationEmphasizing on church wedding/discourage elopement Church leaders setting an example for youth to emulate Organizing seminars/retreats/drama to educate themTeaching them about responsible parenthood/their roles as husband/wivesTeaching the Christian purpose of marriage

19. Give reasons why there is campaign for girl child education in Kenya today.(4 mks)Some parents prefer educating boys to girlsTo prepare them for leadership positionsTo empower them socially/economicallyTo provide them with equal opportunities with boysGirls and boys are equal in the eyes of godIn some communities, girls are married off at a very early age.

20. Explain the features of traditional African family ( 7 mks)ProcreationPolygamyWomen were subordinate to their husbandsDivorce was rareRelationships between in-laws were maintained wellMarriage promoted one’s statusMarriage was a covenant relationship and was not to be broken unless there were extreme problems

21. What are the causes of conflict in husband relationship? ( 5 mks)Lack of emotional satisfaction due to lack of love or sexual deprivationEconomic pressure/frustrations due to inability to meet basic needsJob /work pressure i.e. frustration due to inability to meet work conditions Differences on how to rear childrenNumber of children/sex of children /childlessnessDrug abuseUnfaithfulnessInterference from in-laws

22. Identify 7 factors that have made it difficult to curb the spread of HIV/ AIDs. ( 7 mks)Poverty/ unemploymentLack of role modelsSocio-cultural factors e.g. circumcision, wife inheritance, cleansing ritualsSeparation of spouses due to work, further studies/imprisonmentAvailability of pornographic materialsParental negligence/lack of guidanceInfluence from friends/peersBreakdown of moral valuesNegative influence of Western culture

23. How would you advice the youth on use of artificial contraceptives.( 2 mks)It may lead to deathMay lead to pregnancy as it is not 1005 effectiveMay encourage unfaithfulness May cause psychological effectsCan render one childless in future when one needs a childHigh chances of contracting HIV/AIDSNegative effects from hormonal contraceptives such as pills and injections e.g. cancer, bleedingConcentrate on studies first, there is time for everythingSex is sacred and only allowed in marriage.

24. List down the factors that one should consider when choosing a marriage partner today ( 5 mks)AgeFamily backgroundHIV status of a person/health statusEducation backgroundCultural/ethnic or racial backgroundEconomic/social status

25. Under what circumstances may some people justify abortion? ( 5 mks)when mother’s life is in danger.Pregnancy out of wedlockNeed to safeguard reputation of an individual the familyUnwanted pregnancies (as a result of rape)Need to allow the girl to continue with her educationExtreme economic hardship/povertyFailure of men to accept responsibilitiesNeglect of professional ethics by medical personnel Abuse and misuse of medical drugs Permissiveness in the society

26. How is the church helping the youth to ideal with temptation of pre-marital sex?Use of power of prayerAvoid staying alone e.g. in dark places with a person from the opposite sexGood guidance and counseling from church leadersChoose the right leisure activitiesRead the bible for enlightenment and encouragementRead literature on human sexuality to remove ignoranceAlways be busy/avoid idlenessObey god’s command on purity until marriageAvoid arousing each other e.g. kissingAlways be decently dressedAvoid watching pornography.

Chapter Three

Christian Approaches to Work Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Explain the relationship between work and leisure in the Christian contextBoth work and leisure were instilled by God during creation so they are both important to the life of human beingWork is exhausting so we need leisure to replenish lost energyWhile work is a means of acquiring basics for life leisure guarantees celebrate that which has been earned through workBoth work and leisure are God’s command (Exodus 20: 8)Doing work which is not our regular occupations can be a form of leisureWork can lead one into tensional/frustrations leading to depression. Well planned leisure activity may counteract the depressionSince god worked and took rest, human beings should also do the sameLeisure gives one an opportunity to perform work of charityTo a Christian, leisure does not mean to indulge in immoral activitiesLeisure gives us an opportunity to praise God for the work accomplished

2. Give five reasons why a Christian should not resort to strike action as away of presenting grievances ( 5 mks)Shows disobedience to lawful institutional authority which is against biblical teachingsDisrupts peaceful working atmosphereLeads to waste of time and resourcesCould lead to destruction of propertyMay lead to loss of life which goes against Gods commandmentsMay lead to sacking/unemployment/suffering of the individual and their dependantsLeads to bitterness/hatred /frustrations/revenge

3. (a) State 5 ways in which the church can promote self employment in modern Society ( 5 mks) Open more technical institutes for masons, carpenters, electricians.Provide guidance and counseling for positive attitude towards workEnhance sense of responsibility in workGiving them assistance in obtaining the equipment to staff small scale enterprises e.g. sewing machinesHelp them in obtaining premises for their business

(b) Give reasons why Christians condemn idleness (10 mks)God ordained workJesus condemned idleness in his ministry in the parable of the talentsIdleness may lead to antisocial activities e.g. beggarsIt dehumanizes individualsChristians should emulate Jesus example of hard workIdleness leads to one being a social parasite e.g. beggarsIt is a rebellion against gods intention for human beingsIt retards development of God given talents

(c) Explain factors that have led to unemployment in Kenya today (8 mks)The growth rate of Kenya’s economy is lower than the population growthInadequate land for those who want self employment in agriculture sectorInadequate funds to start economic venturesAdoption of lifestyles that do not promote development e.g. Drug addictionA great part of Kenya has low potentialWrong attitude instilled in the youth by the societyThe youth think they should only do the white collar jobsPoor job distribution where some people hold more than one job.Policies that allow foreigners to take up jobs which would havebeen performed by KenyansLow investment ability due debt crisis and conditions set by donor countriesApplication of redundant practices by both the government and the private sector i.e. RetrenchmentLiberalization of market which has led to influx of cheap goods thus leading to closure of some industriesCorruption/nepotism/tribalism.

(d) Outline steps the church in Kenya is taking to solve problem of unemployment (7 mks)Employ people as pastorsHas set up youth polytechnic to provide vocational trainingSponsors people through scholarship and bursaries to enable them acquire the necessary skills for employmentChurch ran training colleges/universities where people are prepared for different careersEncourage positive attitude towards all types of jobsEnhance establishment of institutions which provide employment opportunities e.g. schools, hospitalsProvides funds to start small scale income generating industries and projects.Sustain self-help groups by helping them to make products and market them thus creating job opportunities.

4. Give factors that a Christian employer should consider when making decision on salary for an employerHours of workEducation/qualifications of an employeeExperience of an employeeValue of workNeeds of the employee/state of economy of the countryDangers/risks of job to be doneProfits/returns of the workThe ability to payThe amount of work to be done

5. (a) Write down 5 consequences of denying employee restPoor working relationship/lack of respectLeads to exhaustion/fatigueCan result in poor health/deathCan result in go-slowThere is mistrust/need to be supervised so as to workCan lead to strikes/riots/violenceLeads to family conflicts/suspicion/divorceLack of time for spiritual nourishment/worshipLeads to negative attitude towards work

6. (a) Explain the factors that contribute to unemployment in Kenya today. ( 6 mks)

(b) i. High population whereby there are too many people for the available job opportunities.

ii. Lack of money to start individual businesses/unavailability of finances

iii. Some people lack skills which make them not to be absorbed in the job market

iv. Rural-urban migration-many people are congested in towns where job opportunities are limited

v. Foreign aid-dependence on foreign aid causes the donors to give conditions of employment that is lean service

vi. Selfishness/greed- some Kenyans have more than two jobs, while others lack

vii. Education system-Many Kenyans prefer white collar jobs after school and because of stiff competition for available spaces, many remain unemployed

viii. Negative attitude towards work-some Kenyans lack the initiative to do or participate in economic activities just idle around

ix. Unequal distribution of wealth. Some regions have more resources that create employment than other.

x. New technological advance that has led to retrenchment

xi. Highly qualified in preference to less qualified

xii. Insecurity/increase in crime discourages local and international investors

xiii. Bad governance/poor economic policies by government.

Give eight causes of conflict between the employer and employees in Kenya (8 mks)

i. Lack of respect to the employer by employers/vice versa.

ii. Employees not given time for leisure/leave

iii. Poor working conditions/environment

iv. when the employees do not receive their wage/not paid on time v. when employers fail to consider the welfare of employees allowances

vi. when employees fail to accomplish tasks within the expected time/poor firm management

vii. when employees are allowed to join trade unions

viii. Unequal chances of promotion/discrimination by the employer/lack of promotion

ix. Poor/low remuneration.

x. Sexual harassment by the employer

xi. Differences in religious affiliation between employer and employee

xii. Racial/tribal/ethnic differences may bring conflict

xiii. Misuse/destruction of property by the employee

xiv. Divulging the secrets of the employer/organization

(c) Discuss the role of a Christian during a strike (6 mks)

i. Not to take part in the strike

ii. Encourage other people to find better means of solving the problem

iii. To inform the authority of any grievances if they are not aware/mediate.

iv. To pray for a solution to the problem/seek God’s guidance for a solution to the problem

v. Should not take part in violent demonstration/encourage peaceful demonstration

vi. To report the matter to the nearest Police station

7. Discuss how children are abused in the work placeLong working hoursBeing underpaid or denied wagesPhysical and sexual abuseBeing to make a profession art of beggingBeing introduced into crime at an early ageDenial of health care and educationDenial of air their grievancesVerbal abuseDenial to go to church and fulfill their spiritual needs

8. Identify how Christians can deal with issues of child labour and neglect (4 mks)Practicing justice in the way they deal with workers Advocating for the rights of childrenEstablishing legal clinics that can’t take up court cases of child abuse through labour and neglectTeaching other about Jesus attitude towards children and calling them to be accountable for the way they treat childrenProsecuting those who contravene the law against child labourRescuing those who contravene the law against child labourRescuing children who are employed and neglected and providing them with shelter. Clothing, health care and educationHelping poor parents to take care of their children by providing them with jobsEducating parents that child labour, abuse and neglect is a crime and sin 9. Explain factors which result in strained relationship between employers and employeesUnderpayment/delay with paymentUnhealthy working conditionswhen employees are over workedRefusing employees to take leave/observe national holidaysLack of promotion/ salary increment/lack of motivation to employeesSome employers harass their employee sexually, abuses and quarrelsSome employees do not efficient/diligent in his workIf the employee is not royal/no respect for employer Employees are not efficient/diligent in his workIf the employee is not royal/no respect for employerEmployer not allowing employees to have freedom of expression

10. Explain the effects of industrial action on the employees ( 7 mks)Hatred amongst themselvesPhysical injuries/deathDeduction of salariesInterdiction of leaders at strike.Loss of jobFamily instabilityBad report and recommendation thus failure to get a job elsewhereFamily separation/divorce.

11. What factors lead to child labour? ( 8 mks)Desire for moneyPoverty due to unemployment or single parenthoodExploitation of children due to their ignoranceDropping out of school due to reasons like pregnanceLack of schoolingLack of guidance and counseling for childrenLack of guidance and counseling for childrenLack of role modelsCultural values e.g. children drop out of school once they are circumcised Lured by employersBeing homelessAttraction to urban areasAvailability of cheap labour from childrenPermissiveness in society

12. In what ways has the Kenya government encouraged self employment? ( 7 mks)Creating enabling environment to borrow loans to finance businessesExpanding Jua kali/informal sector.Organizing trade fairs/shows to present goods produced locallySeminars/workshops held to train self employed peopleCreating trading/business zones in towns that charge lower taxesCurrent 8.4.4 education is geared towards self employmentFunding by the government through the ministry of youth affairs.

13. Discuss the Christians teaching about work ( 8 mks)Christians should work in order to fulfill god’s commandThose who do not work should not eatChristians should work in order to provide for their basic needsPeople should work to help the poor/needyChristians should work so as to follow Christ’s exampleThey should work in order to pay tithes to promote God’s workWorkers should be paid their dues/should not be exploitedLaziness is condemned

14. Give the qualities of a good workerDiligence/hard work Honesty, integrity Faithfulness/commitmentResponsibility, Loyalty, ToleranceCooperation

15. Explain the Christian teaching on wages ( 7 mks)People should be paid for their work as agreed upon.Workers should be paid wages commensurate to the amount and value of work doneEmployers should not take advantage of poverty of the employees/hired labourHuman beings should not be enslaved to workEmployers who defraud their workers in wages are condemnedOppression of the poor is condemnedWorkers wages should never be with held

16. Explain the role of professional ethics in societyThey guide employees in their relationship with the clientsThey help in maintaining the public image of the profession which must be goodThey caution on influential person against pressure from certain individuals to reveal or disclose professional secretes or confidential informationThey regulate the profession and upheld the dignity of individuals in the organizationThey help members of society/clients to develop confidenceThey outline the behavior/competence expected of a worker of a particular profession For good relations between him/her colleagues.

Chapter Four Christian Approaches to Leisure Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Identify 5 reasons why the taking of alcohol as way of spending leisure is condemned ( 5 mks)It leads to conflicts/quarrels within the familyMisuse of family resourcesMay lead to addictionLeads to irresponsible sexual behaviors e.g. prostitution. Adultery, fornicationCould lead to loss of incomeMay lead to irresponsibility which leads to divorce/separation/crimes etcLeads to accidents such as motor accidents

2. Write down 5 ways in which modern Christian use their leisure time ( 5 mks)Organize/attend religious seminarsVisit/pray for the sick/prisonersParticipate in church choir/concertsOffer services to the agedRead religious literature e.g. bibleKeep the church and its environment cleanhavefellowship with other ChristiansInitiate self-help projects to assist the needyProvide guidance and counseling to the communityPreach the work of GodVisit relatives and friendsBe with family membersListen to Christian preaching/songs on Christian films/video

3. Give 5 ways in which drug abuse could affect a Christian family ( 5 mks)Drains family resourcesFlights in families may occurLeads to diseaseLeads to family break ups/separation/divorceIt reduces ones capacity to be productive in the familyResults in making wrong decisions/judgmentLeads to denial of conjugal rightsLeads to loss of religious valuesLeads to poor role model for childrenLeads to crime/imprisonment

4. Identify ways in which Christians can overcome temptations to drug abuse. (5 mks)Practicing self controlPraying against being temptedSeeking guidance and counselingAvoiding the company of those who misuse drugsReading literature on the correct use of drugsParticipating in activities that promote proper use of drugs/healthy activities.

5. (a) Why is leisure important in the life of a Christian youth? (12 mks)Gives one time to visit the sick/needyFor dedicating oneself to God/worship GodProvide an opportunity to fellowship with othersIt allows one to develop the different talents given by GodIt gives one an opportunity to meet new friends/familyOne is able to read the word of God.Provides an opportunity for one to preach/evangelizeProvides an opportunity to guide and counsel others and be guidedProvides one with opportunity to take care of the environment

(b) What factors have contributed to the misuse of leisure in Kenya today?Too much money/wealth/availability of drugs /contraceptivesInadequate facilitiesLack of proper guidance/education on how to use leisurePovertyInability to make right decisionsBad company peer pressurewatching /reading pornographic materials/negative mediaMisunderstanding in families/frustrationsInability to balance between different activitiesPermissivenessLack of role modelsIdleness/boredom/unemployment

6. State the factors that have led to the misuse of drugs in Kenya today. (7 mks)Poor role modelsStress/depression/rebellionPeer pressure/curiosityInfluence of mass mediaAvailability of drugs/wealthIrresponsible parenthoodLack of guidance and counselingCorruption/greed.PovertyMoral decay/permissiveness in the societyLack of knowledge/ignorance on use of drugsIdlenessUrbanization/west culture

7. In what ways can a drug addict be assisted to overcome the problem? (6 mks)

li> Making guidance and counseling services available to the youthSensitizing them on the dangers of drug abuse/addictionEnhancing laws against drug abuseBy enforcing laws dealing with drug abuse so that drug peddlers are prosecuted in a court of laExposing them to religions activities/positive leisure activitiesSet good examples by elders through avoiding drug abuseEncouraging them in productive activities to avoid idlenessShow love to drug addicts

8. Outline the purpose that may lead to misuse of leisure in a modern society (8 mks)Failure to collect and balance passive and active leisureMisunderstanding in the familyPoor planning may lead to overindulgingPoverty/too much wealth Feeling of insecuritySocial oppression/Injustice may interfere with people’s freedom to involve in leisureInfluence of mass media.

Chapter Five

Christian Approaches to Wealth, Money and Poverty Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. (a) Describe how wealth was acquired in traditional African communities.( 5 mks)Bride price was given as a token of appreciation to the girls parentsThrough barter tradeThrough inheritance of property from parents/guardians/relativesGifts were given in appreciation of talents/good conduct/loyaltyThrough warfare/raidsThrough marrying many wives/getting many children who provided labour forceThrough of skills like tool making/weaving/pottery/weldingThose with talents like medicine men/diviners/rainmakers sold their servicesThose who worked hard e.g. through clearing forests/breaking of virgin land enriched themselves.

(b) Explain how money economy has undermined the principle of Christian livingThere is use of corruption/bribery/ giving false witnessThe people are discriminated against because of povertyThere is power struggle to acquire wealth/riches and to protect isWages labour has undermined the family unitPeople sell family land and end up living in squatters There is rise of individualism/unwillingness to shareDependence on foreign and aid has underlined the virtue of hard work to earn a livingDevelopment of a class system in AfricaThere is rural urban migration leading to weakness in family unitBride price/marriage has been commercialized thus undermining loveStruggle to acquire wealth has undermined commitment to God.

(c) With reference to the proper use of wealth in the bible state various ways in which Christians in Kenya utilized their wealth.Through financing the spread of gospel.Contribution towards the construction of hospitals/schools/churches/homes for the old and rehabilitation centreProvision of formal educationProvision of professional trainingProvision of social services/amenities to the needyGiving tithes/offeringsPaying taxes to the governmentProviding for the family needs.

2. Explain the biblical teaching on wealth ( 7 mks)Riches acquired through just and fair means are not condemnedEven if wealth is acquired through just mean, it should not be idolizedFalling to use wealth to glorify God God is the source of all riches Wealth is acquired through obedience to Gods laws People ought to take care of their wealth/not misuse Wealth should be equally distributed and not contracted in the hands of a few Wealth should be used to develop the nation’s infrastructure 3. Discuss the biblical teaching on acquisition and use of wealth ( 7 mks)It is a blessing from GodWealth comes with responsibilitiesWealth can create a sense of false independenceIt should be acquired in just and honest wayWrong attitude to wealth lead to idolatryOne should seek spiritual wealth which is permanent and more fulfillingIt is wrong to discriminate other on basis of material possessionsChristians should share whatever wealth they haveWealth gives people independence so that they do not begWealth may bring suffering insecurityGod is the owner of wealth and people should realize that they are only stewardsThe wealth should not oppress the poor

4. Explain ways in which people misuse wealth in Kenya today ( 8 mks)It causes anger/hatredSome people can steal/grap in order to be at peace with those who haveIt widens the gap between the rich and the poorRegional/ethnic clashes can occur because of inequitable distribution of landIt can create disconnect/apathy among the peopleIt forms a basis for oppression of the poor by the rich/those who haveIt makes those who have look down upon those who don’t have 5. Show how misuse of wealth leads to family instability ( 5 mks)Indulge in alcohol and drugsEngaging in immoral practices e.g. prostitutionGambling which might lead to loss of wealthBeing luxurious/extravagantUnfair class competition among the wealthyUsing wealthy to promote crimeEngaging in risky/dangerous sports or projects e.g. motor racing, wrestlingUsing wealth to engage young people into immoral practices e.g. sex tourism

6. Give ways in which Kenyan government is alleviating levels of poverty( 7 mks)Offering fee education Provision of C.D.F.Allocation of bursary to the needyProvision of low cost health servicesCreating and enabling environment for employment in formal and informal sectors (easy access to loans)Providing youth fund through the ministry of youth affairs 7. State the factors that have contributed to high levels of poverty in Kenya today (7 mks)Geographical factors e.g. adverse climatic conditionsHistorical/colonialism and social factors e.g. poor family backgroundPolitical instability which may lead to civil warsPoor governanceRegional imbalance of natural resourcesLow levels of technologyUnemploymentLazinessOver dependence on foreign aidAbuse of alcohol and other drugsLack of formal education hence no employment

Chapter Six

Christian Approaches to Law, Order and Justice

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. State any 5 ways in which Christians in Kenya show respect to the government. (5 mks)Obeying the laws and observing the constitution of a nationWorking towards the welfare of a countryPerforming the duties expected of themPreaching against sin/evil e.g. tribalism, exploitationExercising their civil rights e.g. right to vote during electionsPray for the government and leaders, the welfare of the nationPreaching peace, love and reconciliationBeing peace, love and reconciliationBeing involved in charitable work to supplement government efforts e.g. helping the sick, poor, old and those with special needsWorking towards the establishment of good social relationship.Teaching people to obey the laws of godPaying taxes to the state.Christians serve in the government as civil servantsReport law breakers to the authoritiesCelebrating national daysAvoiding activities that undermine the government or lead to breakdown of law and order e.g. illegal strikes

2. State 5 ways in which Christians practice social justice ( 5 mks)

By sharing their resources with those who do not haveHelping the poor and the orphansVisiting the six, prisoners, bereaved, the oppressed and the depressedFulfilling their domestic obligationFulfilling ecclesiastical obligations and responsibilitiesPraying for peace and justicePointing out and correcting evil in the societyCalling for justice and rule of lawCaring for the environment

3. Give reasons why Christians should obey the law of their country ( 5 mks)In order to maintain peace/harmonyTo protect individual lives/propertySo as to imitate Jesus ChristTo Promote justice in societyTo be role models/live exemplary livesAvoid punishmentIts Christian duty to respect the authority.

4. What role can Christians play in the national elections? ( 5 mks)By praying for free and fair electionsBeing employed at various levels in and out of polling stations Being committed in playing different rolesBeing honest/not fearing intimidation/persecution Casting ones vote.Educating the masses on their civil rights/obligationsFinancing/assisting the government in facilitating smooth and fair electionsAvoiding situations of confrontation with the government of the day.

5. Identify 5 ways through which a Christian can help reduce the practice of corruption in Kenya ( 5 mks)Praying for the corrupt people to changeBeing a role model/avoiding taking part in corrupt activitiesPreaching to the people on the ills of corruptReport incidences of corruption to the relevant authorityEncourage people to adhere to the stipulated laws and regulationsPublish books/magazines on negative effects of corruptionOrganize seminars/conference/workshops for people to discuss solution to end corruptionCampaigning for better salaries to workersElecting honest leadersEstablish the causes of corruption.

6. Outline steps the church is taking to reduce lawlessness in Kenya today (12 mks)Church members obey the laws of a country.Educating people on civil rightsParticipating in constitutional reforms Condemning evil practices in the society Teaching church members responsible parenthoodDiscipline deviant members of the church Rehabilitating law breakersProviding material assistance to the needyPraying for peace and love to prevailProviding guidance and counseling servicesPaying taxes to support activities of the stateInitiating development projectProviding job opportunities

7. State 4 ways in which Christians in Kenya show respect for the state (5 mks)Praying for the nation/leadersObserving national daysObeying the laws of a countryPaying taxesWorking together on state mattersParticipating in electionsAlleviating povertyContributing to harambeesRespecting the flagPromoting peace

8. Give reasons why the church should condemns injustice in Kenya today (5 mks)The church has a moral responsibility to correct evil in societyIt’s a ways of emulating Jesus Christ It is against God’s teaching/lawsTo ensure fair distribution of human/natural resources In order to uplift human dignity/human rightsSo as to create peace/harmony /unity in societyTo promote national developmentTo guard against God’s judgment upon the nation. 9. Give reasons why Christians should vote during general electionsIt is their constitutional rightIn order to own their elected leaders/identify with themSo as to remove oppressive leaders/governmentIn order to effect a peaceful changeIt is demonstration of obedience to earthly authoritiesThe elected leaders are their direct representatives in parliamentTo demonstrate patriotismIt’s a duty to ChristiansTo ensure quality leadership is achievedIt is a sense of unity in national buildingIt is an opportunity to infuse Christians principles in the leadership of the nationIt is a sign of accountabilityHelps in development of the whole personIt is a service of humanity.

10. (a) State the rights of citizens in Kenya today (7 mks)Right to lifeRight to have basic needs- food, shelter & clothing Right to receive educationRight to marry/raise up a family/ belong to a familyRight to have freedom of association/assemblyRight to freedom of speech/receive information/expression.Right to own propertyFreedom of worshipRight to liberty/movementRight to work/earn a livingRight to medical care/healthRight to security/protection by the lawFreedom of conscience/right to vote

(b) Give reasons why Christians pay taxes to the government in Kenya (5 mks)To emulate Jesus who paid taxes to the roman authoritiesTo heed Jesus instruction to respect the civil authoritiesChristians pay taxes in order to receive service from the governmentTo provide essential servicesChristians pay taxes as a sign of patriotismChristians pay taxes as a way of sharing their wealth with othersIt is their duty to pay taxes to the governmentTo enable the government to meet its financial obligation

(c) How is the church helping to reduce the rate of crime in Kenya? (8 mks)

Providing guidance and counseling Preaching about love for one another in the societyRehabilitating law breakersProviding jobs/offering training opportunities to the people Giving loans to people to start businessesProviding recreational facilities for the youthReporting criminals to the law enforcement authoritiesDisciplining deviant members of the churchParticipating in government programmes established to fight crimeObeying the laws of the country/being role modelsPraying for peace/harmonyTeaching responsible parenthoodProviding basic needs for the needyCondemning evil practices in the society/teaching against crime

11. (a) Identify ways through which Christian promote justice in Kenya today ( 7 mks)Ways through which Christians promote justice in Kenya todayPreaching to/teaching people to havefair dealings with one anotherLiving exemplary lives/role modelsEncouraging the government/leaders to uphold the rule of lawCarrying out civic education for the citizens to know their rights and dutiesCondemning acts of unfairness in societyHelping in the rehabilitation of the law breakers/offering guidance and counseling servicesPraying for people to practice justiceParticipating in Law/constitutional making processAssisting the needy to get jobs/offering them jobsAsking those who have wrongly acquired wealth to return it pay backUsing mass media to promote justice

(b) Give reasons why Christians in Kenya are against the death sentence (5 mks)The law of god forbids killingDeath sentence is irreversible in case an innocent person is killedLife is sacred/belongs to GodKilling does not reform the offenderThe offender’s right as a human being is undermined as he/she is used as a means to deter othersIt is against God’s principle of forgivenessIt undermines Christian virtue of loveThe victim’s dependants/family are denied a chance to be with their loved oneIt can be misused by those in power to instill fear/discourage opposing views/eliminate others

12. (a) Give six reasons why it is important to have laws in a country ( 6 mks)Laws safeguard people’s rights/citizens’ rights People’s property is protected under the lawThey protect the consumer from exploitationIt allows/provides for economic development/growthIndividuals are able to enjoy the freedom of worshipThe law acts as a check/measure of those in authorityThe law outlines how foreigners should be handledThey control taxation/collection of revenueIt enables the government to protect its citizens against oppressionThe law determines the type of punitive measures for a crime done/prevent crimeIt ensures political stability in a country/nation. Order/peace/love/unityIt outlines the relationships between different nations/countries

(b) Outline six problems related to maintenance of law and order in Kenya today (8 mks)

li> Some legislators/parliamentarians do not observe law thus serving as wrong role models.There is a lot of unfairness/injustice when settling cases because of tribalism/nepotism/religious affiliation/gender.Intimidation/people in high offices use their power to influence certain decisions regarding law breaking.Economic inability makes the poor to resort to lawless to meet their need/unequal distribution of resourcesAvailability of dangerous weapons/guns in the wrong hand leads to insecurity/terrorism,. There are a few resources to cater for the ever growing population, thus leading to overcrowding/competition that overwhelms the established machinery People lack interest/do not care about other, hence don’t report cases of lawlessness/permissiveness in the society/drug abuseBribery/corruption has destroyed the credibility of the government officialsPeople havelost respect/trust for government/machinery /haveresigned to a life of hopelessness/fear of victimizationInterference from the civil society/human rights groups/activists who oppose government initiatives in maintenance of law and orderInadequate modern technology hampers maintenance of the lawInadequate skilled personnel to handle issues to do with law breakingPeople are not conversant with the laws of the countryGreed for power/wealth. Some people can go to any extent to acquire wealth even if it means breaking the law

(c) Identify ways in which Christians in Kenya help those who have been released (6 mks)Praying for themVisiting them so that they can feel wanted in society/invite them to their homesPreaching the good news of salvation to themShowing them care/concern Welcoming them into the churchProviding them with basic/financial needs(food/shelter/clothing/medication) Offering guidance and counseling to help them to reformInvolving them in community/church activitiesBy helping them to become self reliant by giving them jobs/survival skills. Listening to them/help them to solve their problemsCounseling their families to accept/forgive them.

13. Give the role played by the church in the political life of a nation ( 7 mks)

Taking part in general electionsInfluencing the removal of a bad and corrupt government by urging citizens to vote it outSeeking positions in government Condemning evils without fearPromoting the maintenance of law and order Promoting patriotismRespecting and obeying the authority since they are ordained by God Taking part in government functionsPraying for the leaders and nation as a wholeConducting civil education, to enlighten the people on their rights and duties. Standing for the truth at timeSupporting the government in all its endeavors to alleviate sufferingPraying the role of arbitrators when there are disputes when there are disputesPromoting peace where there are clashes or disturbances of any kind

14. Why is the church opposed to death penalty (capital punishment) as a form of punishment? ( 7 mks)Killing is a sinIt undermines human dignityGod is the only one who should take away lifeIt is a violation of right to lifeIt causes psychological torture to the family of the victimThe Bible teaches that we should forgive countless timesGod is the overall judgeAny form of punishment should be for rehabilitation yet capital punishment defeats this causeSometimes an innocent person may be killed which is irrepressibleDamages the image of god in the criminalIt denies the criminal an opportunity to repent

15. How is the church in Kenya co-operating with the state? ( 8 mks)Both the church and the state are involved in areas experiencing famine/both sponsors agricultural/extension servicesBoth provide medicine as both own hospitals in the countryBoth provide employment/government has many people in the civil service while the church has employed many people as church ministerBoth come together in solving problems like floods, fire which destroy slums in the citiesBoth participate in church and state functionsBoth are involved in training of personnel in various filds like in teachingBoth are involved in worship/many civil servants attend church worship all over that state has given freedom of worship to all its citizens.

16. State the remedies that can be put in place to minimize ethnicity in Kenya today (7 mks)Showing Godly love to all like JesusSensitizing people to appreciate and respect different ethnic groupSupporting educational and cultural programmes in a bid to promoting national unityDiscouraging tribalism through inter-ethnic marriagesPerpetrators of tribalism should be charged and punished according to the lawCreation of more national schools in the country so as to admit more students from every part of the countryUse a common language in the country as a unifying factorEncouraging domestic tourism through educating people on the benefits of visiting different parts of the country

17. What are the duties of Kenyan citizen to the country ( 7 mks)Duty to pay taxesTo show patriotism and respect for the flagOne is expected to learn and sing the national anthem during national celebrationsDuty to report the environmentResponsibility to work for the nation and for themselvesDuty to protect life

18. Show how a Christians can contribute to the maintenance of law and order ( 8 mks)Obey the authoritiesObserve all the lawsPay taxesReport errant members of society of law enforcement agents/authorityTake part in decision making of the nation like voting for the right representatives in parliamentWorking hardNot bringing people or receiving bribesPractice love and charity

19. Give reasons that lead people to commit crimes in Kenya ( 7 mks)Poverty-People resort to unlawful means of survival such as robbery, selling illicit brews and child traffickingPoor relationship between the laws enforces and the public undermines the effort to fight crimeRural urban migration-urbanization has led to the breakdown of African kinship system which helps in enforcing law and order t community levelIrresponsible parents haveabdicated the duty of bringing up their children to teachers and house helps. This means that the children may not embrace the necessary virtues in lifeGreen for money-they are not contented with that they havehence they are involved in criminal activities Drug abuse has caused people to lose the sense of judgment and engage in criminal activitiesUn-employment-both formal and informal employmentAvailability of armsLeniency of the law in matter of crime

Chapter Seven

Christians Approaches to Selected Issues Related to Modern Science, Technology and Environment

Past Kcse Questions on the Topic

1. Identify ways in which a Christian can show respect for life today ( 5 mks)Care for conserve the environment e.g. planting trees, grass or flowersAvoiding pollution of water, air and land by properly disposing wasteCaring for the less fortunate embers of the society for example helping the needyCondemning abortionDiscouraging capital punishmentPracticing responsible parenthood and discouraging child abuseSharing natural resources with the less fortunateDiscouraging capital punishmentProviding guidance and counseling on the value of life.

2. State 5 reasons why Christians are opposed to deforestation ( 5 mks)It destroys gods creationIt leads to desertification/destruction of catchments areasDenies the animals of the natural habitatIt is motivated by hman greed/selfishnessIt is against God’s command/human beings should take care of the environmentResults in environment pollutionAffects the source of traditional medicine It destroys natural beautyLeads to soil erosion degradation

3. Why is the church opposed to genetic engineering? ( 5 mks)It interferes with procreationIt may produce a race which is undesirableIt makes a man complete with godIt hinders god’s plan like marriageIt undermines human dignity as human beings are used as guinea pigsIt is done for selfish and individualistic gains and leads to misuse of resourcesIt eliminates the weak organisms and interferes with the balance of nature.It can lead to production of artificial human being who operates like machine without feelings.It can introduce cancer causing genes into a common infectious organism /can lead to transmission of HIV/AIDS.

4. State 5 ways modern science and technology undermined Christian teaching on respect for human life ( 5 mks)People are able to carry out abortions which lead to death of unborn/risk the mothers life/mercy killing/euthanasia.Cloning/test tube babies undermine human sexualityMachines fertilizers pollute the environment thus endangering the lives of human being.Vasectomy tube litigation undermines God’s purpose for procreation. Weapons of mass destruction lead to loss of life.Human beings havebeen rendered jobless due to modern science and technology.Accidents caused by machines and vehicles leads to loss of lives.Deforestation leads to depletion of trees/soil erosion/lower food production/hunger.Organ transplant/plastic surgery undermines God’s creation.Drug abuse

5. (a) What role has been played by science and technology in evangelization? ( 8 mks)Electronic media like ratio, TV are used to teach good news.Public address system is used to preach to a large congregationModern means of communication e.g. automobiles ease movement of evangelists.Recoded cassettes are used to preach through music/recorded sermonsModern musical instrument in music e.g. keyboards electronic guitars, are used as accompaniment in music.Telephone/postal services are used in running essential services of churchTypewriter/computers/printing machines have enabled evangelists to put their writing in texts so that they can reach out to more peopleTechnology in architecture/building technology has enabled churches to put up sanctuaries from where they preach.In medicine, churches have used modern technology to equip hospitals to treat the sick to carry out healing ministry.

Scientific research has enabled evangelist to come up with effective methods in spreading the gospel.

(b) Identify the effects of pollution on the environment (6 mks)Air pollution may cause respiratory problems for human beingsIndustrial affluent causes a major threat to humankind, aquatic life and plantsIndustrial pollution causes acid rainNoise pollution can causes stress and high blood pressure and deafness in humans.Garbage heaps especially in urban areas are hiding places for thieves so increase in crime rates.Air pollution cause adverse weather and domestic changes due to the chemicals emitted in the airThe depletion of the zone layer may cause skin cancer, eye damage and reduction of immunity making people prone to many infections because of the ultra violet rays.Water pollution which leads to people taking unclean water causes disease e.g. dysentery. Cholera and diarrhea which are major killers especially infantsDumping in rivers destroys the ecosystem

6. State ways in which Christians can contribute to the conversation of the government (8 mks)Understand that the environment was created and sanctified by God hence should be kept holyTeach others the importance of preserving the environment Make contributions towards the conservation of the environment e.g. planting of trees, building of gabionsParticipate in conservation projects e.g. digging terraces, cleaning the environmentSet an example in conservation of the environment e.g. keeping the environment cleanObservation of personal hygieneChristian should care for the Flores and fauna (plants and animals)Avoid buying and selling of products made from materials obtained through destruction of the environments e.g. tropies from game products and charcoal.Not to participate in activities leading to destruction of the environment

7. State 5 negative effects posed by science and technology on the environment (5 mks)Destruction of forests after cutting down trees for timber and paper industryIt results to ecological imbalances when eliminating harmful insects using D.D.TCareless disposal of waste from industries e.g. plastic bags, container making the environment unpleasantTrough industries harmful materials are emitted which result to air, watewr and land pollutionDestruction of trees/vegetation by acid rain released to the atmosphere from burning fuelsWater pollution through agricultural activities has let to contamination of fish/reducing the sources of food for manPolluted water is dangerous through recreational facilities Ozone layer has been destroyed through harmful chemicals from industries resulting to increased temperatures on the earth surface/global warmingDestroying has led to desertification thus turning arable lands to desert.

8. Explain how science and technology degrades human dignity ( 6 mks)

Scientific inventions have led to pollution and this has affected human dignity.It has been used to interfere with the original human biological function as intended by God e.g. use of contraceptives and drugsIt has led to unemployment e.g. use of computers replacing human labour Scientific theory of creation challenges Christian view that human beings were created by God.It has created social classes i.e. poor and the richIt has led to immorality through the internet pornographic magazines and T.V. programmes has been used to destroy God’s creation e.g. use of atomic bombsIt has endangered people’s lives e.g. through car accidents, plane crashesPeople use scientific and technological advances to humiliate other has been used to demean God’s creative ability e.g. cloning, sex change

9. What is the Christian understanding of the use of science and technology? (7 mks)Science should not replace man’s job i.e. use of computerIt should not be used to destroy human lifeIt should not destroy values about dignity of man and sanctify of life e.g. cloningIt should not be used to destroy the environmentIt should help man to appreciate the splendour of God/the beauty of God’s creationIt should be made to serve the needs of men for material and spiritual happinessIt should help man in solving problemsIt should be used to glorify God the creator, rather than for selfish ends.

10. Explain the importance of science of technology, to our society today ( 6 mks)Has helped to improve food productionHelped a high standard of living e.g. materials for building e.g. Mabati, clothing cultural development and sanitation.Has an improved global human relation has helped to enhance international tradeHas enabled man to subdue to the environmentHas enabled man to understand and control resourcesHas promoted research and eventually discovery of new things has promoted research and eventually discovery of new thingsHe brought in used of machines to help workers produce more with less effort has helped to improve transport and communication hence creating a global village

11. Outline 5 advantages which human beings have destroyed the environmentIt increases the rate of growth and maturity of livestock beneficial to human beings in livestock productsIt has aided research in manufacture of human growth a hormones It increase disease resistance in cropsTo originate generic finger printing for forensic work To produce genetically engineered bacterialHelps to identify/determine biological parents of a childIncrease in plant and animals yields for the benefit of an ever increasing human population